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@invader_doomest: Do you mean like a white "error" screen with some nonsense written in a number of different languages or just a blank white screen? The former I've seen, the latter nope.

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So here's something really interesting; Kojima revealed (can't remember to which media outlet) that 7780 is the total square kilometer area of Shizuoka prefecture in Japan. Shizuoka (静岡) lit. means "quiet hills"-- you can see where I'm going with this-- and has often been used as a nickname for the Silent Hill series in Japan.

Here is the crazy, perhaps unintentionally so, coincidence:

If you were to apply goroawase (語呂合わせ, word play) to the reading of 7780 you could feasibly come up with Shichi-na-ba-re, (死地なバレー) which could be loosely translated as "Point-of-Death Valley" or "Place-to-die Valley". Pretty awesome with how that contrasts with the numbers intended reference to "quiet hills", as well as reflecting the dual realities we often encounter in the SH series.

I bet Sony is now looking at the numbers in terms of downloads and stream/gameplay views, and preparing a fat suitcase full of cash for Kojima and Del Toro. By the way, is 7780s an actual studio? I can't seem to find anything on it, and the studio's name isn't even on the P.T. website (except on the browser tab from the meta data).

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@minipato said:

Kojima likes to mess with people's heads through game design and I think that shows through P.T. And PT is probably him at his most creatively liberated. It's just a teaser, not a game so he doesn't have to worry about sales. It's purposely obtuse so he is not beholden to actually making sense of anything or making the game accessible. P.T reminds why, even though I did not like MGS4 and Peace Walker, I still look forward to whatever projects Kojima works on.

Totally. I think this is also in part what makes it compelling. Kojima-- or any developer really-- unchained in this fashion is probably a productive form of catharsis. I wouldn't mind seeing a collection of these types of teasers/demos from well-known devs to see what they would come up with.

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I am uber excited about this development in the gaming industry as horror is probably my favorite genre in every single medium....I think a lot of this has to do with how well The Last of Us performed....I think how well it did critically and commercially told other publishers that horror is worth investing in again.

I don't quite see the connection between TLoU being a critical hit and pubs thinking "aww yeah, horror is back!"-- though I definitely can see where they would now be more open to storylines that are darker, don't necessarily tie up nice and neat, or are even "happy". I think the rise of Youtube, Twitch, and the notion of watching someone else play something as an acceptable way to consume content-- particularly in a group setting via chat room-- has played heavily into this resurgence because even though we might like to consume scary content solo, we seem to love to experience it as a group. Those types of videos garner tons of hits and drive exposure, revenue through ad partnerships, etc... Hell the main reason I jumped on the GB membership train was to watch Spookin' :)

Whatever the reason, I am super down for more horror content on consoles. PC will always be ahead of the curve I think, when it comes to the kind of experimentation I like to see in any genre-- especially horror-- but hopefully TEW, Alien: Isolation, P.T. are strong signs that major publishers are willing to put their money where their mouth is and bring more to the console space.

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Posted this elsewhere but got drowned in the flood of "zomg where are my diaperssss?????" reactions, appropriate as they may be.

So my take from P.T. is the lights, the photo/paper pieces, the *zaps!*, etc.. are red herrings to the goal of getting the fuck out of that home; I'm still not sold things are randomly generated. Rather interacting with something triggers something else, and interacting with that (because why wouldn't you? video games, right?) sets off more triggers and the rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper and you eventually find yourself lost and, as some discovered, stuck for hours (or forever. Hi, Gamespot!) in a downward spiral of your own making. That doesn't sound like "classic" SH to me-- as the dementia we suffered through was often due to the trauma of the protagonist-- no, this feels like something entirely new where there is a real sense of agency in just how fucked up things can become; even the knowledge that we can hamper our progress can induce a kind of surrealist paranoia that I feel is the distilled essence of Silent Hill.

It's weird having a demo-- that is itself merely a viral marketing vehicle for a title reveal-- being shoulders above many other entrants in the horror field; and brought to us by Kojima of all people. But that's where we are and I love it.

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That's the "Red Light" 'ending' yeah? I've seen the green and yellow light outcomes. Also, this isn't a proper demo, it's a teaser; so getting a few good scares in, liking the vibe they are going for yet having no idea what the premise is about sounds like they hit its target. I'm interested to hear what you (or anyone else) think about whether this was rendered on the FOX Engine or not?

@cale: Go into the bathroom, and above the bathtub there is a large hole, now go out and to the other side of the wall where the hole is, and look through it by pressing down the R3 button. There will be a missing painting.

I think I'm all the way through, as nothing new is happening after "the loop", but maybe there is more.

I thought the concept of the game was pretty cool, but it went on way too long, and I have NO idea what the actual game is about :P

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Even money this is Toyama's (Silent Hill, Siren) new project. Watched a stream of it a bit ago and was riddled with anxiety. There's definitely a lot more to it (in terms of progression) than some of you are posting about. Protip: Get to the glory hole.

I'd really like to have a special "Unfinished Spookin'" with Patrick that's available for all to see.

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Was just about to fire up the editor and make one. Glad to see you beat me to it :) Thanks for making it, downloading now!

This is a great stealth update by Housemarque and seeing how a lot features are partitioned out into paid DLC or microtransactions these days, something as significant as a ship editor being given for free is much appreciated.

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#9  Edited By Fushichou187

Not a fan of the screen tearing going on there, and also the game looks like it's being rendered in 720P, even though everything looks much better. It's still real early though, so I bet they can hammer out that stuff later. Can't freaking wait.

Actually, now is later. I really just said that. -_- One of the nice things about this year old trailer is that we can compare it to some of the other gameplay vids that have leaked this week and get a glimpse of improvements they've made with re: to certain animations, frame rate, etc..

If nothing else leaks out, it's going to be a long wait until they potentially show some more gameplay at Gamescom in August or, almost definitely, at TGS in September.

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I don't know why but i just thought it was going to be a different kind of game. Things are different, but at the same time it's still the same type of game. I thought it would be like Destiny, it's made by the Halo guys by it's definitely not Halo.

I'm not disappointed the game is like Souls games and it's still early and maybe it is a lot different, but with it being a new IP i thought it would be new. Also the first i heard of this game was during the press conference, so maybe it's been a known quantity and i just missed that stuff.

Ultimately, this is a new IP and we really don't know much about it. Miyazaki is conscious of both the love there is for the Souls series, but also the need to make things feel fresh; simply making "Dark Souls in the Victorian Age" won't cut it. I bet there is a lot more to the combat, the way the AI interacts with one another and the player, the role that blood will play in the game-- keep in mind the premise that is being touted is that the reason why things are the way they are in the game is because of a blood-borne pathogen-- so you can speculate if it's a good thing or not that all these close-quarter attacks that are producing a lot of blood and splash in the trailer are going to be detrimental to the player, etc..

Miyazaki and his team have been working on it since DS1's Artorias DLC was released, so they've had quite a bit of time to craft a game that both retains particular elements found their previous efforts (Demon's Souls and Dark Souls) while taking things in a different direction, gameplay-wise.

I bet we'll see more in August during Gamescom and a ton more-- hopefully a brand new gameplay trailer-- in September during TGS, to answer our questions.