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#1  Edited By IBurningStar

If you are telling us to be careful... then obviously you know that we are all cheating... and that we should watch our ass because they are on to us. And that we should keep on cheating but just be super sneaky now. Like, more so than normal.

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#2  Edited By IBurningStar

I remember playing the game many years ago and liking it. I never actually completed it, but got close. I think I stopped around the 11th one. Well, a couple days ago I found a used copy of the game and said to myself, "I really need to beat this. It is such a great game and I just can't respect myself as a gamer if I never do it." When I got home I put it in and started to play...
I don't remember hating the controls as much as I do now. I actually threw my controller during the second encounter. I can count on one hand the times I have done that in my life. In 24 years I have done it exactly four times. The aiming and combat are fine, its moving from place to place and positioning the camera that are the problem. The character just refuses to transition from ledge to ledge in some places. When you have a limited grip and need to move along in a hurry this becomes an issue. Also, I actually had the camera get stuck in the arm pit of the third colossus and made it impossible to see my character. My only option in the end was to just let go and fall down, and climb all the way back up again. Very tedious.
The flying colossus, number five or six, I think was another tedious fight. It took my a few attempts to figure out what I needed to be trying to grab on to when he dives at me. So I would 
jump and miss, or he would hit me or something. Now, when he hit me it would send me sailing across the room, and forcing me to have to swim back to the platform. This gave him
enough time to reset and start flying around again. Waiting for him to come back around, then getting his attention, then waiting for him to fly back and forth a bit more 
before finally attacking again takes like two minutes. After going through this three or four times it became sort of annoying. However, once I saw what I needed to do it was pretty easy.
The fight after that requires you to hide behind some pillars and get the colossus to kneel down and start looking for you. I had some complications moving up his arm and ended up 
falling off when my grip broke. It kept reading move right as go up and jump up as jump down. I'm wondering if there might be an issue with my controller... But that isn't the bad part
here. See, he never crouched down again for me to give it another go. The moment I would move into cover he would lose interest and turn away. He reminded me of Treebeard in a 
way. His turning away took quite a while, and his rediscovery of me took even longer. My final attempt to get it to work consisted of me running out, shooting him in the face with a couple of arrows, slicing at his foot for a while, running in random directions and then slowly backing up to the covered pillar area. Again, he got bored and decided that staring at the 
wall would be a more productive use of his time.
I think if I was actually dying during these encounters and being forced to try again and again I wouldn't mind as much. Unfortunately, I'm just experiencing prolonged and frustrating fights. And out of all the people in the world, you would think I would have the patience to do this and it not bother me. I've completed games like SMT: Nocturne and Siren. Yeah, the original Siren. The one on PS2. The one that is known for being a game for crazy people.  I like slower paced games. I like games that require me to stop and think. And I liked this game for how reserved it felt and how it presented it's action as almost a puzzle of sorts. Now, I don't feel that way. I'm not enjoying it. I am going to finish it, though. There is just too much here to appreciate and take in that it would be a shame to not see it and experience it. Even if the game is doing nothing but forcing me to rage quit constantly, I am still going to give it a fair chance and hope it can redeem itself.

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#3  Edited By IBurningStar

Oddly enough, I just bought an used copy of Shadow of the Colossus a couple nights ago. That games controls have aged rather poorly. The horse is clunky as hell and the camera can be a bastard at times. Everything else is still awesome, though.

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#4  Edited By IBurningStar
@SlashseveN303 said:
" Cid. All Cid's. "
Biggs and Wedge, too.
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#5  Edited By IBurningStar

Quina isn't a girl or a guy. Quina is an it, a shim, is both and neither at once. Quina is fun for everyone. 
And this game better include every fucking version of Cid, Biggs, and Wedge.

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#6  Edited By IBurningStar

Oh no, you mean I'm not going to be able to run down a new brightly colored hallway for 3 more hours after all? I was so looking forward to doing that all over again!
Seriously though, I don't want to ever touch that game again and I don't want some DLC coming out to make me consider otherwise.

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#7  Edited By IBurningStar

 They had some interesting ideas on what her character should be, and I'm glad they didn't go the stone cold bitch route with her. We really don't need more characters like Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Despite what some may believe, that isn't how you make a strong female protagonist. Heather from Silent Hill 3, or Alex from Eternal Darkness are examples of this done right. They also didn't try to use the HEY LOOK AT MY BOOBS strategy to get people interested. Or the Laura Croft approach, as some like to call it. However, what they did do was make her overly emotional and "vulnerable." Because that makes her seem like a real woman, right? No. Not the type of woman that Samus Aran would be. By this point in the time line you shouldn't have her freezing up at the sight of crazy alien monsters. I'm not saying she should take it with stride, what I mean is that this shouldn't be new to her and her reactions should be more subtle. 
Subtle is the keyword in all of this. 
Earlier games gave you the idea that Samus was self reliant and capable. She was fast on her feet and quickly reacted to things. She was more than able to improvise and come up with a plan on the fly. Now, maybe it is just me, but I thought the way you would go about characterizing her would be to make her more haunted than grief striken. When she gets upset she doesn't break down in tears, but blinks a few times and bites her lip. There is a cold professionalism that she hides behind. That, and spending a lot of time alone have hampered her social skills, so she can be somewhat detached and awkward without actually meaning to be a bitch to someone. And when you have trouble properly communicating feelings to others it can complicate the whole forming a relationship thing.
That is always how I imagined Samus to be. Might be different for others, but it is what works for me. 

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#8  Edited By IBurningStar

Fallout 3 seems to be popping up a lot here. So I guess it makes sense for me to keep things moving by mentioning it again. The ending to Fallout 3. Whenever I think back on the game the first thing that comes to my mind is that shitty, shitty ending, and it totally taints the memory. I hope whoever thought that was a good idea was fired after the games release. I don't know a single person who didn't see that plot hole immediately. Honestly, it was just the developers giving the middle finger to the player. 
I've also always had a problem with the explanation text in Zelda games. I don't know why they feel need to explain to me what a dungeon map is every time I get one. Or any other item. Does it assume that I'm constantly forgetting how to play the game?  Just having to hammer through two or three text boxes constantly is annoying.


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#9  Edited By IBurningStar

I think your problem is how you have your towels organized. Maybe you should spread them out a bit more so this sort of thing won't happen again. Also, nothing really paradoxical going on here. Now if you somehow picked up the same towel every time, despite discarding the first towel on one side of the room and picking up the very same towel on the other, then we might have something serious on our hands. 
I do experience things like this quite often, though. I will go down stairs to get a drink, only to end up getting the mail. When I get back to my computer I will realize that I don't have a drink. Sometimes I also experience what I like to call "time travel." I will suddenly lose all memory of the past twenty or so minutes and have no idea what it is I am doing. This was really a problem when I worked at the local theater, because I was in charge of the ushers and made sure that they cleaned/checked IDs/tons of other things. So while working my way through a crowd of over a hundred people on a busy and hectic Saturday night I would suddenly stop dead in my tracks. No idea where I was going or why I was going there. It was most likely something important, but I wasn't sure. The end result being that at some point during any given shift you would see me standing in silence and looking around a lot, because I had to try to retrace my steps and put together some sort of narrative to explain how I got here.
My point is don't do drugs.

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#10  Edited By IBurningStar
@WinterSnowblind said:

" @AlwaysAngry said:

" @natetodamax said:
" @AlwaysAngry said:
" @natetodamax said:
" @AlwaysAngry said:
" Bad graphics. "
Something wrong there? "
Graphics don't make a game. "
Neither does story alone, gameplay alone, or anything. All components of a game should come together and form a great overall experience. Are you saying you wouldn't care if Uncharted 3 came out and used the Call of Duty 4 engine? "
I understand what you're saying, graphics can sometimes make the experience.  Red Dead Redemption for example would not be quite so immersive if it were an NES game. However, in general I don't think graphics matter at all.  I can enjoy old games just as much as state of the art ones. "
Just going to add something on to this. To me, when someone says that a game has bad graphics I like to assume they are saying that a games graphics are noticeably inferior to other games from that time period/console. Surely, no one would say something like, "Ocarina of Time has shit graphics because it doesn't look nearly as good as Gears of War."  That is not a fair comparison. It might be true, but it is just a stupid thing to say. Sadly, people do say things like that, though. I know this doesn't really contribute much, but I wanted to chime in on how annoying this is. Now, if a brand new game developed solely for PS3 comes out and looks like I'm playing Siren (the original PS2 one) then we have a problem. Because I am going to spend the entire time wondering why it looks this way. That being said, good graphics can't make a game good either. Take Final Fantasy XIII for example. Yeah, it looked nice, but it was nothing but over produced J-Pop bullshit built around a horribly told story featuring astoundingly annoying characters. Oh, and a battle system that earned the dubious honor of being called "kind of OK."
As for a small detail ruining an entire game, I would have to say Otis from Dead Rising. That asshole would literally call me at the worst time possible. Then he would get pissy at me if I 
hung up on him because I had to suddenly fight tooth and nail against a crowd of seventy something zombies. Fuck you, Otis. Fuck you and your goddamn janitor closet ivory tower.