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Weekly Wiki Update - Sunday, September 14th 2014.

This weeks edition of the Weekly Wiki Update will probably be quite a bit shorter. Between getting some extra surprise hours at work and both Destiny coming out and finishing Dead Rising 3 I did not spend a whole lot of time working on the wiki.

This week instead of working on any specific goals I sought out some pages that were pretty much all but barren with no real information and try to give them at least the basic information and overview. In doing this I realized just how many pages have never been touched since this site started and that there are still many pages that are duplicates or compilation pages. I basically just went to games page and went to the last page which are the games that were edited the longest ago.

I also did a little bit of adding Steam Trading Cards and such to some games that did not have them yet, but did not have to create any pages for them.

I also went to the Sega Channel page, which I cannot remember for the life of me how I got there. Anyway I went through and added a lot more games that had appeared on the service that were not yet on the page.

Since I was playing Dead Rising 3 I also went to the page and added every object and concept I could think of as being in the game, which turned out to be a lot. I also ended up adding the location for Aduna Boxing Gym with the intentions of adding more.

One last thing I ended up doing was re-adding a bunch of associations to the Kinect Sports page as they had all been wiped. While I was there doing that I also changed some of the body text of the page to remove a lot of the word “you”.

Alright there you have it, this weeks not very fancy wiki update. So as always what are all you other wiki updaters working hard on? How about any new editors out there that maybe need some assistance?