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The EverQuest is a lie

So, I'm closing in on that sweet spot of nearly 5,000 points of Wiki edits here on GiantBomb, which is totally awesome. One, it means I will soon be able to make edits without having to wait for approval. Two, well...that's a big number. And big numbers rock. Three, I dunno. Glad I could do something useful for the site. The truth of the matter is this though: 2,122 of my Wiki points are untrue. Fake, false, tricksy. Take a look here:  

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Back in March 2011, something happened. I was surfing around the site, trying to find answers to Quests, and I figured that EverQuest, as one of the largest and earliest MMORPGs, would be tied to one of 'em. Can't recall if it was or wasn't, but I know I did not spend a ton of time on its Wiki page. If anything, I might have made a single copy edit--I'm an editor in real life, and sometimes it is hard to resist correcting somebody's incorrect use of your/you're or it's/its--but that would be it. I did not add anything new to the EverQuest page because, and this is the kicker, I know nothing about it. Never played the game. So far, my only time with a MMORPG is Glitch, and there's probably an entire city of people screaming that that's not really an MMORPG. All I know about EverQuest is that there's...uh, elves in it. I think?
According to wiki history, I added 2,122 points worth to the game's page in a single sitting. Yowza. 
This impressive bit of oddness was enough to get the curious cat Marino interested, and a PM discussion happened where we tried to figure this out. No answers. I guess he was just concerned about defending his home turf as Marino's wiki edits for EverQuest are...well 29,000+. I'm next on the list, and then there's a few scragglers coming up short with 100 points of edits after that. It's like playing that game One of These is Not Like the Others.
Again, I've never played the game before. I never made those edits. Nobody has access to my account, and if they did, I find it strange that they chose me as a vehicle to drive this page up the road. This happened months ago, and it still bothers me. I feel like it'll continue to bother me, as there is no seemingly sane answer, and I just have to chalk it up to a weird bug, one that only two people noticed.

When I hit 5,000 points, it's going to feel unreal. Mostly because it is.