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The real Citizen Kane games list.

Here's a list of my top 10 games that remind me of the hoopla that is the Citizen Kane comparison to Video Games. For those not knowing what's going on, here's Kotaku's article on the subject.


1. Grim Fandango

Heard of film noir, well, here's game noir.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Took the elements of a classic action adventure game and incorporated them into a 3D realm. Pure magic.

3. Half-Life

There were plenty of shooters out there and then came Half Life.

4. Grand Theft Auto III

The kid in me wanted to play in this sandbox and it did not disappoint my mature soul.

5. Super Mario 64

Platformers would never be the same again.

6. Resident Evil 4

B horror movie franchise that got a AAA action upgrade.

7. The Sims

Reality television became big in 2000, so did this game.

8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

As a reviewer once said, step out of the sewers and hello National Geographic wonderland.

9. Halo: Combat Evolved

The behemoth from Bungie brought multiplayer console gaming into the 21st century.

10. BioShock

Say what you will, but this game was a moving cinematic experience.