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Recap and something about my (gaming) dad!

Been rather busy lately, especially with the upcoming Viennale, the 'Vienna International Film Festival". It's the very best thing to happen every fall, and I am always looking forward to it for months. I am a movie-enthusiast, quite more then I am into games, so the last 2 weeks in october are going to be AWESOME.

Yesterday started the ticket presales, been standing in line for 3 1/2 hours, but I got all 12 tickets I wanted to.
Of course I managed to save some gaming time in between :)

Besides work, cinema and stuff there wasn't much gaming going on this week. I finally finished "The World ends with you", I had stopped playing shortly before the end back then, and it took me 2 days to beat the final boss fight. I had to plug my DS to the power cable to prevent it from shutting down over night, so I could give it a try the next day again ;)
Unfortunatly, when I finally finished the boss, I was standing in line for my Viennale-tickets a friend started talking to me ... so I have no clue what the f*** was going on :) If anyone would PM me or write it on my wall (you don't have to spoil the experience for everyone else), I'd be obliged.

The bigger news come from yesterday evening, when I visited my dad. He had asked me to bring my X360, to show him, what his Sony Bravia-Screen is capabel of. He is everything but a gamer, I don't think he even enjoys card- and boardgames a lot. When I started playing PC games as a youngster, he would just not get, whats fun about it, he wouldn't even acknowledge that this is a rightous pastime... especially as I spent a lot of time with my games.
So I showed them Burnout Paradise first. Of course they were fascinated by the graphics and the detail. And once they got, that you HAVE to drive dangerously and that nothing bad comes from crashing (I had to point out, that there are no drivers in the cars...), they were fine with that. Him and his wife would both try the game severall times, with her picking up the controlls pretty fast. My Dad of course did not do so well, steering around wildly like drunk ...but at least he tried to!
After that I showed em the Guitar Hero 3-Demo, with my stepmother getting 82% for 'Even Flow' on easy on her first try! That's pretty neat for someone thats not into something like that (and playing it on the x360-Controller instead of a guitar is a hassle). When my dad had his go on it, the game stopped eventually because he missed to many notes and the crowd went wild about it :)
I showed em GeoWars 2 because it's perfect to show off colour brilliance. Hexic, cause I love puzzlers and I wanted them to see, that there are lot's of games that are calm and about thinking (I should have shown Braid...). Sonic because it's a classic platformer and easy to grasp. 
Then I started Assassins Creed, which I only brought with me, because I forgot about it in summer, when I was housesitting there. 
I was stunned by the graphics ... so were my dad and his wife. I just ran around Damaskus a little bit, shoving people around, climbing up roofs, jumping into haywaggons, pushing a guard of the edge. I totally forgot about the fight controlls already, so when I got into a big fight I was killed eventually. Of course they didn't like the blood splattering about, but I told them about the story and that this was no childs game anyway.

When I left my stepmother joked that she is going to buy an X360 as christmas present for my dad. I wouldn't believe it, if it happened. But it was quite nice to show them something I really like ..and them taking interesst in it.

Give it a try and make someone interessted in gaming, that isn't.
Happy gaming everyone :)