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Ballex impression coming, once the release page is approved

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Early 2020 Community Spotlight mentions

I've been making a few wiki edits, reviews and lists behind the scenes here at GB. I figured it would take time for them to be noticed, especially the wiki edits which may pop up in search results at random points in the future. What I didn't know is that some of them were being featured in community spotlights. I remember one my lists being featured in one years back when I made it, and honestly I don't remember how I found out....maybe from a notification email. My latest features didn't come in an email and the ONLY reason I found out about these is because I saw the latest community spotlight featured the infamous ad from Forsaken and in my curiosity, clicked it only to find out my recent review of Forsaken Remastered was featured there. It would be neat if there was some way for you to be notified if your username was mentioned in a spotlight. I just signed up to the GB newsletter from an old email because maybe it is done so there.

So I'm using this blog post to stroke my eg..... I mean catalog moments I was mentioned in Community Spotlight recently.

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