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I know that the upcoming election is a huge thing for you guys. 

I am not going to voice my opinion here, I am not entitled to vote for your next president anyway, and most likely it would end with a lot of shouting ;)

But we had an election ourselves today ...and I am shattered by it's outcome.
We have a very different political system then the US and a (I shouldn't use the word) 'better' voting system. It's more direct, every opinion counts 'more'. Usually democrazy means that 51 peoples opinion overrules what 49 think ...and that sucks if you're one of the 49. In the US 51% could vote for either party and still could be overruled by the other 49% ... now that is something I just don't get. 
So ...thats all I am going to say about the US-election :)

Back to Austria, where we voted on the parliament and which party is going to designate the next chancelor, which is kind of the highest ranked politiican. Our president is just there to oversee everything is done correct, and to represent.
At todays election the national parties gained a lot of influence, which in my opinion is a very bad thing. But the cause, that I am at a total loss for words about it is, that it is so stupid to vote for these parties. They were in the goverment couple years ago and didn't achieve anything. During the campaining-period they never said what they want to do, that would benefit the county. All they said was "We are against ..." or "The governing parties suck", it was always just nay ,nay, nay, nay...
I know that a lot of people voted for the national parties because the wanted to protest against the governing parties. Which is okay, cause they did a very poor job. But there were enough other possibilities to do so ... parties that proposed ways that would make life better for everyone.

With their new gained influence this parties will make this country a place I don't want to live in ...