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I have caught that Fire Emblem bug

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#1  Edited By gerrid

@devise22 Problem is, I think it was the main plot of the series until the TV producers took over writing it, at which point it was just a dramatic distraction to the character play they created.

There is way too much lore and mystery and storytelling that was just dumped down a well with this plot ending. It's fine that it changed, it's just inconsistent and unsatisfying if you enjoyed any of the fantasy lore at all.

Edit:unless I've misunderstood and you're saying that the white walker storyline isn't over? in which case that would be fine but I would be very surprised.

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#2  Edited By gerrid

As an extended episode of TV, that was great. Thrilling, dramatic, filled with pathos, mournful, hopeful, scary and hold-your-breath tense with some wonderful performances and brilliantly shot scenes.

As the conclusion to the main plot arc of a brilliant fantasy series?

Unsatisfying, lazy garbage.

But then, ever since season 5 the plot of the show hasn't mattered, or at least has just been functional. It's purely a character-driven drama at this point, so I wasn't expecting anything in that regard. This episode felt like them just cutting loose the actual fantasy plot that the series is built around as neatly as they could. If you were into Game of Thrones for the fantasy plot, this was an horrific conclusion that just dumped dozens of hours of storytelling down the toilet. But if you like it because you like the characters and the world and seeing what they all do, then great, on to the real stuff next week!

Looking forward to it honestly.

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#3  Edited By gerrid

Xenoblade 2 is spectacular. Octopath and Vesperia are both good but didn't hold my attention in the same way.

But Final Fantasy 12 is just about to come out ...

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#4  Edited By gerrid

I thought it was great. Full of fun callback moments to all the previous films, some fantastic scenes, all wrapped up really well. The comedy was not only well delivered but paced nicely so it dovetailed with the drama. It never got too silly for too long or too melodramatic without some levity, which I liked. I want to watch it again just to pick out all the bits I missed because I was engrossed in the plot development.

I enjoyed the entire set up of the movie - literally revisiting the past and having all the Avengers face their actions, origins and motivations and come to terms with who they are. It was a great way to give some closure to storylines that have been running their arc for over a decade, which is no mean feat.

The triumph moments were incredible, even if it was a little much with just how many superheroes (and sidekicks) there were. Cap and the hammer, the portals opening, big ant-man emerging from the rubble, tony with the glove switcheroo. I loved all of that.

I liked the idea of the relay with the glove and the battle with Thanos even if it was a little lopsided. The fight with him in IW was much better choreographed and a more satisfying scene overall. I was a little disappointed with how they used Captain Marvel, it felt rushed. I really like her character though and how she fits in with the rest of them, so I sort of wish she had been in it more. I probably would have preferred for her to completely mess Thanos up and then have some external thing cause her to have to disengage rather than just a fairly cheap "use the stone to zap her away".

Gotta say I am really looking forward to what they will do in the next phase, the characters they are basing it on are ones I prefer to the main protagonists from this phase. Overall I felt it wasn't as good as IW but that's because IW is much better than it has any right to be, and also has the benefit of being the dark middle chapter that doesn't have to wrap anything up neatly.

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I beat him this morning, on the classic "one last try before I REALLY have to leave for work". Just an incredibly fun fight, you have to master a lot of techniques. I actually cried out in anguish when he had a 95% full posture bar on the final phase and...I ran off the cliff. I'd just used my final Divine Grass and then fell off. I thought I was done, ruined it, but luckily I spawned back in and got in a Mikiri counter on a thrust to finish.

The thing I love about this fight is that at first it seems literally impossible. I had the same worry that I'd never be able to finish the game after trying it a few times. Use up 8 healing gourds and have only 1/5th of his health, no idea what to do, getting punished by everything. This is beyond me.

But the mastery ramp is so quick - after a few fights I was swatting down the first phase in 30 seconds with no damage, just by getting confident and being aggressive. It just feels SO good to take the fight to the boss in a real duel rather than plod about trying to read big animation tells and dart in for damage and dart out again.

The thing I had to learn was to always be the aggressor, always make the first move from neutral. You reduce the variables in the fight so much by doing this, and are prepared in the rhythm of combat to block anything that comes your way anyway. Attack attack block. That way you aren't just waiting about for his attacks and trying to figure it out, but instead forcing him into a more predictable pattern.

Also, for the spear phase, I just abused the firecrackers and the mikiri for posture damage. He does quite a few thrusts and they are well telegraphed.

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@handlas said:

After such a rough start, I'm finding the game to be maybe easier than any Dark Souls or Bloodborne. I haven't felt like pulling my hair out on any particular boss anymore once I got past the 2 spear mini-bosses.

I was wondering about one boss for people who have beat it...

Can you kill the Guardian Ape the first time? And not have to fight him a second time? I'm pretty sure you have the mortal blade at that point, right? When I beat him the second time I noticed his body twitching so I walked up to him and got the deathblow prompt and remembered I to use the mortal blade on him (got a couple of rare achievements for it meaning not a lot of people have done that so I guess it's optional?).

I have a question about this too, since maybe you did it the other way round from me.

I went to the Sunken valley first, and fought the Ape there (really hated that fight, took way too long). Then I went to the abandoned dungeon and see the Headless Ape down there, and have to fight him a second time (and his friend), in order to proceed.

But, if I had gone to the abandoned dungeon first, surely the Headless Ape isn't there and you can just run through that room? Or is something else there? And you have to just randomly go back?

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@gazoinks: yeah that fight is right up there with the most satisfying gaming experiences I've ever had. The rhythm of it is very well tuned , once you get it down you feel like a true master.

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I've really really enjoyed my PSVR games so far, so that has made it worth it for me.

I think AstroBot is pure joy. Made me feel like a kid playing Mario 64 for the first time again, had a huge smile on my face throughout that game. Tetris Effect is like a drug trip without the side effects, I swear after playing it I'm a change dperson. I have Moss up next and looking forward to trying out No Man's Sky too.

But @lego_my_eggo is right, the cabling setup is a horror show if you don't have much space or care about keeping wires tidy. I have mine all in a cabinet under the TV and it's a complete nightmare. The thing that annoys me the most is it takes up a USB slot, which you only get 3 of on the pro and only 2 of on the regular PS4.

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Pretty close run thing between Resi 2, Apex and Sekiro.

But Sekiro has invaded my mind like the other two haven't, so I'm giving it to that. I think about it all the time, any time I have 10 spare minutes I boot it up and go, watch videos of it on public transport. Honestly the last time a game hooked into my brain like this was... Dark Souls. Weird.

I enjoyed the Division 2 as well but the story and world are so bland. Saying that I haven't got to max level yet, so I've not scratched the surface really. Hoping both that and Apex will be something I play well into the Summer. Apex is something I have fun with every single time I play, and Resi 2 was just such as fantastic video game up and down. Like a real pinnacle of the form, you put put it in a museum or an art gallery, and then hide it behind a load of obtuse item puzzles and statues.

Shout out to Anthem for being the most fascinating nonsense also, despite not actually being worth playing at all.

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@handlas said:

Well, I've got this far so I'll get through it but it's more-so frustrating becuase you have to basically sneak around to kill 10-15 enemies before you even get to fight him and then you just wrecks you in 1 minute or less. I only gave it 2 shots so far but I wasn't even close to beating him.

If you are talking about the general by the moon tower, you can clear out all the enemies and then just abuse his leashing. Once he gets down to the area where the big guys were patrolling he will start backing up when not attacking.

That means you only engage when you are ready, and otherwise you are safe. You can jump in, attack, dodge away and then hit him with the shuriken-slice when he is vulnerable. Takes a while but it's much easier than him relentlessly using all his moves on you in the confined space up by the tower, if you don't feel ready for that yet.