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I am the anime, koo koo kachoo

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Show me your anger! SHOW ME YOUR RAAAAGE!

If you've played a fighting game online (or maybe any game, but I've personally noticed this only when playing fighting games), there's a good chance you run into a certain kind of people. The kind of people who send you a personal message after a match that didn't go in their favor because their "surefire" strategy was utterly useless when you saw it coming and did something super cheap and complicated like "blocking low and then counter-attacking" or "pressuring in a corner."
I'm not talking about mere rage-quitters, though I have come into my share of them. Like when I played a mirror T. Hawk match against someone in SSF4 and he pulled the plug just as I busted out a U1 that would have ended the match. Or that time when I fought a Hakumen player in BB:CT who had no other strategy than to simply use a standing 6C and hope for the best, then pulled the plug when I did something like jump over his attack and knock him down. I'm talking about the people who go that extra mile to tell you just how much they hate you. Who send you a personal message when the match is over expressing their disapproval of your actually learning to play the game when they bust out that one combo that always won against their friends but doesn't seem to affect you at all.
There's the simple "fuck u fagot" from some 12-year-old who probably should not be playing the game in the first place. Also, the incomprehensible "try playin me on PS3 o wait u cant", as if it was Microsoft's fault that they couldn't backdash to avoid a grapple move. Or even one who apparently thought that because he tacked "USMC" (US Marine Corps) on to his gamertag that his military experience held more weight than the fact that he played a bad Makoto in a SSF4 match. These folks project their utter inability to adapt and grow stronger on you. Doubly so when you beat them with a lower-tier character, like using Dragunov in Tekken 6.

When I play someone in a good or a close match, I give them a simple "gg" message to approve. When I get blown out of the fucking water in a fighting game, I get angry, but I don't take it out on them in a personal message. After all, even if I did, there's a good chance they would simply react as I would: chuckle at the stupidity of the message and then delete it before moving on with their lives. I use it as an impetus to do better, to learn a few more combos, or simply learn to block the somewhat predictable mix-ups and counter-attack when the timing is right.
I'm sure similar topics have been posted across GB, but here's the question I ask you fighting game fans: how do you deal with people who feel the need to project their losses on you? The RAGE and the hatemail? Do you send them a mocking message back? Do you simply say "gg"? Or do you just ignore it and move on to the next challenger?