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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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Top Ten 2011

A little late, but oh well. My top three are kinda tied, as I cannot decide between them. But if I had to put them in order, this would be it.

List items

  • The feeling of actually getting good at a game, paired with great graphics, music and a subtly told sad as fuck story, makes this my GOTY. The amount of different ways to play it is also a huge plus. Seeing my brother play a "in your face" warrior was a huge contrast to my "I stab you in the back!" thief.

  • Best story of 2011, without a doubt. Also best way to tell a story. Gameplay is fun, music is the best made in years, videogames or otherwise, and the graphics are a joy to look at. Also the only game on the list that can bring me to tears.

  • Do I really need to say anything?

  • Only played a few hours as of writing this, but fuck, if it doesn't promise to be fun! The sole reason I haven't played more is because I feel it would be a disservice to the game if I play it on low and laggy graphics. As soon as my new PC parts are in, I will play nothing but Saints Row! (and some Dark Souls)

  • While not as good as the original when it comes to openness and story, they delivered way above what I had ever dreamed of. Looking forward to revisiting this down the line, going all rambo instead of all sneaky.

  • Best Humor of 2011. The new mechanics are also neat, and I love the tragic backstory with Cave Johnson. Burn those lemons, Mr. Johnson. Burn them good.

  • Extremely fun tower-defense-ish gameplay paired with huge mec... Mobile Trenches? Hell yes! Double Fine also delivers their very own brand of crazy humor, making this a great game to come back to now and then.

  • As a huge fan of Zelda, I felt that this game delivered. And more. While the motion controls are far from perfect, and some frustration was had because of it (I actually yelled more at my screen while playing Zelda than playing Dark Souls), when it works it is a joy to play. It is not a new Majora's Mask though. I am looking forward to that day.

  • What can I say... I normally don't like racing games, but this is just so weird and out there. I cannot help it. Been a while since I was on the tracks, but I know I will come back for more eventually.

  • Hey, I have played this for so many hours I am embarrassed to tell how many. But all of those hours was played in multiplayer with my younger brother, whom I would rarely talk to since we do not live close to each other, and my landlord. Yeah, my landlord. A game you can play for dozens of hours with family and friends, having fun all the time, is a game to be celebrated I think.