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loafofgame's comments

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It is a bit of a shame they're skipping almost all the incidental dialogue. Then again, there's a lot of it. As a completionist and someone who has played through the series many many times, it is sometimes hard to accept how much they're missing. But it's understandable and them just playing this together is absolutely worth it.

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Edited By loafofgame
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Oof, it's probably because I've played the ME series so many times, but them having trouble navigating the relatively small maps and being unable to find where stuff is (or simply overlooking it)... I know this game to the point that it makes me a horrible person.

I'm sorry. This is an awesome feature. Don't change anything.

(Please order that drink from Forvan)

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Dear me, as a completionist I really have to control myself when I see Alex skipping an audio log during the escape from the Cerberus facility and missing an entire conversation with Jacob before the Freedom's Progress mission...

But hey, so awesome that this is back.

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As someone who tries to read all the comments, it keeps surprising me that the wide variety of interpretations of the deliberations doesn't lead to people being more cautious in expressing their own opinion. Even though people are surrounded by views that are the complete opposite, they're often still so single-minded and confident in their own views. I just don't get it.

I guess it comes with being passionate and invested, but still... it sometimes feels like some reactions are more intense than is healthy. And I don't mean toxic or mean-spirited, but just... intense. Could just be me reading too much into things, though.

Anyway, great podcasts as always! Thanks for all the hard work. I still have all the Specialtacular videos to go. I can't wait! :-D

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I'm both happy and sad that I always come here when the dust has already settled. It'd be nice to be part of the discussion as it develops, but at the same time I don't want to care about this to the point that I would force myself to try to watch GB content as soon as it comes out.

I for one am happy that GB occasionally makes content that is really devisive, because it makes for discussions that are very interesting to read. Of course, that's easy for me to say, because I never have a dog in any of these fights and I am not passionate enough about video games or GB's content direction to let stuff like this linger. But still... reading the comment sections when opinions clash is both insightful and entertaining.

I realize that's a selfish statement, because stuff like this obviously makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable, and to then say these comments are entertaining is kind of shitty, but then again, it seems every commenter in these discussions is often rather self-centered when raising concerns, so I don't feel too bad.

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Pfff, the comment section just seems... sour. At least it's not toxic, but man... hardly any room for positivity, I guess.

I had a lot of fun listening to this while playing video games. Thanks, GB! :-D

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Edited By loafofgame

@envane said:


i think both sides of the 'argument' at hand are overblown


its fine to disagree or agree , but getting as riled up as some people seem to be (on both sides) is not going to get us anywhere productive.

Sorry for the rant, please dont overhype the goty salt , i expected something jucier

This this this. I often read comments before watching/listening to content and almost every single time people on both sides seem to read way too much into what is being expressed in said content (and also in subsequent comments). I sometimes can't believe how things are blown out of proportion based on tiny snippets of content. And it often leads to unnecessarily heated debates.

You can stop reading now.

I would also like to add that many people seem to fall into the trap of being extremely selective when defending their points and being very definitive in their statements. I always feel like that's the result of not having important people in your life that strongly disagree with you on the bigger subjects. You meet these people superficially on the internet, but they're not your friends, they're not people you really care about.

In real life, if I have any 'discussions' on the more significant issues, they aren't really discussions. We're just agreeing with each other, which makes us feel good and confident. But it also makes us lazy and unwilling to consider the specific context we're part of. Our confidence makes us think that we've looked at something from all possible sides and that there really isn't any other conclusion. But in such a context the aim is never to counter our views, it's only to strengthen them.

And so we end up on the internet with a lot of contextual baggage and very little patience for anyone who disagrees with what is obvious.

The way I see it, we want everything we say on the internet to have some impact, but at the same we know that if we pick our battles and have a deep nuanced discussion with one person, that impact is going to feel minimal. It will feel like our time and effort was wasted. Because the internet is huge and we want to be heard by as many people as possible. And so we keep everything short and snappy. And shortsighted and incomplete. And we get annoyed when things take too long or when people question our views.

I don't know, it feels like a lot of people (myself included) still don't understand how to deal with the internet (both emotionally and intellectually). However, that is easy for me to say, because I don't rely on the internet to be socially happy or financially independent, so it's easy for me to ignore the internet as an important social and interactive space. I'm very well aware that for some the internet is very much the primary social space and as such any negativity is far harder to ignore.

I'll stop.

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@friedcritic said:


Not to be that person, but auto-accelerate isn't just for kids; it's also great for people with disabilities. I feel like it isn't super cool to write it off as a cheat because of that, although I know nothing rude was intended by it :)

Also, Vinny's SpongeBob voice is a GIFT.

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Heeeeeey, I'm a premium member and there are ads in this video...

Then again, I can't be bothered to PM anyone about it, so... eh.