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Games I Have Beaten In The Year 2014

And what I thought about them.

List items

  • Swaps out horror for pulp in a surprisingly fitting departure from the tone of the original game. The highlight of the game is certainly the video logs of Mr. Scratch which are highly entertaining.


  • Burial at Sea. Somehow manages to be even more disturbing than the original Bioshock. The final moments affected me more than a game has in a long time (or rather it would have if The Last of Us wasn't a thing)


  • Beat it the first time, but then it did it's bullshit time warp thing and made me go from thinking it was mediocre but competent to complete garbage. Setting fire to $40 is more enjoyable than this game.


  • Went in just wanting to shoot dudes and was pleasantly surprised. Strikeforce missions suck and all the Vietnam era levels are boring but the future stuff is pretty dumb in a great way with flying cities, jetpacks and the fist metal crackle.


  • I actually liked this more than Wolfenstein: TNO. It has a lot of similarities in how it plays and the general flow of the narrative but I prefered the abilities in this game and the more psychological elements of the story.


  • A cool game with perfect shooting and fantastic visuals. The story is pretty interesting if you spend hours reading the Grimoire Cards as well. Lack of content makes for a lack of motivation in the end game. Probably not worth the $500,000,000 they spent making and marketing it.


  • Patch 2.0 made this game a worthy sequel to Diablo 2.


  • Adds so much stuff to the end game it's crazy. Adventure Mode, Rifts and Seasons add exponential value to an already great game.


  • (Replay) Still amazing and the best actual videogame to use CryEngine. Too bad every version of the game is awful on the technical side.


  • Makes you care for every single one of your troops in a way that is peculiar for a game with this many characters. The actual gameplay is completely solid and all the art is stellar.


  • (Replay) Yearly tradition to play through this game. Love it to bits.


  • Worth playing but not exactly fun. No way I could go through it again on PS4 or PC. Online didn't grab me at all.


  • Fun little $2 dollar game. Basically Megaman with cowboys. Played it on 3DS and really liked it. Beat it with all 3 characters.


  • (Replay) Hadn't played it since launch and felt like playing a Halo game on PC. This fit the bill. Quite enjoyed it even if the Arbiter levels take all the momentum and pacing and throw them out the window.


  • Not a good game. It looks like garbage and is terribly unbalanced (Hyper Kabuto and Accel Trial break the game) BUT I had a ton of fun with it just playing as my favourite Riders and being able to switch forms mid match is a really cool system for a KR game, especially when you have multiple forms available like W, OOO and Wizard.


  • Really fun game if short. Looking forward to the new Wii U Zelda.


  • Almost the perfect Zelda game. Fantastic dungeon and item design, superb art direction, an actual story and the best combat in the series are only marred by technical issues and too much hand-holding.


  • (Replay) New yearly tradition. Platinum + Metal Gear is the greatest developer IP pairing since Pandemic and Star Wars.


  • Best stealth gameplay of all time. Light on content but better than having nothing until Phantom Pain finally comes out.


  • As wonderfully weird as the first game while making the gameplay fun.


  • Bit too easy but none the less a great game in the series. The final case is probably the strongest in the franchise.


  • Played the Y version. Really enjoyed it even if it was cripplingly easy until I found out there is literally no end game content.


  • I had high hopes for this game and it easily surpassed those. Liked it even more than Nocturne. Neutral is the only way to play.


  • Hard as hell and the story isn't quite as good as you would want it to be from the requisite time investment but a really solid game even with those faults. Still no 2 Break Record over here though which sucks.


  • I unlocked all the characters thus I beat it. This game being on a portable console removes the best part of Smash, local multiplayer. Still a really good game though.


  • I love this game. The art, the music, the gameplay, the story, it's all stellar. Better than Bastion.


  • Does not deserve the bad rap it's been getting. It's not revolutionary but it's certainly not bad or even mediocre. It leverages the core Ubisoft open world gameplay and gives you a bunch of cool tools to use. Also only one tailing mission, which is far better than AC4's dozen of them.


  • Better than TWD and was what the comics should have been.


  • Fast dumb shooter where you kill Nazis stylishly. Played the Wyatt timeline because all the footage (Quick Look plus fellow duder @amlabella's streams of the game) were of the Fergus timeline.
