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Looking Back On Games - Double Fine

"In other words....PSYCHONAUTS!!"

Lately I've been looking back at some of the memories I have had playing video games. Granted, I'm only fourteen years old so I may have less experience than older gamers. But regardless, there were some games I loved, and the first one that popped into my mind was Psychonauts. I forget exactly how old I was when I played it, but I remember being hyped for the game because of G4TV. (back when G4 was actually a good channel) I bought it as soon as I can, and I remember playing it for hours on end. The fun platforming, the great humor, I loved everything about it. I had a blast, and I'll even go as far as to say that Psychonauts is probably my favorite game of all time. (And if you haven't played it and you like platformers, it's up on Xbox Live Marketplace for $20. Buy it!!)

So it's not surprising that when Double Fine's next game was announced, Brutal Legend, I got super hyped. By that time, I would've loved to play any game with the Double Fine name on it, and the idea of a metal inspired game was genius to me. Rock stars such as Ozzy, Rob Halford, Jack Black doing voices in the game made me even more excited. But then the reviews came out and said that it's not the most perfect game ever. And for that I held off on buying it. I rented it instead. And to my surprise, I was really disappointed with it. They completely hid the fact that it was an RTS from everyone, and at times the RTS gameplay seemed really cheap. The game also dipped into other genres on top of that, making it overwhelming and a bit sloppy. It wasn't terrible, but I was still unhappy that it wasn't as good as Psychonauts. 

 Like all other Double Fine games, it looks interesting.
 Like all other Double Fine games, it looks interesting.

Lately it's been announced that Double Fine has been working on downloadable titles, the first one being Costume Quest. This seems to be the right move for the company, since none of their games seem to be selling well retail. The idea of Costume Quest seems interesting, and even though though RPGs aren't really my type of game, I might still try it out for the sake of supporting Double Fine.

Yes, Double Fine has made mistakes in the past, but I do still have tons of hope for them, and I do hope that they can finally make some money with these downloadable titles.


TL;DL version - Yo dawg, Double Fine is awesome.