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Happy Monday Duders - Evolve is the Real Monster Edition 01/19/15

It's another Monday. I played a couple of games that didn't come out this year and one that hasn't even released yet; but we'll get to that soon enough, trust me. I spent a huge amount of time this week watching stuff on GB because I was trying to catch up on some videos that I haven't had a chance to watch and that's a lot of fun. The guys have been doing a great job and I would like to especially thank Jason Oestreicher for changing the way that I view life thanks to this secret cable winding technique.

In the meantime let us discuss the games that I was able to play over the last seven days.

2K Games Executive Wario
2K Games Executive Wario


1. Evolve (Closed Beta on Steam)

THOUGHTS: Not too long ago I was really looking forward to playing Evolve because it looked like it would be a nice change of pace from what we’ve grown accustomed to in the multiplayer shooter space. The trailers shown over the past year made it seem cool, just maybe a little light on story and characters, but it focused on the idea of playing as an undstoppable behemoth.

Wait, no there are 3 monsters unless you pre-order. No, there may actually be 4 monsters in the game and you (could possibly or impossibly) get a fifth or a sixth by pre-ordering the PC Monster Race Edition (ugh) and you have a sweet chance to get exclusive early exclusive access if you get it for the XBOX ONE and can also have some more guns or tangerines or something… (screams out window) enough of this.

This game had promise. People wanted to play Evolve. However, over the course of the year the DLC implementation and the way that Turtle Rock Studios has said that the game was “built from the ground up” for DLC has made me go from someone who would probably buy Evolve to someone who will never pay money to play it.

Evolve! Evolving the way you pay for DLC!!!!

I’m sorry…

VERDICT: After playing the Beta on Steam this weekend I thought the game was “okay” it is really clunky at times to control and the monster seems overpowered, which is probably the point, but it just seems like a neat idea that isn't executed very well. If you can get by the fact that 2K is trying to nickel and dime you into an early grave with a Season Pass and DLC then you may like it. If you can try the Beta then I recommend you do that before you make a purchasing decision.

I don't like sounding so down about any game. I pride myself on being a positive person but the way this game has been flooded by pre-order bonuses is so egregious that I could not ignore it and it made me a bit angry that a game with a cool idea has been muddied with such shady business practices.

2. Bulletstorm

THOUGHTS: I understand that this game came out a few years back but I never got a chance to play it. I enjoyed the Gears of War games and seeing how much the environments in Bulletstorm looked like those in Gears I thought that it would be cool to play an extremely over the top game with that aesthetic. I was, mostly, right.

Bulletstorm is a pretty cool game that gets a bit repetitive but is cool enough with the leash and kick mechanic that you should stay interested long enough to complete the main story. It took me about 6 hours on Steam which was great for me because I was playing it to cross it off of the backlog list. The upgrades are pretty useless and the weapons, while a bit over the top, could have been even more-so. We will never get a sequel to Bulletstorm which is a little bit sad because I could see them taking that concept to some insane places if given the opportunity.

VERDICT: Try it. You can get it cheap and the campaign is short enough that you won’t have to invest a ton of time into completing a fun game.

3. Saints Row IV


THOUGHTS: I have barely scratched the surface of this. I loved Saints Row: The Third and I know that IV goes… places. The brand of crazy that this series brings is something I really like. Having played around 4 hours of this one so far I can already run up buildings, fly, and use telekinesis to pick up cars and throw at giant rock aliens. Really.

I plan to finish it over the next few days so I’ll be able to talk more next week.

VERDICT: I tried to have sex with Keith David. He has too much respect for me to do that… I appreciate you Keith David.


I played one game that I listed here last week. This section seems to be useless but I love it anyway because when I do next week’s blog I can look back at it and say, “I really should have played [insert game time] instead of Warframe.”

I didn’t play anymore Warframe last week. I opened it once. Left it open while I made a sandwich and when I came back with said sandwich I turned off Warframe and watched Z-Nation. (Shout out to @sparky_buzzsaw for allowing me to say that without feeling ashamed) Our eyes were opened to the magnificence of televisions best show in this wonderful blog Sparky's Update - Let's talk about Z Nation... check it out!!!!

Here’s what I probably will not play over the next 7 days…


(See Evolve)

They announced DLC and Season Pass information before a trailer last year. That shouldn’t happen but hey it did because MONEY!!!!

Let me know in the comments what the best and worst pieces of DLC in gaming history are in your opinions.

Have a Happy Monday Duders. Thanks for reading and as always let me know what you think about this blog series.