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Why Limbo is my favorite game on Arcade this year (spoilers)

I just spent the last half hour writing a long blog post on this, then it got eaten up by the goddamn internet gnomes because I somehow got logged out of GiantBomb while writing it. Fuck that, I am only going to write the thing heavily condensed. 
Why I love Limbo: 

  • The sounds and music are brilliantly used. Everything sounds as it should, and music only kicks in when appropriate. The sawblades sound frickin' scary, and I flinched now and then when you character got crushed or sawed in half. So I tip my hat to those who made the sounds in this game. They also knew exactly what they where doing, which they showed at the end. When you jump off the last crate, over the sawblade, everything gets muted. It is a simple, yet very effective thing to do right before you crash through the window.
  • The graphics are not lazy. They are great. The depth of field makes everything look eerily real, at the same time as it looks unreal. The black, white and grey gives it all an atmosphere you just wouldn't get if it was all in color. The animations was also great. Nothing is sadder than seeing you character flailing his tiny arms while drowning.
  • Yes, the gameplay doesn't bring anything new to the table in the same sense that Braid did. So what? All the elements in the game fits, and makes the experience enjoyable. It's hard enough to be a challenge, yet easy enough to be solvable. I also want to play it more, in order to find all the secrets, and maybe find easter eggs if there are any.
  • It was well worth the price, stop crying about it.
All in all, it is a great game. I love it. If you love it, then great. If you are indifferent to it, well. That's okay. If you hate it, then I pity you. It must suck not being able to enjoy all the wonders of the world. Remember, it's just a ride. Don't take things so seriously.


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Edited By jaqen_hghar

I just spent the last half hour writing a long blog post on this, then it got eaten up by the goddamn internet gnomes because I somehow got logged out of GiantBomb while writing it. Fuck that, I am only going to write the thing heavily condensed. 
Why I love Limbo: 

  • The sounds and music are brilliantly used. Everything sounds as it should, and music only kicks in when appropriate. The sawblades sound frickin' scary, and I flinched now and then when you character got crushed or sawed in half. So I tip my hat to those who made the sounds in this game. They also knew exactly what they where doing, which they showed at the end. When you jump off the last crate, over the sawblade, everything gets muted. It is a simple, yet very effective thing to do right before you crash through the window.
  • The graphics are not lazy. They are great. The depth of field makes everything look eerily real, at the same time as it looks unreal. The black, white and grey gives it all an atmosphere you just wouldn't get if it was all in color. The animations was also great. Nothing is sadder than seeing you character flailing his tiny arms while drowning.
  • Yes, the gameplay doesn't bring anything new to the table in the same sense that Braid did. So what? All the elements in the game fits, and makes the experience enjoyable. It's hard enough to be a challenge, yet easy enough to be solvable. I also want to play it more, in order to find all the secrets, and maybe find easter eggs if there are any.
  • It was well worth the price, stop crying about it.
All in all, it is a great game. I love it. If you love it, then great. If you are indifferent to it, well. That's okay. If you hate it, then I pity you. It must suck not being able to enjoy all the wonders of the world. Remember, it's just a ride. Don't take things so seriously.