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#1  Edited By mellotronrules
@bigsocrates said:

"Eat your spinach" only works for culture when it comes to parents of young kids and teachers.

You have to meet the audience where it is. Or you create/find the audience you need to be sustainable.

yeah, broadly i acknowledge drawing the important distinction between what's artistically successful and what's commercially viable. i don't much care for the OT's construction of "who's fault is it" as that confers some sort of implied grievance, as in "this thing is totally friggin sweet, if only the public or artist didn't screw it up." and personally i just don't think people create or consume media in that sort of framework.

however (perhaps unpopular opinion time)- i actually do think there's a place for prescriptive or curated culture. i'm that guy that tends to shy away from algorithmic recommendations- not only because they're frequently poor, but also because they're devoid of context and/or meaning. i don't want more of what i like (based on analysis)- i want something i haven't seen or heard that someone else thinks i should see or hear. that can be a bud, a publication, or an A&R suit- i don't care as long as someone thinks it has value.

likewise- (and i know there's no going home again in a post-internet world)- i do miss 'eating my spinach' because every now and then, for a variety of factors, some wild shit rises to the top.

old man personal anecdote:

i remember coming home late one evening and my sister was watching Radiohead perform 'Idioteque' on SNL. later, i caught a music video for the track 'Optimistic' on MTV. i had never heard anything like that stuff before, and so i went and picked up a copy of the album Kid A, and that shit blew my mind. the monoculture (SNL; record labels, MTV programming suits) force-fed me that stuff- and as it turns out- they were right! Kid A went on to become a wildly successful hit record in comparison to today's anemic music industry standards, and i feel it in my soul that Kid A would absolutely die on the vine trying to find an audience in today's Spotify. it's a challenging record that isn't really interested in catchy hooks, and i came to it entirely because those with their hands on the levers of early 2000s influence pushed it on me.

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hmm- in the broad hypothetical case of a game that starts very generic but eventually becomes interesting- yeah, i suppose i would rest the burden of being compelling squarely on the shoulders of the creator. ultimately it's their world we're invited into, so they should probably be mindful hosts (in an engagement sense).

however you did bring up the notion of impatient audiences- and i do think that's a real thing and/or conversation worth having, specifically when you get away from the notion of games as product and lean harder into games as art. when games are product, the successful ones tend to optimize towards being interesting and fun. art oftentimes does not give a flying fig if you're having a good time- sometimes it's designed in the opposite direction.

the other thing to consider is audience conditioning. it's obviously a different space, but when you look at what's going on with songwriting in Spotify (songwriters optimizing towards shorter tracks and upfront hooks to game the Spotify payout scheme)- you start to set an expectation within audiences that, with enough repetition- can certainly mess with public tolerance for certain types of work.

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yeah, CoD will getcha.

but i'm also sympathetic to consumers being on the short end of the stick when it comes to anemic device specs designed to bolster a pricing strategy.

case in point- Apple sells new imac configs with their newest processors paired with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. that's engineered to get you in at the 'starting at' price, and then tax you hard with the upgrades. meanwhile- people will buy that base spec and spend too much time managing fixed resources for the rest of its days.

the Series S isn't quite that, but it does feel like it's showing its limits more readily.

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tyranny of the asterisk:

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no one gets what's on the tin with local storage, sadly.

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yeah, this is rotten- no two ways around it. it sucks but i'm not surprised.

it does seem like another 'buyer beware' teachable moment. unless there's significant legislation that enshrines a new digital ownership scheme, i don't think it's realistic to expect purchased digital content to persist in perpetuity. this is triply so with content that exists on the periphery of popularity (critical mass usually keeps things available for purchase).

i've certainly 'lost' content from Apple. but i also continue to buy movies from them because of all the platform holders, they seem the most financially secure and neutral (meaning- everyone puts there content there for the most part). maybe i'm a sucker, but honestly i just haven't been utterly burnt yet.

i feel like a real test is coming for when privately-held Steam is due for ownership change. nothing lasts forever, and i wonder what Unforeseen Consequences occur when a big shift like that happens.

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here's an example of an ad misbehaving- this is in mobile chrome on a pixel 4a 5G; refresh fixed but the page was otherwise locked out.

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yeah i'm stoked on this patch! i think it's going to trigger me to start that 2nd run (and potentially replay the ending of my first run).

nice to see the vibes remain so positive on this one- Larian seem to be in a good place. (oh god please no terrible work/life exposés in 6 months)

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@ben_h said:

I had looked into fixing a 4th gen iPod nano I bought at a garage sale but those things are a completely different level of difficulty to fix. Like proper nightmare stuff with tiny screws, a bunch of adhesive, and way more paper thin ribbon cables.

oh man- my mother asked me to replace her 3rd gen ipod nano battery- turns out:

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thanks, Apple.

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yeah, its not as bad as kotaku, but it's moving in that direction.

i usually can find the 'X' but occasionally it doesn't render properly, and you just need to refresh the page.

the podcast feed is getting pretty brutal with programmatic ads too. i know it depends on luck of the algorithm and/or your region- but having conversations get cut off every 15min by a Dunkin Donuts ad jingle isn't awesome.