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#1  Edited By KosmoK

That's the best "Meet the ..." video since "Meet the Sniper". I've still got the videos they put out on on the XBox Live Marketplace. Brilliant. Always fun to watch.

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#2  Edited By KosmoK
@matti00 said:

One of those PC games has the guy that hosted Eurovision on it! Schlag den Raab sounds rude.

Well, that's Stefan Raab. And one of his shows is "Schlag den Raab" which has been sold around the globe and is known in the UK as "Beat the Star". Even the logo is practically identical.
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#3  Edited By KosmoK
Oh, and to answer your qustion: no. I played the beta a few months back and it wasn't very good back then, so the current reviews are only backing my experience with it. And seeing that not a lot has changed since then, I'm inclined to just forget about it. There are a lot of better games already on the market today and a lot more coming this year. It's just not worth it.
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#4  Edited By KosmoK
@Hitchenson said:
UK games are super cheap to you? ...what.
Actually they are. A new release costs roughly 35-40 GBP on amazon in the UK which is about 40-45 EUR plus shipping, while here in Germany a new game costs about 60-70 EUR retail (with the exception of the occasional discount which brings it down to about 55 EUR in average). So that's a lot more money than importing it from the UK.
Just the other day I saw Vanquish at our local Mediamarkt for a whopping 70 EUR. The problem is that games don't necessarily get cheaper, they remain expensive for a long time.
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#5  Edited By KosmoK
@Wrighteous86: Yeah, that Crossfire interview was a glorious bit of television. And Tucker Carlson is such a *beep* - no wonder he ended up on Fox's doorstep.
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#6  Edited By KosmoK

Jon Stewart any day of the week. Simply because he provides more insight and he actually is Jon Stewart. Although Colbert can be quite funny, at the end of the day he is and always will be a character, a role that Colbert plays. It's more like watching a sitcom. But maybe that's just my European way of seeing it.

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#7  Edited By KosmoK

Could be that it's tied to your gamertag because it's a digital version.

edit: darn, someone was faster.

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#8  Edited By KosmoK
@zudthespud said:

" A point I should make about Sim racers also, as soon as a newer version comes out you forget about the old one. I put hundreds of hours into Forza 2 but I haven't looked at it since Forza 3 came out, same goes for old PC sims. "

That also applies to other genres of racing games, but I totally agree. It also happened to me. I think it's the lack of a story in racing games which would otherwise draw you back to re-experience it. And there's no "New Game" option because of that.
By the way: stories in racing games? Totally overrated!!! And the "story" in NFS:MW was only bearable because it was so over the top. If your career is followed like for example in GRID that's okay.
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#9  Edited By KosmoK

Racing games - still my favourite genre. Let's see.
The best? Not possible to answer, because it's highly subjective and objectivity is nearly impossible. Favourite? That can be answered.
I'm still a huge fan of the NFS series - although there have been some "not so good" and some outright bad ones. My favourites out of that series are #1, #3 the first HP, #4 High Stakes, #7 the first Underground, #9 MW and #13 the re-imagining of HP - even the first Shift (#12) had it's moments.
Well, Burnout 3 was quite fun, but at least for me it got unplayable towards the end. Haven't finished it to this day. Burnout (4) Revenge was a lot of fun and Paradise is just awesome.
PGR 3 & 4 were also quite fun, but the devilishly hard AI on higher difficulty settings in Part 4 was what broke that game for me. Too bad we will probably never see another PGR.
GRID was a lot of fun and looked beautiful, still does. Split Second is also worth mentioning, because it's a pure adrenaline rush from start to finish, with the occasional "pulling your hair out" moments.
Which leads me to the everlasting debate between GT and Forza. Two things right at the beginning: 1) I like both game series and 2) I haven't played enough of GT5 to fully comment on the matter.
I like the look and feel of GT5 very much, heck I even like the UI. The driving part is fun and the tracks have a lot of variety. Which brings me directly to the worst part of Forza and what made it the most grinding experience in my racing game history. Yes, Forza 2 & 3 are fun to drive, look good and do a lot of things right. BUT especially Forza 3 gets very old very fast. It's one effing race track after the other, almost nothing else. I can't tell you how many times I have driven Suzuka, Catalunya, Twin Motegi, etc. and how much I've learned to hate them. Add to that the shear size of the Events List, it let's you drive the same tracks in a single race event over and over again in ever increasing lap numbers. Maybe GT5 will also get to that stage later on, but Forza really grinds on you after a short amount of time, especially when you leave the season mode and start to run down the event list - maybe that was my fault.
At the end of my ramblings I'd say I like best most of the NFS series, Burnout Paradise, GRID and GT5/Forza3. One of every sub-genre. Thanks for reading.

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#10  Edited By KosmoK

A sad day indeed...