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#1  Edited By dstopia

I hang out on /v/ a lot which is probably the main source of people who began the whole dumb thing. I like 4chan well enough but it's filled with some very dumb people. The whole GamerGate thing is pretty stupid and I'd be hard pressed to even care about videogames journalism as a whole. I like this site because of the personalities, and most of the times I don't even remotely share the taste in videogames they have here.

That said, I hate clickbait sites like Polygon and the like who capitalize on causing outrage for the silliest stuff possible. I am all-in on equality on every sense of the word, but policing videogames like Hollywood used to be during the 40's and 50's seems like a pretty silly way to advance your cause. I don't know, that's the only thing that rubs me the wrong way about this. Hollywood went through a rough phase filled with tightlipped censorship that did absolutely no good to movies in general. I just hope this doesn't become the case with games. I'd love for games to be about whatever the hell the creator wants them to be, if it's deemed pandering or something, then whatever, don't play it or something, but don't go calling for people to berate an artist because they drew a big titted woman. It doesn't really work that way.

It didn't at least for movies. Luckily they figured it out later and things took their natural course afterwards.

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Hey there.

I've just played a couple of hours of the game, mainly with bots and co-op bot matches. Still trying to learn the ropes and stuff. Would love to have a friendly group to play with, whether it's vs bots or vs actual humans.

Steam ID is dstopia. Thanks all!

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#4  Edited By dstopia

Will he suck my dick and choke on it?