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#1  Edited By Kierkegaard
@Hashbrowns said:
" @jakob187: Exactly.  The first thing that I thought when watching that was "why would my mom ever see the games I'm playing?  I'm an adult."  Then, of course it was obvious who they're really selling it to.  And I hope the marketing team at EA is real proud of visibly disturbing several moms.  I'm assuming this wasn't a fake-out, as it doesn't appear to be.  They'll instantly decry any criticism as people not getting the joke, and that it was all super-ironic. To be perfectly honest, I was struck when one of the women shook her head and asked "you're telling me this is some kind of a joke?  It isn't funny."  She's right.  It isn't.  Here's where someone accuses me of being an uptight and stodgy prude. "
No, you're completely right. This is a bad marketing campaign because,  
1. Dead Space 2, if it's like Dead Space 1, is not a masculine gore fest like Gears of War, its a tense futuristic Aliens-esque horror/shooter game that uses gore to depict the fucked-upedness of the situation. Advertising it as if the decapitations are badass misses the point.  
2. Perhaps one could say that the ad was directed at 17+ players if it's message were not so rebellious. Only an adolescent would buy something because his mom would disapprove. An adult would buy something, and his mom may not like it, but his reason for buying it is more than the fact she does not like it.  
3. The clips, besides one woman who seems to be honestly enjoying it, just seem cruel and pointless rather than hilarious. Seeing middle-aged to elderly women wince in pain as they are bombarded, whether real or fake, is not funny or entertaining. It's disturbing. Plus, they're essentially watching an ESRB sizzle real of all the worse shit, which is exactly how the game industry to strive not to depict its products.  
So, yeah, like the Dante's Inferno stuff, this is just the wrong angle for the wrong reasons. 
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#2  Edited By Kierkegaard

That video is entirely unrepresentative of an incredibly complicated debate. The girl is clearly trolling the bigoted speaker, making both of them poor examples for any kind of understanding. People that harm other people for Illegitimate reasons should be condemned. Surely that includes members of Hezbollah and Hamas, but also of the American Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, the Israeli Army, and more. Condemning a group merely stokes the flames of intolerance. Condemning violence in general is far more useful. I doubt the speaker would condemn Israeli attacks on Palestine just as the woman would not condemn Hezbollah. That's not justice. That's bigotry. From both sides. 

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#3  Edited By Kierkegaard
@lazyturtle said:
" Yes, I'm offended in two ways: 
1. What contextually represents, which was the direct oppression of a group of people. 
2. The USA is like the Mafia. Once you are in, you're in for life. Those fucktards in the confederacy though they could turn their backs on us? Oh, hell no.  Its a symbol of those who would attempt to divide our nation, WHICH IS INDIVISIBLE!
Now from a historical perspective, I'm not. I think it is a useful prop in a history class, its a relic of our nation. Oh...and I think the EU exemplifies why a confederacy would have been a terrible government for the USA..imagine if each state had its own agenda AND they were working together on big issues like currency. Imagine the last economic crisis: Alabama would default (ala Greece and Spain) on its bank deposits and obligations while New York would promise to guarantee bank deposits of any size (ala Ireland) would have been an even bigger disaster. 
@natetodamax: True...and the bible is just a book. But people have and will fought to the death over such things. They're symbols first and foremost. *edit* Wow..I didn't look beforehand, but your post is nearly a year old! "

Yeah, you basically got it. Old thread is old, but this comment is true. 

The confederate flag has historical and educational significance. So does the Prussian Flag. Or the 13 Star Colonial Flag. However, waving it for pride or whatever is strange. 

Now, certainly racists use the flag. That kinda sucks for the image of any symbol. But, the non-racists that wave it, are they justified?

If it's Southern Pride, that's divisive and arrogant, so no. 

If it's States Rights, that's a meaningless phrase that was code for slavery and no federal taxation, so no. 

If it's tradition, then no. That's a stupid tradition. 

So, the confederate flag has no positive purpose in the present day.

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#4  Edited By Kierkegaard
I haven't gone back to this game in a while, but as far as I remember all the pertinent extras are unlocked if you complete a playthrough. 
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#5  Edited By Kierkegaard

Ratchet and Clank: RC1, Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, Deadlocked, Tools of Destruction, Size Matters, Crack in Time, and likely any more they make. Love those games. 

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#6  Edited By Kierkegaard
@wewantsthering said:
" The problem for conservatives is that most people think of  Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. I am a conservative Christian, but I am at least twice as sane as Palin. :-)  I don't think people should skip out on games or movies based on whether they agree with the philosophical viewpoints of the creator. I like to keep an open mind and keep informed. I watch all of the Coen Brothers movies, not because I agree with their nihilistic worldview, but because I think they are creative and interesting.  It would be like me deciding not to buy any Apple products because they donated money to prop 8. That's just nuts people.  "
No, that's activist consumerism. See, when you fill out you're taxes, you have the option to donate some money to a cause you care for. When you spend money on a product and that company is known to support bigoted groups, you, through the transitive property, are also supporting those groups.  
It was revealed some months ago that one of Target's head dudes put a ton of money into a homophobic idiot's campaign. Consumers responded with boycotts and Target had to win them back with apologies and promises and showing that they hired many gay employees and supported the community.  
In other words, what we do and do not spend our money on matters. And it's not nuts. 
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#7  Edited By Kierkegaard
@Eijikun said:
" @Kierkegaard:  This is what I'm talking about. Why take it so seriously? If you don't like my post or think it's funny, you don't have to read it and can (get this!) look away.  Stop. Caring, that is. Ignore me if you don't like what I have to say. "
That's a ridiculous stance to take. Even here, on the magical internets, discussions usually follow a certain model. Someone says something they believe, someone else responds, other responses come in, and a thread then exists.  
You'd really rather I not care about what you're saying if I don't agree than engage with you? So, basically, you're looking for willing sycophants to laugh along to whatever the fuck you were trying to do and nothing more? How is that a fulfilling or interesting approach?  
I. Will. Never. Stop. Caring.  
I'm human. It's what we do. 
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#8  Edited By Kierkegaard
@cooljammer00 said:
" My Latin is rusty as hell but we never even learned about Luchadeers in class.  Thanks for nothing, Magister O'Neill. "
Yeah, Magistra Hayes only taught me 23 different ways to say kill. Now GiantBomb has outdone another bit of academia. 
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#9  Edited By Kierkegaard
@elsuperdonut said:
" @Kierkegaard said:
" @elsuperdonut said:
" @ch13696 said:
" I'm assuming you only went into the main plaza. There's still other stuff you can do. There's bowling, arcades, and some weird saucer thing in the main part. There's also a few multiplayer games when you browse around the different sections. I wouldn't really listen to many people on here. These are the people that either tried it once when it first came out or listen to the people talking crap on it when it first came out. Trust me, they keep adding to it and making it better. "
I went to the theater, bowling alley, and the mall.  The fact that you have to download a room before you enter was kind of a boner killer.  I went into the tester 2 theater expecting people to make smart ass comments about what was going on (I was), but nothing >.<  It's like Home is full of bots or something. "
Home's basic spaces are mostly shitty advertising and trumped up chat rooms. However, the game-based spaces for Uncharted, Infamous, Buzz, and more are actually quite cool. They usually construct little bits of the game world for you to run around in with some mini-games and challenges.   Is it amazing and fantastic? No. Is it a fun little time waster that you can experience free after a quick download? Yes. So, download a couple and see what gems you can find. "
Didn't see those...I'll give another run through and see what else I find.  Thanks! "
You're welcome! I think people too often go to extremes on things like this. If it isn't a godsend it's a travesty. Home is not brilliant; I'm not even sure it's good. But it's got some fun bits I hope you find. 
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#10  Edited By Kierkegaard

None in particular irked me. I did just want to say though that this level of civil discourse about something as torrid as review scores is quite impressive. Good on ya, GiantBomb.