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Vroom Vroom?

Have you ever wondered how to stuff a thanksgiving turkey with with several leather shoes? Have you ever wondered how much you could save on car insurance by switching to Gieco? Have you ever needed to know how to hide a dead body from the police? Do you ever wonder what would happen if you microwaved an unopened box of Twinkies on high for 10 minutes?
Well if so, you are definitely in the WRONG place. Although I'm sure you could easily find this information and more on fellow Giant Bomber's blogs.
Anyways, back to the reason I'm really writing this: Forza Motorsport 3. I've decided I would rather write blogs about games than proper reviews since I never seem to get around to writing reviews due to my always wanting them to be well written and thorough. I figure if I write blogs instead I can be more relaxed with it and just talk about what I think of the games I play.
So I got Forza 3 for Christmas this year. Most of you know its a great game by now. I have been waiting in anticipation of playing it and now that I have I am blown

 My sweet turquoise and white 'Vette in Japan.
 My sweet turquoise and white 'Vette in Japan.
away by everything the game offers. I thought I knew everything about the game by reading reviews and previews etc. But When I sunk some time into the game I realized all the little things that are not mentioned so much in reviews and things. For example, the way cars will bounce around the road a bit while driving at high speeds. One of the little things that bothered me the most about Forza 2 was that the cars looked they were on smooth rails at all times while driving, not ever really reacting to bumpy roads and wind resistance. So I was pretty excited when I was going like 180-200 mph in my Audi and my car was bobbing around a bit. I'm weird for that, I do realize it, lol.
I'm pretty much hooked on Forza 3 right now. I played around 7 hours yesterday and another probably 5 today. You would think after 7 hours that some significant progress would be made but to my surprise, after a little more that 7 hours I had just 9% of all events complete. I was a little shocked, I thought I would have made a bigger dent than that. But at the same time I'm glad that I'm not going to run out of events any time soon.
As everyone knows the Storefront is an amazing aspect of the game. I'm absolutely loving being able to type something as simple as "GBDC" and being able to see all kinds of Giant Bomb community created designs, pictures, replays, etc. It's so cool how creative this community can be. I made a couple pretty cool designs back in Forza 2 but I am yet to get crackin' on one for Forza 3. Actually that's not entirely true, I did make a bacon frying in a pan design for some reason that I may never figure out myself. If anyone is interested, I of course put the "GBDC" tag on it.   :P
 My first car with a free downloaded design via the Storefront.
 My first car with a free downloaded design via the Storefront.
I have been playing the single player the vast majority of my time so far. However I did recently jump into a random XBL drifting match. Dude... you can choose drift from a menu and just jump into a freaking presetup drifting match! This is totally awesome. What used to be a pass time between friends is now it's own beast with it's own rules for anyone to jump in and enjoy. So yeah, I played that for like an hour with some random dudes. They were all way better than me. It was pretty awesome that I was able to download an Initial D paint job for my Toyota Trueno and a drift tuning setup to match. I was actually able to compete with those guys because of the Storefront. Awesome awesome stuff by Turn 10, loving the game so far. I can't stop playing it, but I'll have to because Assassins Creed 2 is in the mail and will arrive in a couple days.
Well in other news, I got some new cymbals for my Rock Band Ion Drum Rocker. They're pretty awesome. I have 2 good cymbals and 1 of the Ion original cymbals now. Still haven't actually given them a proper test run. I played maybe one easy song since I got them and then ran for Forza 3. So I'll probably get back to some Rock Band tomorrow. The only thing I still want to get is a splitter so that I can have double bass pedals. How totally radical would that be? (Yes I did indeed just use the word radical)
I'm now bored writing this which means anyone reading was bored about three paragraphs ago. I hope everyone had a happy holidays and will have a great new year. Wow... we're totally gonna be living in the future in a few days. Twenty-ten duders!
Peace out ya Jive Turkeys!