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I haven't written a blog in a while

Don't you just hate it when the title of a blog tells you absolutely nothing about the actual contents of said blog? I know I do. But I'm also a hypocrite.

 This was me for 3 hours
 This was me for 3 hours

Well I finally went to see Avatar a few days ago so I want to talk about it while my mind can still remember the majority of the film. I'm not gonna pretend to review this because I'm no film critic and lets be honest, that would probably end up more boring anyways. I'm just going to type whatever comes to mind and hope it's not too crazy when I'm done.
Avatar. To be, or not to be. But no really, I thought Avatar was awesome on a technical level. I actually got to see it in 3D and I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. But it really is some amazing work that they were able to pull off in the film. The alien bros all looked like they could be real. There were some times when the 3d aspect hurt the movie though. I noticed a lot of blur during any parts with a character quickly running across screen or really any kind of quick movements. It is not usually an issue but i took my glasses off for a second and it really hit me how bad the picture was blurring during with quick motions. But overall the 3d added more than it detracted so it was all good.