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Word bitch, we out.

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Rapid Update In A Train-Of-Thought Stylee

Hey guys. Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still alive, and provide you with a brief update on the situation in the land of DanK. I have about twenty minutes spare, so I guess I'll just write whatever comes to mind in the time I have. Here goes:

  • I've developed an addiction to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I've been playing for 66 in-game days, and I've probably clocked up about thirty hours with it. I'm playing through with the character I outlined in my previous blog, currently at Level 19 with a couple of nice poisoned blades and a very nifty pair of stat-boosting gauntlets I found in one of the dungeons I looted. I've mostly been following the main quest, although I have been taking significant time out from it to focus on working for the Fighter's Guild and raiding the myriad caverns scattered around Vvardenfell. I've not even touched the additional content provided by the Game of the Year edition yet, so this could well keep me occupied for the next couple of months.
  • I decided to return to Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions on PSP after almost a year away from it (according to the save data I hadn't played it since September 27th last year) and I'm now determined to finish it. It still plays as well as I remember, although it's taking me a while to re-adjust to the steep difficulty and to get re-acquainted with the band of fighters I've assembled.
  • I traded in some games at Gamestation a couple of weeks ago. As much as I hate to do it, I'm in a really bad financial situation right now, so any money I can get out of anything is a bonus. All told, I got rid of fifty-three games for consoles including PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, PSP and DS. Apparently they're worth £43.85 cash. Talk about a rip-off. On the plus side, the sale of those games has pushed me over into having enough money for my first month's rent. There's good and bad in everything I guess.
  • I got my exam results for my first year at University yesterday. I passed, scoring 2:1s across the board (and consequently a 2:1 overall). While it doesn't count towards my eventual degree, I'm really happy with the results and I'm looking forward to going back to Colchester for my second year.
  • Yesterday also served as a bit of a kick in the teeth in terms of darts. I went along to my local last night to meet up with my old team mates and play a few games of darts, and I don't think I've ever thrown quite so terribly in all my darting career. It's almost definitely as a result of letting my game slide and not getting enough practice over the last few months. It's certainly acted as a wake-up call, and has made me realise that I need to practise more if I want to keep playing darts at a decent local standard.
  • I've been gardening over the last week or so, helping out my next-door neighbours by digging over part of their front garden in preparation for the introduction of some lovely gravel. Now I'm having to sieve all the loose dirt to get rid of the pesky grape hyacinth bulbs that have multiplied to ridiculous levels over the last few years. Progress has been halted by a bout of crappy weather, but I'll no doubt be back on the garden tomorrow. Oh, and if I hear one more gold-panning joke, the person who tells it is going to walk away wearing my garden riddle.
  • I'm also thinking about tidying my room. Right now I can't even move in here. The place is cluttered with boxes following my move back from Colchester, as well as a drum kit, all manner of objects I intend to take along to a car boot sale in the near future, and various other bits and pieces I didn't even know we had (looks like my room was used as storage space while I wasn't around). My girlfriend is coming to visit next Wednesday, so I figured I'd better make the effort and make my room somewhat presentable. Speaking of which...
  • I'm moving into my new place with my girlfriend on August 1st. I went back into Colchester on June 28th to sign the contract and pick up my key, so it's all official now. I can't wait to move in there, and not have to worry about food going missing, or vomit in the shower, or fire alarms at 4am. Instead I can focus my attention on the things that matter: getting on with University work, finding a part-time job, and spending time with the person I care about. Also, it's about three minutes away from my pub of choice, so I'll have no excuse for not getting the aforementioned darts practice I so desperately need.


Right, I think that's everything worth mentioning, as well as a lot of stuff that probably wasn't worth mentioning, but I've mentioned anyway. I'm off to make a ham sandwich to eat with some cheese and onion crisps and a Fanta Fruit Twist for my lunch. After that, I have a room to tidy. Thanks for reading guys. I hope you're all well. In the meantime, take care and I'll see you around.



Currently playing - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition (XBOX)