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DEVELOPER DIARY: New News Code Pushed

hey dudes -

just a quick heads up to let you all know that we just pushed out some new news code this afternoon. it basically takes our editorial news system and allows the articles from that system to become forum topics. simple. its basically the exact same thing as the blogs -- we're just trying to bring more (richer) content to the boards for you guys to see.

as w/ blog posts, comments on these articles will show up in both the comments of the article as well as the topic posts.

ping back w/ feedback / questions.

DEVELOPMENT DIARY: Change Password Form Fixed

quick update for you duders.... just wanted to let you all know that the password change code has been updated.

if you feel compelled to go change your password - you can do so in your profile preferences. to get there, click the preferences tab in your profile sub navigation:


from here, you will see a button in the right-hand corner of your screen that says 'Change Password'. click this and a window will popup allowing you to change your password. let me know if you see any bugs.



DEVELOPER DIARY: Trivia Enhancements

just some quickies for you dudes.

1. added moderation at the staff and mod level: mods can now remove inappropriate questions from the quiz (though there really haven't been that many at all - which is quite a testament to how awesome this community is)!

2. also added some crowd moderation tools  - so now, if you see a poorly written, inaccurate or generally bad question - you can vote it down. if the question receives enough votes - its removed.

3. fixed a few bugs on the back-end and added some pods around the wiki pages so that questions associated to specific wiki objects float up on that object's pages.

4. working on a few more leaderboard stats.... more on that later.

that's about it -- hope you guys have been having as much fun w/ it as we're having.

stay good team :)


Alrighty guys - we just launched a our new Trivia feature over the weekend (last friday really)! I'm really excited about it - and judging by how many of you guys are already participating in the game - I think its gonna be a really fun feature :)

We'll be making a more official announcement next week, but I felt like blogging about it to drop some of the details for you dudes:

The Game:
  • Its really just a never-ending trivia game. The trivia questions are submitted by you guys - and answered by the rest of the community. 
  • Its super simple, really fun, and kind of addicting. In fact, as we pushed it out last friday night, we were all sitting in the office having a few beers and trying to outdo each other's questions - just having a really good time w/ it.
  • The questions can be anything from multiple choice, to true/false, and you can embed images or even youtube clips in them. Get as creative and as challenging as you want.

The Leaderboards:
  • Along with the game itself - we wrote a fairly robust leaderboard system (this is where it really gets fun) - so you can see how well you're doing w/in the community.
  • The leaderboards calculate your rank based off a "Games Behind" algorithm (like baseball) but you can also see how has submitted the most questions, who has answered the most questions, etc.

Stuff We'll Be Adding:
  • So we pushed the trivia code out friday evening and it was really only Staff adding and answering questions -- and it was amazing to see how many of you dudes actually found out about it and started submitting questions w/ us.  We were basically running an open BETA this weekend and we have a lot of the major bugs/hacks worked out right now.
  • I'd really like to dig deep into the data to produce cooler stats / leaderboards for you guys - cause I really think that's when it gets interesting.
  • We'll be adding content specific leaderboards and quizes -- so if you're on the God Of War page, you'll be able to see where you rank w/in that specific content object.
  • We'll be adding question ranking -- so poorly written questions will be able to be 'buried' if enough users feel like its a bad question.
  • Ryan was thinking about adding a comedy rating on the questions - so we can see which of the questions are the funniest.

That's it for now -- I will not be working on trivia till monday - I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that its live and its out there - so submit questions - take the quiz and have fun!

Let us know what other features you would like to see as a part of this new feature?

DEVELOPER DIARY: New GiantBomb Footer

Just a quick update from the office.... some of you may have noticed this yesterday -- but we just added some new content to the GiantBomb footer (all of the Whiskey Sites will get this though). Basically, we'll be going through and promoting important/popular links in our footers. These links will be time sensitive and will sometimes link out to another one of our properties like ComicVine or PoliticalBase.

Nothing big here - just a quick update for you dudes.

BTW - I'm stealing Snide's thunder here, cause he's really the dude who threw it all together ;p

Here's a screenshot, but you can check it for yourself by scrolling to the bottom of any page on GB.




I've been a little dark lately - mostly because I've had my head down in data hell the past few days.

But there's always a silver lining -- finally finished up a bunch of data migrations (outlined here) and Dave and I decided to build a quick fun feature for you dudes!

I don't want to spoil the surprise, but its something that should be a lot of fun to play with and has been a lot of fun to build on our end. We were actually talking about it this morning and Dave was like, "You know you're building a good feature when its something you're excited to use yourself.".... and that rings absolutely true with this one.

Whoever can correctly guess this new feature (which, with any luck should launch later this week), gets first crack at Beta'ing it with us ;)

DEVELOPER DIARY: Small Feature For You Guys.....

Hey duders - 

Just a quick update on a smaller feature we just pushed. Made a little content pod under the sub nav of every game page that displays the 4 most recent guides for that game. We should have had something here since we launched guides - but its all good cause we got it in now.

Anyway, nothing too big - but if you're a guide author, hopefully this will get readership up on your guides :)

Other than that - pushed out some new code on ComicVine today and I'll be working on a pretty fun project for you guys this evening!



Happy Halloween Everyone!

had a great weekend down in san diego and i hope all you duders had a fun and safe halloween yourselves! how good is that video vinny put together. sometimes i feel so lucky to be able to work w/ such talented guys here.

be good!


My Stuff:
Well, nothing too special to report for you dudes. I've just been working out some kinks w/ the Blog / Forum code we pushed out earlier this week. Nothing too major - just some tweaks that needed to be made. Other than that - I've started migrating our News tools - so that our editorial staff (the guys downstairs and our comicvine eds) can all publish stories off the same platform. Ethan did a great job moving the system to our core framework, I'm just following up and migrating all the data over, etc..... Not my favy job, but it'll be nice to get everything on the same platform..... and I really should have built the original News tool this way in the first place - so I'm paying for past sins on this one.
The other devs:
Ethan's been working on our new site (which i think a bunch of you guys'll really dig). He's also been working on fixing the image uploader as well as a really fun community feature that'll go up across all of our sites.
Dave's been doing a bunch of CSS clean up and polish work - as well as some product road-mapping.
Andy, when he's not helping us all with our shit, has been working on getting the much anticipated API ready for beta. Drop him a line if you're a developer and you want to play with our data.
Maxwell has been working with Ethan on our new site - doing the front-end work -- and the dude just took off for Japan. Drop him a line if you want him to pick up some hentai for you ;)

We have a few fun things in the works for the community coming up though - I just wanted to drop you all a quick line to let you know what we've been working on.