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Games I'm Souped For

Just some games that I'm excited to play

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  • I'll be honest I did not think that I would be this excited for another Uncharted game. Naughty Dog seemed to get everything they could out of the franchise with Uncharted 3. But after watching a couple game play and seeing the direction that they are going in with the brothers. Even with the lack of Amy Hennig there are still very talented writers working on this game and that has always been my favorite part of the series.

  • Allow me to get pessimistic. This could be one of the most disappointing games of all time. With that said there hasn't been a game that made me want to be part of a disappointment this much. I don't believe in the term "too big to fail" (cough...batman Vs. superman)but how ever this game turns out in the end, its gonna be an interesting release.