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The year of '09

Looking back at the year gone by and thinking about all the games i played and i notice that my giant bomb page looks pretty black. SO here's a blog. In part it's a attempt to practice writing. SO here goes. 
To Start off this year was not so great financially, but i don't think i cut back on the amount of gaming.  This and coupled with loads of free time, depression and procrastination lead to me getting "serious" with more games than previously. 
The year started off with the usually, home alone with couple of new games. This time it was Saints Row 2. New to this series i had no expectations to what was install but hours on end of listening to the Advertisement at work peaked my interest. The game is a silly ass, open world GTA 4 on crack. But fun and engaging as hell. It was a precursor to the great red faction and a "this how to do a good open world game" to prototype.
 I think the next 09 trend for me was Japanese gaming! well sort of. I continue to mine the great Playstation 2 titles i had missed out on of the years. This year it began with thefinal fantasy games X and XII.  The story of how i like 12 over 10 and got insanely addicted to ff12 is pretty much i played 12 hated it, played 10 starting out to liking but ending indifferent, going back to 12 and there sunk 120 hrs...
I mean FFX is fine, the turn based combat, the million dollar polish. But the shit you have to sit though. the poorly written dialogue and even worst delivery. i spent the required amount of time with that game and had my fun but I'm far from enamored with that game.  Final fantasy XII on the other had...well i can't really explain why i love that game so much. Part was the escapism i need at the time, plus once the battle system clicked, really found myself progressing though that game full speed, getting all the hunts, grinding. That game is now forever linked to UNKLE's two album never never, and war stories. that's all i'm going to say on FF. I'm not going to play 13...
Well that's it for the Japanese influence over 09...wait oh....shit i forgot. THOSE games.
Persona 4, viewtiful joe, DMC 1 and way of the samurai....
 Yeah, one for the love of endurance run, two for the love of Hideki Kamiya and the last for bad taste with clever multiple branching narratives...
Then came the Craft... the Star Craft. How late to a party can you be?  Following the successful blizzard outing I had in 08 with Diablo 1 and 2  i decided to purchased a copy of Starcraft. Wellp i got to say it was a awesome and i forgot how i kind like that genre. the fast past action and silly sci fi story doused in an unbelievable amount of back story. 
 Also hard as balls! 
I thought my hands too soft, and my nerves too slow to be able to make it though that game and i'm pretty proud to say i finished it. Well i got through original game but only made three missions from the end of the expansion pack. But it's not a short game.  for 25 dollars for almost 40 hrs i got value. but in the end that game just got too hard and frustrating. Boy are RTS's frustrating when you can't seem to win. when all you guys are exploding LIKE FUCKING COWARDS!! FIGHTBACKYOUSONSOFBITCHS!!! NONONONONO! "esc-restart" fuck you AI. 
Well yes, it can be really stressful at times. but i came to understand what micro and macro meant, that i had to gather like crazy and control my units  and not just send them to die.  I almost felt like a real PC gamer...even if i was playing on a mac...
I also watched and finally appreciated some of the high level play of a star craft tournament. If there was ever going to be a sport that i would watch it would probably be star craft. Anyways i now need to buy a new computer so i can play SC2.
 Well i rambled on too long and i'm pretty tired, fuck proof reading and if anyone ever get this far you can have my babies...i mean thanks but really isn't there something else you could be doing? No? Well the fun doesn't stop here. Next up  i list the great disappoints of 09! Yay complaining!
 I really don't hate playing games, i wouldn't play so many, and for so long if i did! but on the odd occasion i play some bad apples. 
Black site area 51
- yep it's terrible FPS, which is weird cause i remember being impressed with a demo that came out a year or two before it's release. this was like a different game, i mean it had the part of the demo in it but some how over the years it had lost something. anyho it was shit. 
Star Ocean 4 - thank god i only rented this. Terrible. but fun combat. That would be the only reason for playing through it. I rented it and i thank christ you can skip the cut scenes, i don't normally do that...
Call of juarez - I feel bad for picking on this game, it feels last gen. but i had a bit of fun with it but i also had no fun with it.
Prototype - how not to do a open world game, fill it with shit, and expect that doing this shit is good. it isn't good. Okay,  the game is great fun is some regards and i did have fun with it, but damn, way to suck the fun out of the game ( even with the janky movement and combat) by increasing the amount of enemies that seem too over powered. I didn't finish it. i got to that last boss, yeah fuck that last boss. seriously.
Turok - I played the N64 ones (hell i even played evolution), cause i like FPS and only had an N64. well this game was surprising not as bad as i thought. Mostly terrible but it had it's moments. I think i realized that at one point i was hunting dinosour in this great looking jungle wow! but then the rest of the game happens and ends with a terrible boss and handful of bland weapons. I think that in the early days, or whenever i played the original games it was the crazy and brutal weapons that impressed my 15 year old teenage boy brain... this game didn't impress my "big adult man" brain.
Borderlands - this game, for me, was a medicore shooter, and an even worst RPG. My experience with can be summed up with two words - Boring and Tedious. The world was dull, the levels were dull. there was no adventure. It teased you with these bit sized kooky characters bit did nothing with them! the quests pop up and lead to from one to the next. that progression is well done. but the text isn't well written or interesting. There are a good number of guns and the shooting is serviceable. Okay, honestly it's not what i want from a game. It's not bad it's just not for me. It's not you, it's me, sorry.
Rebel FM Game club games- old school (that shit last decade now, dawg). star wars commando, crimsion skies and the thing. not great games or at least didn't age well.
Okay, honerable mentions, my "top ten" list is pretty much the epitome of my favourite game released in 09, but i'll list a few here that didn't qualify.
Left 4 dead, that first game. 
Civilisation Rev
Fallout 3
Dark Athena
Ace attorney
Elite beat agents
Chrono cross 
Final Fantasy VII
Shadow complex
x men wolverines
Super street figther HD remix
Mortal kombat vs DC universe
Bionic Commando rearmed 
wellp that all i got time for and it was fun reminiscing about last year's gaming even if (and i hope that they don't) reads it.
Here to 2010!  Already bursting and about to explodes it's gaming goodness all over the couch...
oh no...