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Edited By Lv4Monk

I'm not asking them to be good at this game but I would prefer more effort. I enjoy them goofing off and having fun while still engaging with the interesting mechanics that make up PUBG.

I wish there was a greater understanding from these forums of the massive range between pro level play and barely trying. Too often asking GB for more gets the usual "oh boy, another grognard getting angry at them for not being good at video games, you guys play how you wanna play". All I'm requesting is a greater effort to learn how this game functions strategically.

Kinda the same criticism I have about Fighting Game coverage on this site.

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Edited By Lv4Monk

@ripelivejam said:

@lv4monk: you can then say any game can prey on addicts. all in moderation. equating it to gambling is way overblown, in any case.

people just don't like dota i think, are tired of seeing it, and like to be loud about it. live and let live.

That seems pretty naive to not acknowledge the level of intent with something like Dota 2. The reward structure of this stuff is scientific in the way it coerces you into trying "just one more time".

I have no issue with Dota 2 itself or Moba in general, I assure you it's not that (I had my Moba phase and would still enjoy spectating competitive matches). The difference that gambling makes is meaningful, and yes, I think it's reasonable to stand by the term "gambling". It's getting you to spend far more money on a chance at something than you ever would've as a one-time payment, in a way that causes certain people to dive into a financial hole they otherwise wouldn't have been in.

I'm not even sure I'd care much about this shit existing if we only lived in a world where it was respected and not thrown around like a fun little mini-game for people of all ages.

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Edited By Lv4Monk

@rossco81 said:

@jordan97267: Its literally all cosmetics and has nothing to do with actual gameplay; why is that disgusting? lol

This is what concerns me most. That Dota 2 stuff is gambling with all the baggage that entails but because it's cosmetic stuff in a video game people laugh it off as silly and dumb. It IS silly and dumb but for the right kind of person it's also potentially a very damaging slippery slope.

People don't take this stuff seriously enough for how much sway it can have over a person.

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Edited By Lv4Monk

@7x_ said:

@ripelivejam said:

@7x_: it is, actually. but thanks for your zany gif response, i guess?

No Caption Provided

They were playing on a PS4 NotBrad. A button that has a strict "Pressed | Not Pressed" state can't be "too sensitive" in a specific game. That's like if someone said the SNES's B button was easier to physically press than the other face buttons in Contra.

Besides, the concept of a button that exists solely to drop a block as fast as possible being "too sensitive" is mind bending.

I'm mostly talking out of my ass here but there are games where diagonals cause me problems, in this case left/down and right/down when I simply meant left or right.

Not sure if that's what he meant.

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Give this idea to someone like Tim Schafer and let him inject some heart into it. What Schafer did with metal head culture applied to this "high school trapper keeper" world.

Tim Schafer heart in place of the black internet humor and I could see a charming ass game.

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Edited By Lv4Monk

This looks gorgeous, so much personality. Never played Wonderboy/Adventure Island, pretty well sold on it.

Usually get stuff like this on PC but this looks like a mighty fine Switch game...

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I still have a crt in my room. On new tvs, sometimes I use filters in games and sometimes I don't. Looking at old games on new monitors is worse than looking at them on old monitors, 100% of the time anyways, so I'm not sure what kind of HD High Horse anyone thinks they are riding. "Regular" is just as garbage as a filter, which as an attempt to replicate the superior pixel displaying format, which is and always will be a crt... I guess, unless anyone figures it out.

I don't have a framemeister, so no idea if that's worth the cash. I've hard that "solves the problem" for HD but then again I believe it also has filters, so that says something.

Old games implied at least as much as they showed. Clarity isn't always a boon.

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Edited By Lv4Monk

@jedikv said:

@lv4monk: you're talking about comparing their content while I'm merely talking about the style in which they employ to get their point across.

I'm specifically referencing their delivery. Jim Sterling seems like a pretty good guy that has a good head on his shoulders. My problems come directly from said style, more specifically when the anger trumps the problem. The melodrama swallows any discussion of a game and quickly becomes a blame game for all their perceived mistreatment. In other words he has a tendency to get defensive in a way that seems disproportionate to what shitty thing a dev did.

I like Jim Sterling and think he often makes good points, I don't like his videos.

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@jedikv said:

@ripelivejam: @lv4monk: Despite their crazy persona that they portray in their vids, I welcome their cynicism on the industry (maybe a slight overcorrection in places) but it's one of the reasons why I come to GB - they don't try to be hype-men for the industry and keep it grounded. Especially for a while where 'hype-culture' was/is something that a lot of these companies try to market. To me, it's no different than the stuff of John Oliver/Daily Show 'righteous monologue' segments.

@meierthered:Wasn't Jim a writer for Destructoid and Escapist?

There's a pretty fundamental difference between criticizing a government that's supposed to represent us and a company that releases a video game we can decide to purchase. That and the gulf between "industry hype man" and "caustic cynicism" is vast.

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Edited By Lv4Monk
@nickfoley said:

By the way, Angry Joe and Jim Sterling appear to be totally genuine. Their videos, if you watch them, site their issues. There's nothing wrong with having a persona as long as you back it up, and present your reasoning.

You can be a totally genuine person and still overly rely on self-righteous soapboxes. I find those sorts of videos blowing legitimate concerns wildly out of proportion with practical issues. They tend to force topics into questions of morality and finger pointing that go well beyond the game in question. Letting outside forces like that too heavily influence their opinion of a game frustrates me. It starts to feel less like a critique of a game and more a trial (and often execution) of the person or company that made it.

There are places for videos like that, for sure, but it too often overshadows the actual products that we're (potentially) buying. I strongly believe each game should be taken on it's own merits, regardless of where it came from. I realize that games aren't released in a vacuum but there's a difference between context and irrelevant information.