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A good day for Battlefield!

Remember. remember, the 5th of November... but instead of gunpowder, it's flamethrowers. 
A new free-to-play Battlefield games with 32 player servers and BF2 maps?  
An awesome trailer for BFBC2: Vietnam, featuring a new map and a flamethrower? 
Bad Company 1 maps on the horizon for BC2? DICE teases us a bit... 

New Battlefield game announced: Battlefield Play4Free

The people who made Battlefield: Heroes announced their next game, Battlefield Play4Free. This game will be a free-to-play first-person Battlefield game with support for 32 players. It is coming out for PC later in 2011. 
It has maps from Battlefield 2 combined with the class set-up from Bad Company 2
This should appeal to a different group of people, not the hardcore Battlefield fans, but rather the more casual folks who might not have a super powerful computer, or who just don't want to spend $60 on a game.  

Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam gets a sweet new trailer.

The trailer released on Friday shows a new map, called Hill 137, as well as a flamethrower. The flamethrower can be carried by hand, or can be used as an alternate weapon on a tank. 
The flamethrower can light soliders on fire, which will force them to use a med-kit, jump into some water, or suffer the consequences.  

Bad Company 1 maps on the horizon?

That title sounds familiar... oh right, I used it four months ago.
Anyways, PlanetBattlefield posted a screen grab of some DICE play-test servers. One server was running a map called "bc1_harvest_day". 
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Additionally, there were references to seven Vietnam maps, including Squad Deathmatch and the larger game modes.   

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And... some confirmation!

Well, maybe not "confirmation" exactly, since DICE like to tease.  
A post on the official Battlefield simply called "BFBC2 Playtest @ DICE" caused the Battlefield UK forums to erupt in cries of ecstasy. 
A lone image accompanied the post.  

 Look like Oasis to me...
 Look like Oasis to me...
The image has some palm trees, some tanks, and some buildings. It looks more detailed than the BC1 maps... but seems to have some elements in common with the Bad Company 1 map, Oasis. 
Update, November 7th: More information about BC1 maps will be released tomorrow. They have been confirmed to be part of the VIP program. Harvest Day has been confirmed, as well.


 To think a few days ago I was disappointed in the Battlefield franchise... all it took was some trailers and rumors to bring me back up :) 

What do you guys think? Which announcements/rumors are you most excited by?