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Hey I wrote a review for an old game! Video review maybe someday?

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Wish I could help but I just got the game yesterday lol. GT Hotsp0t If anyone is totally new to the game I haven't even opened it yet.

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Ever since Batman I just can't trust PC ports until I see how they run

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I agree kinda with the Fire Emblem characters only because they ALL use swords. Like cmon where are the Axe and Spear guys?

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There's someone on youtube called Sky Williams (not sure if I can post his youtube channel since that could go agains da rulz) and he gets a lot of things right when it comes to the community.

On my own personal experiences I have played a lot of League. More than a 1000 matches on Normals alone and I have no idea how many on Ranked. I don't do so good because I will admit to raging because it just sucks that you are trying your best and some guy just wants to troll and I would usually just do Solo. But now I've found people who are like me that want to do better and we become friends. This has made me do WAY better because to more you group up the better you do because you end up with less trolls, or only trolls on the other team and that's fine by me just makes the win easier.

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E3 could not come sooner so all this gets confirmed...... /jk

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I dropped 170 bucks on this thing because of all the extras and its the first KS I back. Maybe I'm a sucker for having done this but I believe and also because I hate it when people just cry and bitch about companies not giving them what they want. I remember all the time people saying they just loooove Thundercats, so where were they when they made a new one? There are so many other examples I cant remember right now. Thing is if theres a chance it gets made, I'm willing to take it and not just by signing some dumbass petition. What moves companies into making stuff is money, so it was time I put my money where my mouth was.

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I'm no expert but yeah I went from a GTX 560 ti to a 970. Not only that I also went and got an SSD and a 120hz monitor. The PC upgrade path just never ends! I have an i5-2500k that would be the only thing left to upgrade from now but not really games seem to run just fine for me.

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@slag said:

Honestly it was a generation that for me started off very very bleakly. Whole genres I loved (Adventure, 2 Platformers, JRPGs, SRPGs e.g) felt like they were going extinct (or being relegated to Hanhelds) and Motion controls were a big letdown. It seemed like all we were going to get on next gen consoles were shooters and sports games.

But around 2009 or so it started to get a ton better, digital distribution, indies, crowdfuning, multiple pricepoints and business models and by the end it restored my interest and faith in gaming. All in all I'd say it was a better generation than Gen 6 which started off fantastic but really faded towards the end imo.

This right here! I loved platformers and those quickly faded away. I guess that's why we regard Super Mario Galaxy so much because it was a genre of games that wasn't very common in that era. Last gen was also way too FP(S) honestly. Still it all worked out in the end and I loved it!

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Man I can't wait for Zelda on Wii U. I think it's because of how little we know about the game and right now it's all speculation and well our imagination always gets the best of us. Also with talks about the NX and all that E3 could not come soon enough.

Dude sucks about that 8gb Wii U, but you just don't do that!

I don't know anything about Zero Escape 3 or its series but man that image you posted in these times if it was the other way around (woman trapped and dude pointing gun) all the feminazis would go ape shit! Just proves that there is so much variety in games and people who complain about dumb ass shit like DOA Xtreme 3 need to look around a bit and find that games are much more than that.

Anyways sorry for being off topic but yeah. I never played any of those kinds of games but they look cool. Also if Shenmue 3 got announced ANYTHING can happen man never give up hope!

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Hope this isn't derailing the topic but I too have had something awful happen to me that depresses me. My cousin and best friend who I shared the love for Giant Bomb with died on friday. He was the only person I knew personally that was a fellow duder and we would go to PAX together and we would talk about Giant Bomb almost everyday. Now I feel so alone and am roaming the forums for some kind of help and make more friends because we would laugh so much at all the shenanigans from the GB crew. Listening to the podcast and watching QLs does help a lot but the sinking feeling is when I want to share GB to someone and there is no one there anymore. We were like brothers, he was my Ryan Davis and I was his Jeff. @gunrock I miss you bro :'(