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Best of 2013

My fifth year of doing the list......this year, hrm.......weird.

List items

  • Currently sitting at 1,100+ hours on Steam, not even for the whole year. I fell in love....

  • After AC3, I without a doubt figured my days were done with the franchise. But, as an Xbox One owner, I was looking for a fun new game to hold my attention. Never did I expect Black Flag would be one of the most fun games in recent memory. Everything about it just appealed to me. The music, setting, ships, and even collectibles (I got em' all) hooked me big time.

  • Killer Instinct is probably the biggest surprise in the Xbox One launch for me. I hadn't really expected much from it. Double Helix scared me, the franchise scared me, and the lack of content scared me. But it turns out that there is probably no more complex and mechanically interesting fighting game out there. Since the original left so little to be extrapolated from it, the task of taking the "bones" of it and reworking seems almost impossible. But hot damn, the thing just works. The tutorials were so good, and the sound effects are pretty dang great. Killer Instinct, in 2013, came out and was great!

  • The best GTA ever. I love Michael, I never got enough of him. I hope to see more of him in the future. Most of all, I hope they stick with multiple main characters and continue making the games around what fans liked. There weren't many weak points in the game, although the ending was sadly one. On the other hand, my jaw couldn't stay off the ground because everything looked visually amazing. As a lifelong resident of Southern California, you won't find a better virtual representation of this place.

  • I finished it in one sitting with coffee and felt extremely satisfied. I wasn't expecting much, but I was emotionally drawn into it. After I realized that a couple red herrings about murder or ghosts were just that, I enjoyed how everything came together. The most real parts were the ones where I thought, how far would I go? The girls took all of the risks, and they had yet to even see the consequences when the game ends.

  • Tomb Raiders are kind of my jam. I usually play them all, and this was just as fun as the rest.

  • Awesome game, kicked ass, never felt boring even for a second.

  • I'm kind of new to the cell phone gaming scene, but I love this game. The challenge is what keeps me coming back!

  • LOVE!!!!!

  • I'm always looking for something to bring me back. This game still friggin' rocks.

  • Well, it wasn't saying much when I tell people Bioshock 2 is my favorite of the bunch. I'm not really a big fan. I think this game was absolutely ball-crushingly difficult in about 3 spots and that wore on me. The story was interesting, but I never felt like I got enough of it. I just really don't like how it feels so floaty and weird.