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2 Steps Forward, 10 Steps Back

Was anyone else really bummed out with how inFamous: Second Son turned out? It was a step down from inFamous 2 in almost every single way. I personally absolutely love (loved?) the inFamous franchise. inFamous 2 is one of my favorite games of the last generation. That said Second Son is easily the weakest game in the franchise.

Let me start with the positives

  • The game looks beautiful. It is easily the nicest looking inFamous game to date.
  • The graffiti mini games were neat.
It looks very pretty.
It looks very pretty.

Now for the parts where Second Son shat the bed

This isn't even a boss.
This isn't even a boss.

Enemies. There was no variety to them whatsoever. It is the same damn concrete soldiers over and over again with like three variations and they are all shooting at you with guns. The first inFamous game had you fighting three different groups including Reapers, the First Sons, and homeless garbage people. inFamous 2 upped the anti and had you fighting red necks, swamp monsters and ice monsters. And these swamp and ice monsters came in several varieties including huge almost boss like giants that would appear in combat scenarios. Even the downloadable Festival of Blood had you fighting different kinds of vampires.

Boss Fights. inFamous 2 to had you fighting Godzilla sized monsters. The best thing Second Son has is a fairly small rock scorpion.

Story. Or lack there of. This games story is really really short. Like ridiculously short. It felt like it was in a rush to get to the end for whatever reason. Festival of Blood had a more interesting story and Bloody Mary was more fleshed out than anyone in Second Son. inFamous 2 also had a fantastic story that took its time and allowed you to see the group of friends you make all interacting as you all planed your next move. They even took the time to add in a scene of Zeke and Cole just chilling on the couch which is arguably one of the best parts of the series.

Side Missions: There was no variety to them whatsoever. It is literally the same five or so things done over and over again in each part of the city. What happened to the variety in inFamous 2? At least there they were having fun with it and you got goofy stuff like defeat this angry mob of street performers. The only thing close to the side missions of the old games in Second Son was the Cole's Legacy DLC missions.

Pacing. I strongly disliked how every side mission was available at the start of the game. You were also given the location of all the blast shards in the area as soon as you take down the DUP truck. inFamous 2 would give you a few side missions every time you completed one of the story missions so that there was always a small break between story missions. You also did not get the location of every blast shard on your map until after you completed all the side quests, which was near the end of the game.

Dodge/Roll/Cover. Why the fuck was this removed? This was a key ability that made it possible to leap into the middle of a combat situation and be able to survive. You would roll from enemy to enemy and if shit got too bad you would hide behind cover and shoot at enemies. Instead in Second Son you have the dash button that is only good for running far away and then running back. They easily could have had both. Festival of Blood gave you the ability to fly and you could still role and take cover behind objects.

Eye candy at its finest.
Eye candy at its finest.

Powers. It is pretty funny that they gave this game the"enjoy your powers" tagline when it has the worst powers in the series. Yes you have access to four different powers. On paper that sounds great. Unfortunately, all the powers are limited to slight variations of a pea shooter, a missile, an immobilizing grenade, a dash and a screen clearing finisher. Whats more you can only use one power type at a time. inFamous 2 allowed you to mix and match your powers at will by simply allowing you to select which attacks you wanted to assign to each button. You could throw an electric grenade followed immediately by an ice missile if that is what your heart desired. Also what happened to the Star Wars like force push? It was one of my favorite powers and it allowed you to throw grenades and rockets back at enemies.

Traversal. Getting around with smoke powers through vents and getting pushed up was pretty neat. However, with the neon and video powers you just zip around the buildings to the point where traversal ceases to be fun and just becomes a chore. Grinding lines and hovering to get around in the other inFamous games was great and the smoke power gets close to recreating that but unfortunately the location is just not as interesting.

Location. The world is really really bland. Maybe that is just because Seattle is a boring place but the environment is incredibly stale. Empire City looked like a place where shit was fucked up. New Marais had the vibrant city on half the map and the hurricane struck flooded city on the other half.

UGC. Also known as user generated content. Was it clunky in inFamous 2 and Festival of Blood? Yes. But I still would have loved to see them try to iterate on it. There is absolutely 0 post game content in Second Son and that sucks.

In Conclusion

I am extremely disappointed with Sucker Punch. It is mind boggling how much of a drop in quality Second Son was. It really seems like their heart wasn't in it this time. If this is the kind of quality we can expect to see from their inFamous games then I would rather they work on a new IP and leave the inFamous franchise to someone who actually gives a shit.

I am really curious to hear what you duders thought of this game. Do you agree with my sentiments or do you feel like this was just as good or better than the old inFamous games? Had you ever played an inFamous game before or was Second Son the first one you played?



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Edited By Tennmuerti

I agree with all of your sentiments.

The new game was a massive step back in everything but the graphics.

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That's why I'm thankful I only rented the game from my library and didn't shell out $60 for it.

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I haven't even played this yet, but I'm a big fan of the previous Infamous games and this seems pretty damning. Didn't know they took out the roll and the push.

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Edited By RonGalaxy

Yup. Infamous Second Son is a step back from Infamous 2, which is a step back from Infamous 1. Also, why the fuck did they stop doing train levels after 1? Those were fucking cool. Also, it's funny that jeff gave it such a high review (Im guessing he never played the first 2, which are superior in a lot of ways, and he would have scored differently when having those to compare to).

It feels like a beginning of the generation game where the graphics are amazing, but they gut features/what made past games great in the first place. I have to admit, I did like the neon traversal stuff though.

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Yeah Second Son is pretty meh. I wouldn't say ten steps back since I don't think as many of the issues are that big. I still felt like traversal was pretty fine and didn't mind the low amount of side mission stuff. A lot of open world games have so much of it that it just feels like a waste of time and literally too much to do. At least with Second son you're in and out pretty fast. The story had the opposite issue though. Both the main character, if he's good and not evil, is pretty decent as is Fetch but their just aren't enough moments with the characters. The powers are all pretty good though when you level them up. I had fun with all of them. I also disagree about the bosses. That rock scorpion was really awful and I'd rather that first fight with concrete lady on the weird island thing. You are spot on about the location, user generated content, cover and enemies though. It just felt like a really weird proof of concept style thing for a more fleshed out game that already existed.

It was still pretty fun even if it was a worse product. I did enjoy it more than two though which is really weird. Maybe just because I hadn't played a game like Infamous in quite a while.

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Edited By TheManWithNoPlan

I can agree, although none of that stopped me from enjoying the game. Hopefully they can address some of this stuff in a future title.

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I haven't even played this yet, but I'm a big fan of the previous Infamous games and this seems pretty damning. Didn't know they took out the roll and the push.

It is a huge let down. In and of itself it is a pretty solid game but compared to the previous games it is disappointing. I wouldn't recommend picking it up at full price.

Yup. Infamous Second Son is a step back from Infamous 2, which is a step back from Infamous 1. Also, why the fuck did they stop doing train levels after 1? Those were fucking cool.

The train levels were pretty cool. And so where the underground levels where you had to turn on the generators. However I still think 2 was the better game overall. Was it just the trains that made you prefer the first game to the second or was there something else?

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@irvandus said:

Yeah Second Son is pretty meh. I wouldn't say ten steps back since I don't think as many of the issues are that big. I still felt like traversal was pretty fine and didn't mind the low amount of side mission stuff. A lot of open world games have so much of it that it just feels like a waste of time and literally too much to do. At least with Second son you're in and out pretty fast.

It wasn't the amount of side mission stuff that bothered me, but the lack lack of variety. It was a bummer that it was the same thing over and over again. I mentioned the Cole's Legacy DLC and I really would have loved to have seen more of that. inFamous 2 had a lot of side stories in those side missions like the ice conduit who is a good guy but slowly loses control of his power. Or helping Zeke mess with all the TV signals to try to get Cole a date. All that goofy side stuff was completely absent from Second Son and that was a bummer.

@irvandus said:

The story had the opposite issue though. Both the main character, if he's good and not evil, is pretty decent as is Fetch but their just aren't enough moments with the characters.

I liked evil Delsin a lot as a character. Hell, most of the trailers should the evil version of Delsin because he was more interesting. The problem was that you weren't treated differently enough in the story. Someone else mentioned in another other thread but your brother really shouldn't have been treating you the same regardless of your karma. Good Delsin is ok too if not a little bland. Fetch was the other stand out character that had potential but was never fleshed out. I am glad she is getting to star in the next downloadable title. However, if the $60 Second Son was too short I image the $15 First Light will be around 5 hours to platinum, with 3 of those hours being spent on collectables.

@irvandus said:

The powers are all pretty good though when you level them up. I had fun with all of them.

They were fun enough for a while but the pacing was completely off. Knowing exactly where every blast shard is at the start of the game removes the gradual progression of leveling up your powers. By the time I got neon and video I was able to instantly able to level them up completely. It was also disappointing that you could only use one power at a time when inFamous 2 had already made a solution to this.

@irvandus said:

It was still pretty fun even if it was a worse product.

I agree, there is absolutely fun to be had. That said it feels like it was made by a different team.

@irvandus said:

I did enjoy it more than two though which is really weird. Maybe just because I hadn't played a game like Infamous in quite a while.

This is just crazy.

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I had only played Infamous 1 before I got Second Son and as far as I could see it was about the same old Infamous, just with way better graphics. Quite fun gameplay, hokey missed oppourtunity story and basic, uninteresting moral choies.

I agree with you about the enemy types and not being able to switch up the powers being disappointing. All in all it felt like an early game on a new console where they were still feeling out what they would be able to do. To be honest, I gave it a pass for looking so amazing and not outstaying its welcome. I would much rather an average game kept it short than tried to compensate with lots of side stuff or pointless missions.

Infamous has always felt to me like a game which has never quite been able to fullfill its potential. The conceit is full of promise but they always let themselves down through not quite nailing the feeling of the supposedly awesome powers and having the pathetic black and white morality system and hokey story. Hopefully the next one will get it right- but I really don't think Sucker Punch know how to write decent characters.

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Edited By GunstarRed

It definitely feels like a step backwards, maybe not ten, but there's something about it that isn't as good at the other two games. While I don't mind the force push and the roll stuff because I'm a huge fan of dashes in games, it is kinda lame that most of the powers feel very similar.

I don't like any of the boss fights against Augustine, as cool as the rock scorpion-thing looks its in a horribly cramped area and the first fight with her seemed irritating on both my playthroughs. I definitely miss the trash-monsters and swamp beasts etc for the previous games. I think the biggest problem with a lot of that stuff is that Second Son doesn't feel like it's set in the same universe. The music is also a big complaint. The first game had great music, and the second one had this really cool mixture of strings and weird beats unlike anything else. In this everything felt like generic background rock.

I didn't mind Delsin, he can actually be kinda funny at times and his brother is ok, but none of the other characters really stand out. they did a great job turning Zeke from a terrible, terrible character into someone you really like between the first two games. When people say they like Fetch I'm completely baffled. She's the generic rebellious kind of character we've all seen in a million different things, maybe the DLC will change my mind on that, but she's OK at best in the main game.

Actually. Augustine is great, but they don't do enough with her.

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It's not as good as the other two but as it's a launch game I'll give them a bit of a pass.

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@darthorange: When I played two originally I played the first one again to get excited for it and before that I played prototype. After two I hadn't really played any superhero open world games till Second Son. Not even Saints Row 4.

Objectively speaking 2 would be like a 4/5 and Second Son a 3/5. I just had more fun with Second Son though.

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@leebmx said:

Infamous has always felt to me like a game which has never quite been able to fullfill its potential. The conceit is full of promise but they always let themselves down through not quite nailing the feeling of the supposedly awesome powers and having the pathetic black and white morality system and hokey story. Hopefully the next one will get it right- but I really don't think Sucker Punch know how to write decent characters.

Is there a game that has a good morality system though? My problem with that stuff is that they always make it too in your face by colour coding it or they just pause the game and have this internal monologue give both options.

I've only played a bit of the first infamous on an ex's PS3 and I got to a moral decision where you had to pick what posters someone should hang around the city of you and somehow that affected your standing. I just thought it was such a stupid decision and stopped playing because it took me right out of it. Maybe it gets better but I couldn't get into that game, having played that somewhat recently I don't think it's held up that well personally but it's better than Prototype at least.

I do however think the paragon (or w/e) story was better, I think the game was written that way with how the cutscenes played out. But also I think the story of a guy with all of these powers who is vilified and feared because of what he is and doesn't turn evil is more interesting than "Well people hate me, so fuck 'em".

I also look forward to the dlc because I thought Fetch was an interesting character.

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The first is my favorite; I didn't like it all that much on my first go, but on hard on my second and subsequent playthroughs, it turned out to be one of my favorite PS3 games, and then the Festival of Blood due to the atmosphere and mostly great music. Two was good, but it was pretty 'meh' compared to the original, and Second Son was okay, but nothing special to me. Plus, I wish it would have taken a more Google map route with its Seattle, because as it is, they could have just named it something else, and changed a few places looks. It doesn't look like Seattle at all to me. I played two late, and I was glad I finally played it, but it wasn't great, that being said, Second Son is my least favorite; it wasn't bad, it just didn't do anything particularly interesting or exciting overall.

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@corruptedevil said:

I haven't even played this yet, but I'm a big fan of the previous Infamous games and this seems pretty damning. Didn't know they took out the roll and the push.

It is a huge let down. In and of itself it is a pretty solid game but compared to the previous games it is disappointing. I wouldn't recommend picking it up at full price.

@rongalaxy said:

Yup. Infamous Second Son is a step back from Infamous 2, which is a step back from Infamous 1. Also, why the fuck did they stop doing train levels after 1? Those were fucking cool.

The train levels were pretty cool. And so where the underground levels where you had to turn on the generators. However I still think 2 was the better game overall. Was it just the trains that made you prefer the first game to the second or was there something else?

I also preferred the story and the world in the first one to the second one. That one island that was mostly water in 2 was a drag to traverse. It made sense in the context of where the game was set, but they didn't do that concept any justice really. 2 is definitely the best playing one (being able to change your power styles on the fly), but I enjoyed my time with 1 more.

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I've been saying all these things since it released. Hell, I didn't even finish it despite being close to the end.

Infamous was great, but 2 just ramped things up in awesome ways. The combat was so fun and tactical. I was anxious to finally get some cool videos to share with the Share button. They never happened.

It honestly feels like a launch game, which shouldn't have come as a surprise. Nice graphics and performace capture in a boring world, with a lame story, with lesser combat, with unfun enemies, with clunky traversal, with crappier music, greatly reduced scope and ambition.... yikes.

Infamous 1 had me booting the game up whenever I had 15 minutes because it was just so fun to play. 2 cemented itself as one of my favorite games of last gen.

Second Son? It kinda sucked. It pains me to say it.

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Edited By doctordonkey

I never thought Infamous 2 was all that great. Maybe it was because I played it a year and a bit after it came out, but for me it generally ran like shit and the parkour was super janky. Granted, the climbing is janky in SS as well, but you can just avoid it entirely by using neon/video. I never liked Cole, thought he was a shitty protagonist, with his stupid fuckin' christian bale batman voice (in the first one, anyway) and his seemingly aimless motivation. When Infamous first came out, it was goddamn impressive, and the story was interesting enough. When the second one came out, it wasn't even on my radar, just didn't look interesting (and for me, turns out it wasn't.). The only reason I got Infamous:SS on release, was because I was absolutely dying to play something, anything new on my PS4 I just bought. I was pleasantly surprised when I actually ended up liking it more than the previous two games. For me, Infamous 2 was 10 steps back, not second son.

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@goldone: It doesn't get any better, and to me it is the worst morality/choice system in any game I have played. It is just so stupidly black and white and a lot of times the choices, especially the bad ones make no sense in any context. I wish I could remember specific examples, but most of the bad choices just seemed to be acting in a sadistic way for no particular reason other than to be mean - like blowing up a load of food for starving people, or executing someone just to do it.

The morality in Infamous has always just seemed such an obvious switch to decide which powers you are getting with no relevance outside of itself. You are right in that they are rarely done well in any game. They must be hard to implement because to do so with any sense of the greyness that comes with real moral choices would leave too much content to create and too many open ends.

I much prefer systems which can move one way and another like the faction loyalties in Fallout NV and the system in Watch Dogs. I think Infamous might be better if they separated the powers from the morality. You could choose which powers you wanted by a different method and then have a reputation system which affects which factions are on your side, maybe what areas you can go to unmolested and how the story progresses.

The current basic GOOD :)/ BAD :( system is just embarrassing. It makes gamers seem like dopes who can only cope with binary options, colour coded and explained v..e..r,,y s..l..o..w..l..y....

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I'm remembering more infamous now, running in water and getting hurt, that weird blurring effect when power was out in a certain part of the city, trying to protect that bloody train.

@leebmx: Yeah, I feel like Fallout NV did some things really well with the faction loyalties, I remember a quest where I had to free someone from a casino so I got bad karma for picking a lock to let them out but good reputation with her group. I will agree with Watch Dogs too because despite not liking that game much, I felt like a monster if I accidentally ran people over during car chases. I just wish they didn't always surface it by default.

Having remembered more of the original infamous that I played I think some of the karma could have been great if they didn't explicitly say it was good or evil. Things like the stupid poster choice I mentioned or how you deal with the black tar which lets the woman get in your head. But maybe with superhero games you need it to be a very binary choice so you can have your good and evil playthroughs.

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Edited By Yummylee

@leebmx: I don't see why there can't be both. You can have your morality systems that deals in grey, like The Witcher series and Dragon Age: Origins, and then you can have your Fables and your inFamous' for all of your binary stuff, for something that instead basically focusses on two very different paths rather than a more complex morality that ebbs and flows depending on the situation.

Also, you're criticising the inFamous games' evil path for being too mean...? You do realise the whole point of the evil path is to have Cole turn into a selfish twat? It introduces the reality of someone that's succumbs to base instincts that unfortunately some people have. Cole initially begins as a blank slate, and then the good and evil sides are each what you could consider to be different realities. The game doesn't give any backstory to suggest Cole would naturally go down either path. Maybe he's always been a good Samaritan? Or maybe he's secretly always had a nasty streak to him deep down and upon receiving these powers now finally feels comfortable in letting it out.

His evil actions usually aren't meaningless anyway; they serve a point, it's just the point is to serve Cole's own selfish ambitions and desires. Like the example you mentioned about the food. You could either share it around, or choose to take it for yourself, Zeke, and Trish. It's really no different than how you can be a borderline-sociopathic cunt in the Mass Effect games.

I should note that I'm talking purely about the first two, as I haven't played Second Son.

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I love the way the game turned out. I didn't want another lengthy infamous game like the previous two entries. It kept a good pace. I think the story was much better than Cole's and the characters more likeable. Better antagonist in Second Son as well.

The 2nd game (infamous 2 that is) had that weird "choose your waifu" for alignment. That was just really unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Gameplay wise the first is still my favorite; the last boss fight was a decent challenge on hard too.

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Edited By Yummylee

@nags said:

The 2nd game (infamous 2 that is) had that weird "choose your waifu" for alignment. That was just really unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Gameplay wise the first is still my favorite; the last boss fight was a decent challenge on hard too.

Wait, what... ? I merely saw Kuo and Nix as an interpretation of the classic Angel and Devil on your shoulder sorta thing, until they reverse roles at the end. That they were women didn't really factor into things. Nix definitely was a bit... feisty, but it seemed in-line with her character. Much like how Kuo was all business for the most part throughout the game. I think it was interesting actually how the core relationship in the game was the bromance between Cole and Zeke, specifically Zeke's attempts to regain Cole's trust. It was enough to then make having to kill him during the evil ending surprisingly tough, least for me.

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I think what I found most disappointing about the game was the selection of powers, or lack there of really.

They were so secretive about them, it got me thinking that there would be a lot to play with, considering they said the main characters power was that he could take other powers. But then the game came out and we got... four. Well, it's not really four. After you get Neon, smoke becomes absolutely useless. But then when you get Video, why would you use any of the other powers?

I still think inFamous 2 is the high point in the series.

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@yummylee: I guess we will have to disagree about Infamous if you think that food choice was a piece of gameplay that worked. For me it was utterly stupid because it seemed like a choice which didn't make any sense for the player, or the character in the game - it was just a button to press which chose what path your game went down.

Food is not a resource in Infamous and you never need to collect it either for points, or for gameplay reasons, so to present this as incentive to be evil is meaningless. It might have made sense if this was a resource which you could use to power up, or even if you saw the effects of starvation on the game world but food is never mentioned again as being of any significance for the player or the world of Infamous.

Also I am not criticising the game for being too mean - I am just saying a lot of the time there is no reason for Cole/Delsins decision to be evil. He just decides to evil the same way you or I would chose between a Coke ro a Seven-Up. Normally a moral choice presents the player an incentive with consequences, for example the way stealing in Fallout gains you equipment but risks relationships and dialogue options.

If you do some evil you should feel the consequences, whether that is guilt or the thrill of transgression- in Infamous I just feel as if I have chosen a different set of powers - there is no weight behind any of the choices. Yes you can have binary choices or a sliding scale but the decisions the player makes have to mean something outside of just the powers they bestow. There is no point having a system of moral choice if the choices have no weight. It is not just pointless, it damages the believeabilty and connection with the characters, harming the player's investment in the game - and I think this really hurts the Infamous series.

Lastly, the final nail for Infamous is the way the morality system locks you in to either evil or good choices for a whole playthrough. It is impossible to role-play Cole/Delsin in the way you want if this way includes some good and some bad moral choices because this will lock you out of gaining a complete set of powers. This again kills any sense of investment in my character and makes meaningless any idea of moral choice.

As @goldone says, some people like straight Good/Evil playthroughs. I just wish if Infamous was going to go down this route it would make them a bit more weighty and meaningful.

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Edited By Yummylee

@leebmx said:

@yummylee: I guess we will have to disagree about Infamous if you think that food choice was a piece of gameplay that worked. For me it was utterly stupid because it seemed like a choice which didn't make any sense for the player, or the character in the game - it was just a button to press which chose what path your game went down.

Food is not a resource in Infamous and you never need to collect it either for points, or for gameplay reasons, so to present this as incentive to be evil is meaningless. It might have made sense if this was a resource which you could use to power up, or even if you saw the effects of starvation on the game world but food is never mentioned again as being of any significance for the player or the world of Infamous.

Well, food wasn't intended to be a mechanic. It was just the first choice you take upon deciding whether to be a good guy or an evil, selfish bastard. I mean if anything this again brings to mind Mass Effect, as many of the series' choices of course don't have much in the way of repercussions. But the player may go down the Renegade path (or at least choose some Renegade options) anyway just to witness the responses, and because sometimes it's fun to be bad.

EDIT: Though I think such criticism is much more damning against Mass Effect given that it is supposed to be an RPG series that tailors itself to your choices and all that.

@leebmx said:

Also I am not criticising the game for being too mean - I am just saying a lot of the time there is no reason for Cole/Delsins decision to be evil. He just decides to evil the same way you or I would chose between a Coke ro a Seven-Up. Normally a moral choice presents the player an incentive with consequences, for example the way stealing in Fallout gains you equipment but risks relationships and dialogue options.

If you do some evil you should feel the consequences, whether that is guilt or the thrill of transgression- in Infamous I just feel as if I have chosen a different set of powers - there is no weight behind any of the choices. Yes you can have binary choices or a sliding scale but the decisions the player makes have to mean something outside of just the powers they bestow. There is no point having a system of moral choice if the choices have no weight. It is not just pointless, it damages the believeabilty and connection with the characters, harming the player's investment in the game - and I think this really hurts the Infamous series.

But again, the reason itself for Cole being evil could just be he's... evil. He's enraptured with the new power he's been given and wants to exercise it. It's like during the scene involving the train in the first game, how after saving everyone he then kills one of them to show that he is someone to be feared and rejects their thanks. You could look at it as if this reality of Cole is someone that has had a lot of animosity build up over his life and has finally been given his chance to strike back in kind.

From what I can see you're looking at inFamous as something that it's not. It's not Fallout, it's not Skyrim. It's a game that's about delivering two differing realities of Cole where he's either a hero or a villain. The end result is mostly the same, but the different powers, variations on the comic book scenes, Trish either accepting or rejecting you before her death, the way the civilians would either cheer or run away upon your arrival, the unique side-quests per alignment and ect. were enough. I will agree that the story doesn't diverge quite as much as it should ultimately, but I still found each variation to be worth seeing, and playing especially. Though I also think that the relationship that was bubbling in the first game between Evil Cole and Sasha was squandered, given that it literally went nowhere and I don't even think was referenced in the second game

Still on that note in inFamous 2 things obviously go down very different paths dependent on your alignment.

@leebmx said:

Lastly, the final nail for Infamous is the way the morality system locks you in to either evil or good choices for a whole playthrough. It is impossible to role-play Cole/Delsin in the way you want if this way includes some good and some bad moral choices because this will lock you out of gaining a complete set of powers. This again kills any sense of investment in my character and makes meaningless any idea of moral choice.

As @goldone says, some people like straight Good/Evil playthroughs. I just wish if Infamous was going to go down this route it would make them a bit more weighty and meaningful.

I agree that the morality meter is rather shallow and that what it basically comes down to is for you to make a choice of alignment at the start and then stick to it. You don't have to make every single good/evil choice, though, as I can remember choosing the evil option with the sludge valves so I wouldn't get any on my face, thereby limiting my health for a short time, during a Hero playthrough. Nonetheless, I don't see the inFamous games as an RPG or anything that's supposed to involve a web of reactions based upon your choices. I just see them as an action-platformer series that offers two differing ways to play and witness their stories unfold.

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@yummylee said:

@nags said:

The 2nd game (infamous 2 that is) had that weird "choose your waifu" for alignment. That was just really unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. Gameplay wise the first is still my favorite; the last boss fight was a decent challenge on hard too.

Wait, what... ? I merely saw Kuo and Nix as an interpretation of the classic Angel and Devil on your shoulder sorta thing, until they reverse roles at the end. That they were women didn't really factor into things. Nix definitely was a bit... feisty, but it seemed in-line with her character. Much like how Kuo was all business for the most part throughout the game. I think it was interesting actually how the core relationship in the game was the bromance between Cole and Zeke, specifically Zeke's attempts to regain Cole's trust. It was enough to then make having to kill him during the evil ending surprisingly tough, least for me.

It was basically a "choose your waifu" dating sim. Don't sugarcoat it man.

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@nags: I think that's ridiculous and, to say the least, extremely reductive... But whatever, if that's how you wanna see it then fine.

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@yummylee: It's okay man! I'm just kidding. Sometime a guy needs his waifu games!

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I liked Second Son. It wasn't as good as inFamous 2, but I thought it was a great first shot on the new consoles. As with Killzone, I expected games right out of the gate to be smaller in scope, as they worked on technical issues. The big crop of games in 2015 will probably be the start of people getting their feet on sturdy ground and producing more feature-rich games.

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Edited By Blackout62

@nags: You sure? In a game where the PC's last girlfriend was killed by himself.

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@landon said:

I think what I found most disappointing about the game was the selection of powers, or lack there of really.

They were so secretive about them, it got me thinking that there would be a lot to play with, considering they said the main characters power was that he could take other powers. But then the game came out and we got... four. Well, it's not really four. After you get Neon, smoke becomes absolutely useless. But then when you get Video, why would you use any of the other powers?

Why would you use Video though?

I played through second son twice, just to see the different options and I can't remember any differences in powers like I'm seeing people say 1 and 2 had, maybe they were different colours and I didn't notice. Or was it just things like the take downs and instant kills?

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Edited By RonGalaxy

Sadly, I think some of their decisions for second son were based merely on making it looks as good as possible while performing well. There's a train in the game and you can get on top of it, but when you do the framerate turns to shit (which is why it's not encouraged to use it as transportation and why it isn't used in any mission). You can't easily blow shit up and fling cars at people like you can in 1 and 2, but when a lot of action is happening on screen (if you're near a lot of cars and use your super) the framerate takes a dip.

Hopefully it's just because it's an early generation game and they didn't really optimize as well as they could have. Some think that because these consoles are more like pc's that they will be pushed to their limits faster, but I think that's false. It's much easier to optimize for a closed off system like the ps4, and over time I think devs will pull off some really amazing things with this hardware. We just aren't there yet.

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No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage. Hated Cole hated that he was restricted to just lightning. And then when they did give him other powers it felt contrived as fuck.

The storyline didn't interest me either. Second Son however I thought was fun and to the point with its content. It was the right length and had the right amount of content for me to finish everything before I got bored.

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No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage. Hated Cole hated that he was restricted to just lightning. And then when they did give him other powers it felt contrived as fuck.

The storyline didn't interest me either. Second Son however I thought was fun and to the point with its content. It was the right length and had the right amount of content for me to finish everything before I got bored.

Sounds like you didn't like the first two for story/character/pacing reasons. What about the gameplay? Do you feel that Second Son is superior?

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@csl316: For the most part yes. The one thing I did find disappointing is I don't think they differentiated the powers enough. Each power had the equivalent of a grenade and missile attack...ect... It would have been nice for them to really vary the powers. Possibly even like base them around MMO class tropes like concrete could be more about soaking/nullifying damage, Neon could be more about high mobility to put yourself in place to ambush enemies ect and so forth.

The complaint about lack of enemies is valid but also just stuffing various types of enemies in the game for diversity sake wouldn't service the game well either. I'm fine with how the side activity stuff played out. A lot of open world games just clutter the map with trivial activities. Not saying Second Son's were all that engaging themselves however they were few enough that you could take 5 minutes and do them as the story led you around the map. And not feel like you had to spend a ton of extra time grinding (looking at you AC2 feathers).

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I agree that the morality meter is rather shallow and that what it basically comes down to is for you to make a choice of alignment at the start and then stick to it. Nonetheless, I don't see the inFamous games as an RPG or anything that's supposed to involve a web of reactions based upon your choices. I just see them as an action-platformer series that offers two differing ways to play and witness their stories unfold.

I guess this sums it up and if you can get behind this, as you can, then you will find the games more satisfying. For me it just doesn't do it and ends up undermining the game.

A morality system where you have to make all your decisions before you even start the game is broken from the start. In Infamous you don't make your moral decisions on the basis of each incident, you decide before you start the game. This isn't a moral choice, this is just a choice between Option A and Option B with no morality involved.

Basically it seems that Sucker Punch had a great idea for an X-Men type dynamic where you could either be a hero or a villan, but they never really followed it through in any meaningful way. They have just used it as window dressing for what as you say is a really just an action-platformer with two different storylines and sets of powers.

If you can look past this then great, but for me it damages the Infamous series too much by stopping me from caring about the story, the characters and the decisions I am making. The gameplay is always fun but everything else feels redundant.

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For me, Infamous 2 was 10 steps back, not second son.

No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage.

We will never be friends.

@csl316 said:

I've been saying all these things since it released. Hell, I didn't even finish it despite being close to the end.

Infamous was great, but 2 just ramped things up in awesome ways. The combat was so fun and tactical. I was anxious to finally get some cool videos to share with the Share button. They never happened.

It honestly feels like a launch game, which shouldn't have come as a surprise. Nice graphics and performace capture in a boring world, with a lame story, with lesser combat, with unfun enemies, with clunky traversal, with crappier music, greatly reduced scope and ambition.... yikes.

Infamous 1 had me booting the game up whenever I had 15 minutes because it was just so fun to play. 2 cemented itself as one of my favorite games of last gen.

Second Son? It kinda sucked. It pains me to say it.

This duder knows what's up!

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@demoskinos said:

No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage.

We will never be friends.

How about lovers then? ;D

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@darthorange said:

@demoskinos said:

No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage.

We will never be friends.

How about lovers then? ;D

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@demoskinos said:

@darthorange said:

@demoskinos said:

No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage.

We will never be friends.

How about lovers then? ;D

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Harsh. Even harsher than my Second Son opinions.

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Edited By musubi

@demoskinos said:

@darthorange said:

@demoskinos said:

No,because I actually liked this inFamous. I'm not going to mince words here. I thought the first two inFamous games were hot garbage.

We will never be friends.

How about lovers then? ;D

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No Caption Provided

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Let me start with the positives

  • The graffiti mini games were neat.

Said nobody ever.

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I liked it more than the other 2, and I loved the other 2 a lot.

I could go into detail, but I'll just say that I disagree with all of your points.

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@hollitz said:

I liked it more than the other 2, and I loved the other 2 a lot.

I could go into detail, but I'll just say that I disagree with all of your points.

Wait what? Why? I am curious to know, especially if you enjoyed the other two.

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Controls, Combat and graphics were all better.

Story, Characters and enemies were all a step back, but understandable as a first gen title on a new console(well besides the story and characters).

I found it a lot more fun to explore the city than in the first 2 games