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It's early Thursday morning and my coffee is brewing, stomach is growling, FEAR 2 DLC is downloading, Mr. Moose the Cat won't stop meowing, and my friends are flying out this way. It won't be too much longer before I leave to pick up sir James Logan from the Portland airport, then we head to Voodoo Donuts! After that we're going for a 3 1/2 hour drive to Seattle to meet up with Talor Berthelson, Chuck Waltz, and Arthur Green in some dark, cold, shady hotel room.
We managed to score media badges this year for the show, so we'll be able to hit the floor early to, well, to be completely honest, just play Diablo III and Starcraft 2. We have a ton of other stuff going on during the show, so the only real time we'll have to play these games is during these early hours, before the rush of wild nerds swarm the floor. 
But there it is, I'm going to PAX again, but this time with a totally awesome crew. I can't wait to get this day started on the road. You should very much expect tons of goofy, yet not necessary videos from the road and hotel room. We'll be sure to capture everything.