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2019 GOTY

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Well between picking up Overwatch and putting in the hours to get to rank 280 something, having a full time job, going back to school, etc etc: these are the top 10 games ive managed to play this year.

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  • P OK game

  • I knew I was going to play this game when I saw the first teaser trailer on twitter and it certainly did not dissapoint. UGG is actually a pretty decent little puzzle game where you have to be an absolute bastard to different people around the village as you try to navigate your way through the levels.

    I did not beat UGG but will perhaps return one day.

  • I've spent way too many hours playing Teamfight Tactics when I should be sleeping. Riot really cracked the autobattler code with this one. The randomness of the item system coupled with the carousel draft makes it a fresh experience game after game and I cant stop playing it. The Elemental set was really well timed too.

  • Apex Legends is probably the best battle royale game on the market right now, the movement mechanics really lets it shine among the other games in the genre and the Titanfall esque shooting feels great every time. It does however remind me that we will probably never get a Titanfall 3.

  • Only managed to play Outer Wilds for about 2 hours this year but damn those were two great hours. Its hard to talk much about Outer Wilds without spoiling anything in it so i'll leave this paragraph short: play Outer Wilds and be ready for some weird stuff.

  • One of the few games I actually managed to beat this year. The story tries its best to be super edgy and certainly does succeed with that to a certain extent. The facial animations are really what kept me emotionally attached to the characters in the singleplayer campaign, there are several moments during cutscenes and gameplay that totally could have been on the silver screen. The multiplayer had me hooked for a little while and I think i'll eventually return once I have more time but the map design leaves a lot to be desired, especially on maps like Picadilly.

  • Only played about an hour of K:Zero but damn its a good time: super fast paced action with some minor Hotline: Miami vibes to it.

  • Plays about the same as NBA 2K19 but with a better story and the return of the combine. Pretty alright basketball game, I dont ever touch the MyTeam mode so I cant speak to the stuff theyre doing over there. Increasing your Overall went a lot faster this year than last year.

  • This is for Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, which I completed really fast and then spent the next 4 weeks or so spamming crucible matches. Destiny 2 Crucible is a pretty alright multiplayer mode that shows its halo legacy quite clearly on its sleeve, be it through the movement, floaty jumps or just general shooting feeling. Its a pretty decent time but I dont feel confident enough in bungies balancing skills to keep pouring more time into it.

  • Put like 40 or 50 hours into this game for some damn reason, had some decent times running around with my friends shooting things, arguing about loot, etc etc but the writing is horrendous. Uninstalled immediately after beating the story mode.