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#1  Edited By BritishMiracle

why was my post deleted??

i asked 3 questions.

1 if ure xbox doesnt read disk too good is there a chance it wont read the writen CD?
2 what will it say if it does read the disk? (on the 1st tab of "my xbox")
3 if i already have the demo from a japanese account but want to use the disk method, should i delete the japanese demo 1st?

please dont delete my post this time i just need answers as ive already spend 5 hours trying to get the demo
and im fed up now,... i just want it.

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#2  Edited By BritishMiracle

i never acctually finished this game,... but i found it to be incredible!!! imagine having to scale a creature the size of a tower! and then stab it in the head
the word desolate has been used alot on this forum, and is the perfect word for this game, u felt like there aint no1 coming to help u
u gotta do this alone,... and you could do it on ure own, and you did do it on ure own,... what a hero that thing was huge!!!

oh god i gotta go get this game again!!

cya! (runs to used game store)

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#3  Edited By BritishMiracle

ok so i burnt a disk, but my xbox has a hard time reading disks sumtimes

my question is will this have an effect cause the disk is just a CD-R plus its only 700mb and the folder "Content" is a 702mb file (aint that a bitch!)
it wrote the file onto it and said it was succesful but i cant help but think is it cos my xbox is rubbish or coz that extra 2mb might be missing

also, im trying to load the cd whalst the dashboard is displaying the open tray tab in "my xbox" could sum1 explain how the message will look here once
the disk is loaded? cause it keeps saying "open tray" everytime i try to load it due to my xbox being a bag of shit,.... well,... a box of shit.

my final question is, if i tryed to download the demo thru the japanese account i have and was succsessful in downloading it but to late because
capcom put the region lock on,... so now i have the demo on my harddrive,... then i try to play the disk ive burned the demo onto,...
should i delete the japanese version of the demo before trying the disk method???

any help would be gr8tly appreciated


dont ask why im a miracle, i just fucking am ok!,...