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You're doing it wrong

So, last time I talked about Too Human, it was from the perspective of the melee-class. Now I am playing the game as an Commando, meaning it's the reverse tactics: strong on ranged combat, weak on melee.

While it was easy enough to stay alive through the first chapter, I am dieing without end now in the iceforrest. I am 3/4 through and died about 25 times already.

So the big question of course is: am i doing it wrong?
Am I dieing more often then others? Is it just part of the game to die a lot, especially if you die because there are no healing orbs dropped during a large fight, and then you respawn in the middle of this fight, with a combo-meter of zero, and you're just hacked to death. Is there a way to increase health-orb drops that I just am to ignorant to see?

Any recommendations, what I could do, to stay alive longer? Of course I need to keep the distance, but it's not like I can run away forever, waiting for my weapons to reload...
Thanks in advance, for any comments voiced :)

Only human

So, yeah .. I am back from Paris. Had a nice time there, walked my feet to bloody stumps. My glorious quest to see as much about the city as possible, led me to 6, 7 hours tours each day. You can imagine, that I was pretty tired in the evenings, therefore I was not able to play ANY Pokemon. Sorry, I know you would have LOVED to hear some awesome Poké-Stories ;) I am only human ... 

Talking about being human (I am learning a lot from the GB-Podcast *lol*), as soon as I was back home, I went and bought 'Too Human'. And as of 20 Minutes ago, I finished playing through. Well, for the first time and with my first choice of class. I suppose I will at least try another class.

Here some thoughts about the game:
  • I liked the story, and there were some topics of interest. But I still miss some information, would have loved to hear more about some of the stuff, the NPCs were talking about. 
  • And even with the game being a trilogy ... I would have loved some more closure then that. Stupid Cliffhangers!
  • It took me about 14 hours to finish the game. Even if I would never play the game again, I guess thats a nice amount of gaming time nowadays.
  • I died about 60 times! Most of the times, I died at the same spot severall times in a row, because it's f**ing impossible to evade some bosses attacks, or you get thrown into a mass of enemies which just hack you down. Even more frustrating are the times, where the only possibility to finish a boss was with ranged weapons. As I played the melee-class, my guns wouldn't deal much damage, and it took me ages and lots of dieing to end it, for example the bossfight at ice-forrest.
  • On the other hand, death has almost no penalty and is therefore just a nuisance. Yeah, your weapons and armor get damage, but actually I only lost 1 item. Most of the times you find enough fresh loot that is better then the damaged one anyway.

So, besides it being a stupid hack-and-slay game, that just send onslaughts of the same enemies against you, pits you in situations your class just is not fitted for and leaves you hanging with some cliffhangers in the end ... I really liked the game. Sure it could be better, I guess after all that development time it even SHOULD be better; and if Denis Dyack wouldn't be this big-mouthed Sir Talk-a-lot just raising the expectations, no one would be dissapointed now. But it's a nice Slayer, as we all got to wait for Diablo 3 a little longer. Plus the story is something you probably never heard of, with some great voice acting.

Yeah, I guess I am trying to convince myself too ...but hey, I am only human...

That's me going away

...for a couple days, at least.

I'll take my DS with me, so maybe I can blog about some 'awesome' Pokemons* I caught when I come back ;)
Once I am back I'll get Too Human, and there is still some BC: Rearmed to tackle. At least I managed to rescue Super Joe today ... he would have hated to wait for me, till I am back from France.

Anyway - happy gaming everyone, have a great week. I am pretty sure I will :)

*a friend of mine, that went abroad for a couple months, gave it to me before he left. He ordered me to get a Pokemon ready, when he is back, so he can fight me. I don't want to offend anybody ..but this game is bloody stupid... :)

All you need is ..rant

Yesterday I bitched about me being displeased with BC: Rearmed, because I couldn't figure out how to beat the bosses. Then I decided, I will try one last time. You can imagine I was pretty surprised, when I ploughed through them today.

Seems like all I have to do, is whine ...wich is embarrassing on its own.

But when I tried again, I somehow got the timing right, fighting the boss at the sewers. And then I realized, that with the Ironboots on, that Leader of the 1st Platoon shouldn't be to hard to kill aswell. When I got to the MAMA at the construction site, I used a hint I read... but there are 3 screws to unwind, where I only had seen 2 before (maybe I should upgrade to a bigger TV ;) ). Well, with that in mind, it was an easy task.

So yeah, I am pretty happy now. If you manage to beat the bosses, the game is a lot more fun. 
Lection learned: never give up, never surrender ;)

Why did I buy BC Rearmed?!?

I played the Demo to Bionic Commando Rearmed last week and realy liked it. Played the challenges, that were included and had a lot of fun. 

Yesterday in the night, I felt like playing something new and fresh, so I bought BC Rearmed. 2 hours later I cursed my 360, the TV and the controller for being cruel bastards. I turned them off in frustration and went to bed - I didn't even manage to beat the 1st Level!

So I tried it again today, after some sound sleep. I managed to beat the 1st level ..and that's it.
My problem is not the swinging or the enemies. Not at all. I am rather good at that already, dodging bullets, swinging into their faces (got the ironboots), throwing granades. But I totally fail at the bosses.

And that's why I am pissed off. I am not used to not getting a game. I am not used to being to stupid. Yeah, I am hacking their network, I am reading those conversations, and I get those hints. But it seems like I can't put them into practice. 
Maybe I need another weapon than the pistol, but I can't figure out where to get them.
I know that there have to be other weapons, because there are stages I can't even enter without them.
But yeah.. obviously I don't get it.

It's frustrating if you play through the level, find the boss, can't beat him, die. die. die. die ...and then have to play through that level again. I shouldn't have bought that game in the first place, there are tons of games I haven't finished. Or I should have gone to bed instead. 
Meh, stupid me.

Braid (again)

And once more I have to write about Braid. 

I fnished it today, took me quite some time, but I just had to do it. Unfortunatly I had to look up at YouTube how to solve one of the puzzles, when I saw the video I felt very stupid, but I would not have realized how to do it on my own ;)

Lvl 1 was an intense experience, and the epilogue was just plan awesome. Braid gives you the feeling of living through something special all the time, but when reading the epilogue (luckily I discovered the hidden texts too) it draws you in even more. I can't remember any videogame with that strong story and writing. Hell, most books I read can't match that!

Of course I had lot's of thought going through my head afterwards. There is so much information, but there is even more information that is not told. I like that a lot, if your brain is just stimulated with some input, but you have to figure it out for yourself. I guess Braid is going to keep me busy for quite some time, and I don't have to grab the gamepad for that :)

Like the end of "Neon Genesis Evangelion" or "Akira", Braid just blew my mind ...
Now that I finished it (well, there is that thing about the 8-stars but I don't think I am going to go through the hassle), I might need to write a new review. The last one just doesn't suit anymore...

All games should be that good. On the other hand, rather not. I don't think I could handle that :)


So, what am I up to at the moment, gamingwise?
I'm still trying to finish Braid, but these last couple of puzzle pieces seem rather elusive. I think I am going to use the help of the youtube-videos I read about in the forum. Sure it's a shame if I can't figure it out myself, but I really want to get to lvl 1 and I want to learn about the conclusion.

Then there is Geo Wars 2. Well, the novelty (is there any in a sequel?!) wore off, and there are still some achievements that I didn't unlock. I am moving back to my apartement today, so I will finally be able to get the Highscores of my friends to fight against. Maybe this will boost my interesst in the game....

Lastly I have been playing some more GTA IV. I'm still dating Kiki, that craaaazy bitch, but it's nice. And I am dabling on with the quests, so maybe I can finish it, but I realize that the world is still way to big for me. I'd rather sit in a car listening to music, or go to Split Sides to watch a show or relax at the Triangle Club... or just speed through town getting a police chase on that will lead to my killing, than start a mission.
Yesterday I came to that point, where I had to decide whom of my former companions I want to kill. (I'm trying to keep that spoiler free:) I tried the one with the cash first, as I didn't like his attitude at all. But I got some police man kill me, before I could finish him. So I went and killed the other guy as he had almost no protection, but it just felt wrong to me. Now I feel like I have to load a previous save, because I don't want him to be dead. It's quite interessting, that think that way, about a bunch of virtual dudes. I guess that's what makes GTA IV so special...

I am going on a vacation to Paris in 1 1/2 weeks, and when I am coming back "Too Human" should sit on the store shelves. I am pretty sure, that I will buy it, as long as the reviews are not to crushing. I really liked the demo, and it's the kind of game I can see myself playing to an end.
There are tons of games I'm looking forward to, coming this fall and winter and I can only hope that at least half of them is rubbish. There is no way I can buy and play all of them ;)


a harsh mistress

Somehow I managed to delete my last blogpost about Braid, all that's left of it, can be seen in 'my feed'. Last time I was all "I don't know how to start praising the game", now I am all "Why don't you want me to love you?"

Actually it would be easy to finish Braid, because you just have to walk from left to right, jump occassionaly and will reach the door to the next stage. At somepoint you should be at the end. That's one of the strangest things about Braid to me, cause it presents itself to you as a platformer, while it isn't. It's a puzzle-game, which I am totaly cool with ...if only I would be smart enough to solve this bit***s.

Well I am still intrigued by the game. As I said, I want to love it (, and be loved back), but we are kind of struggling in this relationship.
As soon as I feel like I finished it, I am going to give you a full review, and now I will stop whining and put my brain around the puzzles again. Maybe I get smarter in that process :)


the new Kodak-Moment

You guys still remember the phrase about "Kodak-Moments"? Well, I guess it's obsolete now, this days it should be called a GTA-Moment...

As I told the other day, I got back to playing GTA IV. I know why I stopped playing, but I just feel like I totally missed out, in doing so. The game is just brilliant... One of the reasons I say that, is the following story. I don't want to spoil anything, but I guess at that point, everyone but me has finished GTA IV anyway :)

So, I started to date Kiki aka Lawchick, we met online, so to say. On our first date we went to Split Sides, on the second we went to a restaurant, something she didn't like. Couple days later I get a text-message from her, along the lines: "If you got time between your other bitches, call me for a date." ... I was like "What the fu...?!"
But that was just the beginning...

So I called her, and as she claimed me via texts, I was sure to claim her in the bedroom later that evening. To set the mood, I decided to go for a couple drinks with her. Before we enter the bar, she says "I can get pretty emotional when drinking. Make sure I don't drink to much" ... yeah whatever.
But as soon as we left the Bar, when I tried to get us a cab (I may be murderous but I am a responsible citizen), she starts yelling at me, that I should stop looking at other women, that I am a cheap skirtchaser, I should leave my pants on, etc ...
it was amazing.

I was sitting in front of the TV, and I guess I must have had a very puzzled face at that moment, the mouth hanging open. What the hell was going on? What kind of psycho-bitch did I date? I didn't even look at any other girl ...
Even when we got a cab, she would still yell angrily about me looking at some booty :)

Once we arrived at her apartment, obviously sobered out a bit, she said she was sorry ...and invited me to come upstairs. Oh yeah, that's going to be a long lasting and fullfilling relationship :)

It's moments like that, that set GTA IV apart from other games. That make this a very special game.
Of course it's not happening all the time, but actually ... life is not special all the time too...