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@yummylee: The Fall drops today actually :) It's still episodic I believe, or at least the dev commented that they are in the middle of making Part 2. Still, I've been looking forward to playing this.

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#2  Edited By Fushichou187

Stealth releases, oh my!

PSN's yearly "Summer of PLAY" promotion starts next week. PS+ subscribers will get 20% pre-ordering the titles. Unfortunately, it looks like you'll get a PS Store COUPON (with expiration date) for 10% off entire cart purchase if you pre-order two or more of these games before August 18th. In previous years we simply received store credit, which I personally liked as it didn't expire.

Anyways, marketing shenanigans aside, we finally have release dates for N++ and Galak-Z! I've been wanting to play Galak-Z since it was first shown on Sony's E3 stage over two years ago. Glad 17-Bit can finally ship this bad boy! I'm sure Austin is excited as well :)


Launch DateTitle
PS Plus Pre-Order PriceRegular Price
(PS4 / PS3)*
8/11Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture

Journey is also cross-buy if you purchased the digital version on PS3.

With all of these plus Ethan Carter, The Fall, Volume, Until Dawn, and Tearaway Unfolded coming out between now and the end of August, my summer has filled up.

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#3  Edited By Fushichou187
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Said this elsewhere, but very interested to see if we get the same furious outrage people claimed over Tomb Raider being exclusive* to XBox One.

Somehow I doubt it.

TR is a timed exclusive, which I personally don't like. We don't know if SFV is a timed exclusive or a console exclusive at this point. If it's a console exclusive-- and one that wouldn't have been made without investment on Sony's part-- and therefore isn't coming to the Xbox One, I think that you'll still have people that are angry but the amount of ire will be justifiably less. In fact, in that scenario I think more criticism ought to be heaped onto Capcom for not having enough faith in one of its core franchises to fund it itself and make it multiplatform.

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@thizzle7xu said:

Microsoft and Sony need to be held accountable for allowing this game to be sold for their respective consoles as well. Anytime these companies mention "certification process", it's laughable now.

You know, that's a good point. I'm not necessarily of the mind that MS or Sony have to offer up some sort of compensatory action, but I think the likes of BF4 and now AC:U being so borked at launch ought to prompt some kind of clear communication from them as to their certification process and how it'll be improved going forward. I know there is a great amount of pressure when it comes to getting these big titles out the door, especially during the holiday season, but as we can see it only hurts all parties involved; now because of this freebie offer by Ubi, on the cusp of Black Friday, retailers are likely to lose out on potential sales of the above mentioned games, it's a blow to the earnings report of Ubi, and it potentially damages the relationship between Sony/MS and other developers/publishers whose games languished in certification hell-- potentially hurting sales by missing a prime launch window-- while these bigger "prestige" titles get pushed out the door in the state they did.

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@humanity said:

As I said on GameSpot when I first read about it - this is more than fair compensation.

I agree, but that's also a personal valuation. Ubi ought to have offered SP holders the option of a refund (of the SP's cost) or one of those titles as compensation. I think the compensation is fair, but don't be surprised if the lack of a refund option, for a product the company has come out and said was broken, generates more than a few lawsuits.

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It was between The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne for me as to what I'd buy at launch, but now I don't have to choose since they're a month apart now.

Also, this was likely going to happen to Bloodborne since both it and The Order were slated for February. Even though Bloodborne is easily the more anticipated title for many, they're both still PS exclusives that Sony was going to need to find a way to successfully market without cannibalizing each other's sales; and since The Order had already been delayed once, it seemed more likely that Bloodborne would be the one getting bumped.

Late March is also nice in that BB's initial sales will cross over into the next FY for From and Sony.

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#8  Edited By Fushichou187

If the "Sons of..." subtitle wasn't there I'd buy this in a heartbeat. I think everything else is golden. Seriously amazing work.

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If you silence your own voice, you only leave people that don't respect you (your ex, her family, etc..) to write the narrative to you children and others about the kind of person you were. Don't let that happen.

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#10  Edited By Fushichou187

I thought Dan lived in the Sunset District? Robberies are not as common out there as other neighborhoods so this is surprising and super sad. I wonder if he lives along a busy corridor... he did say something about hearing the Muni from his place on one of the Bombcasts so he's probably along the L or N line which would probably raise the risk of shit like this a little. Living in the city and making absolute crap for salary-- then having more than half spirited away for basic living expenses-- I know how difficult it'd be for me to bounce back from getting my flat broken into, so my sympathies go out to him.