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trying to push through my half completed games - 3 down so far in 2015!

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Average score of 25 user reviews

Similar to the last one 0

​I really loved the original Deus Ex, and its modern reboot. The 'choice' elements along with a great approach to stealth / action / exploration are what has kept me interested. This game has all of those things, but for some reason didn't manage to hold my attention in quite the same way. All of the elements were there and I struggle to give a specific critique, other than it just didn't seem to be as fun to play - maybe I have changed? If you have never played a Deus Ex game, this is still a g...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An adventure which grips for a short time 0

I really like Firewatch. It's a different sort of game, closer to an 'experience'. There is not a huge amount which can be said without spoiling it, but essentially it is set in a national park in the US, and follows the story of someone taking up a 'firewatch' position, in a tower. There is a lot more to the game than this and safe to say that watching fires is not what the game is about. A large portion of gameplay focusses on environment exploration, and the art style is thankfully beautiful...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

More Halo, same silly story 0

Having played most Halo games (I skipped 4, mainly because of mixed reviews, and because I had plenty of other things to play a the time), I knew what I was getting into when picking up Halo 5. A campaign, solid multiplayer, with some extra twists to justifying the new game price. It pretty much delivered on these terms, with my favourite twists being the Warzone mode, which combines an objective based multiplayer with AI enemies and a levelling system. I found the campaign entertaining, with i...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Solid Orc slaughter 0

Having read the great reviews, I was glad to not be let down by this game. The story I could take or leave, but the game play is great, controls tight, and the difficulty curve is smooth. Slaughter Orcs, have a good time!I would recommend not doing too many side missions early on - there is plenty of story, so don't try and push through the whole nemesis system before progressing....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Imagine if an episode of South Park was 10 hours long 0

Well, that's pretty much what this game is. I was really surprised to find that this a mechanically solid game, which has a fantasy setting whilst effectiveyl being a giant piece of fan service for those familiar with South Park. A word of warning - if you are not familiar with South Park, you may find some of the humour in this somewhat challenging. This is not a game for the faint of heart - particularly a certain scene which involves been shrunk by the underpants gnomes........

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Telltale rolls out the style 0

Having played the Walking Dead games, I dove into The Wolf Among us and had a blast. The story told is set in a great universe, with dark 80s versions of characters from fairy tales. I do recommend picking up all of the episodes in one go, now that they are all out, as playing through them back to back seems to work best, with some episodes shorter than others. Much like other games Telltale produce, there are no 'right' choices, and things are certainly left open for more games in the series. T...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Casually Elegant Duelling 0

This game is great to play with a group of friends, as the antics which ensue as players skewer, slice and even strangle their opponents are sure to amuse. Many great moments of thrown swords, thrusts through the face and bright coloured blood await!A great couch competitive game!...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Simple but enjoyable 0

Saying you have a game which involves keeping back hordes of zombies is no longer a particularly novel concept. Having a game which includes the undead, and is done on a low budget is bound to be a challenge, with the now overwhelming crowd of zombie based games. Survivor Squad does a good job of rolling together some novel concepts with a top down shooter mechanic, that somehow captures the bleakness of a post apocalyptic world.Each level has a number of buildings, with rooms and of course zom...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Great Strategic Action: A Bit Different 0

Having played #Bastion I didn't quite know what to expect - safe to say that Transistor is a rather different game, but still well made and enjoyable. Whilst still having an action focus, the game is a lot more strategic and less dependent on twitch skills. The story, whilst interesting didn't quite grab me like bastion. The visuals and sound design are - as you would expect - amazing.Pick this up....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Papers Please - Remember the whiskey 0

Papers Please is one of those games which on the face of it is easy to explain - you play the role of a border crossing guard, who checks the passports and documents of immigrants. The subtleties of the game however are harder to describe. The simple art style with washed out colours and the oppressive music all add to an atmosphere which is rather depressing, as you battle with the balance of doing your job right, taking bribes, feeding your family and deciding whether or not to undermine the ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One for the gamers 0

I really enjoyed the Stanley Parable - it's great fun if you are used to games, and particularly first person games on PC. I have a long history of gaming, which helps with this, and many of the jokes (without giving anything away) are spot on. However, if you are not someone who sees themselves as a 'gamer' or you only play casual games, this one probably isn't for you....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Steath Action is still running strong 0

Some say that the Splinter Cell series has become 'too accessible' - I think this is just code for 'fun'. It's true that this latest game can be played through without tearing your hair out, but this is no bad thing. If you want to go crazy and 100% stealth your way through every level, you can - but detection rarely means death and restating a level. The game is well produced, and I had a great time with it - pick is up on Steam for < £15....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hotline Miami - blood and guts with strategy 0

Go grab this! Hotline Miami has a fantastic art style and relies on a combination of strategy and quick reactions to overcome each of it's combat puzzles. If you are not a fan of blood guts and violence, this one probably isn't for you, though despite appearances, that's not what the game is about. ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Excellent experience - emotional impact 0

Enjoyed this, not sure there are 10 games better than this in 2013 ;-).An interesting control scheme, lovely art design and a great narrative with some real impact. I know a lot of people have said to play this on one sitting, but I played it in about four, over the course of a month or so - still a great experienceGrab it on Steam now!...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A short but sweet gem 0

140 is one of those games which is best explored without too much explanation from others. It uses music and platformer mechanics with a striking simple visual style. It is also pretty hard. Don't go into this game expecting an easy ride, but if you are anything like me the music will immerse you, and you will enjoy to the journey. This is not a long game, but the price also isn't high (~£4 / 7$ at time of writing). Give it a go!...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hard as hell, worth the journey 0

I found Rogue Legacy to be a difficult game, and as the name suggests, you will die. A lot. However this tight platformer, which is different every time - both the dungeon and your character traits - makes for satisfying gaming. At the price (£10 or less), it's hard to argue with the value....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not what you think, likely to stay with you - go buy it 0

I will keep this brief so as to not give anything away. This game is probably best approached without reaching too much about it, but suffice to say that the story is likely to stay with you a while. Play this for an example of a true story telling game....

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Window Smashing Indie Spy Romp 0

A great little game, picked up for £6.99 on Steam - effectively a cool puzzle game that let's you play a bad ass spy. An amusing story-line keeps you going between short missions. Plenty of replay-ability where you can improve your mission times and the skill with which you complete them....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Mind Blowing Gaming Excellence 0

Having played the original BioShock, but taking a pass on the second installment, I was looking forward to this game. However I was not prepared for quite how good the game is. Playing on PC, it is truly a gorgeous looking game, the the art style perfectly capturing the feel of a city among the clouds. I will not say much more other than I found the combat acceptable if not excellent, but the story was fantastic, and is what will keep you coming back.Buy this game....

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Turn based Extacy 0

Having only dabbled with the original XCOM, my exposure to this genre of game was probably concentrated in Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. Suffice to say that this game surpasses that, and in fact most games I played this year. The campaign is lengthy, the missions brutal, but you will have a great time!...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

More RTS action with no competitors 0

If you like StarCraft 2 already, then just go and buy Heart of the Swarm. The campaign is great, although a little easier than Wings of Liberty, and a touch shorter. But the real reason to come to this is the deep multi-player which will continue to evolve over time. Back to the ladder!...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Great Game if it's what you are looking for 0

Coming to Alan Wake several years after it's release, I got a slightly different experience than many would have at the time. Back then, there was a lot of hype around Alan Wake, ultimately something it could not live up to. Playing through in 2013 however I had a blast, most expectations forgotten. This is a game with great atmosphere, driven by an interesting story. The action can be somewhat repetitive, but I found that by playing an 'episode' at a time that I never grew weary.Well worth a l...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Divide that stuff - then rule 0

Having been referred to Frog Fractions by the GB crews' game of the year discussions, I didn't quite know what to expect. As you will have gathered, the game is not what it seems initially, and I don't want to give too much away,but if you get stuck, I suggest going down.....Frog Fractions won't take you long to complete, but you will have fun doing it, do give it a go. In particular I liked the fully fledged references to the West Wing.......

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Faster than you think 0

FTL is a great game which although seemingly simple to start with, is actually REALLY HARD! I have sunk many hours into FTL now, and can guarantee you are not going to have an easy time. The game requires you to play through multiple times ('a rouge-like'), in order to progress. My advise is, if you like any of the below, go get this game from Steam right now:Rouge-like games (e.g. Dark Souls)Star trekManaging power in X-Wing / Tie Fighterdying...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Episode 1: kicking off well 0

A truly excellent start to the Walking Dead franchise from Telltale. I have been a fan of Telltale games since they started bringing back the adventure game genre from it's years of obscurity. That said, I had been a little concerned that more recent releases had lost some of their charm. The Walking Dead proves that Telltale have still got the stuff. I will not spoil any of the story, but the storytelling is great, and the game play straightforward, without making the small puzzles too difficul...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.