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Got my mind on my moderatin' and my moderatin' on my mind

That's a dreadful title, isn't it? I love it.

Anyways, the long and short of it is that I've handed in my moderating badge. That's right, the people's moderator is no more. There's really no drama behind it all, so before Internet tongues start a-wagging, I want to get out in front and tell you it's just simply because I need to focus on my writing and my personal health. I'm already sitting in front of a computer screen for eight hours or so a day writing and editing - and that's at a minimum. I'm down nearly forty pounds since February and in my free time, I need to be exercising more and getting out and socializing in the real world.

It's been a real honor and a pleasure working with the moderation team and Rorie these past few years. As much shit as we give each other, they are simply some of the best individuals I've ever had the pleasure of talking with on the Internet. I've seen some really great moments with them, and some truly shitty stuff that never seemed to end. Rorie is, without question, one of the great backbones to this site, and he does so much more damn work than you see on the front end of things. It's astonishing how much personal time he and the moderators have given up to doing this job.

I won't be leaving the site permanently - I said this to the mods, but I've been here nearly from the start and I'll see this place through to its very end (hopefully in the year 2250 or something). I'm hugely fond of this community and I look forward to many more bullshitting sessions when I'm supposed to be working on the next novel. That said though, my time here has already been drastically reduced since February and I expect that trend to continue. If you'd like to stay in better contact with me, I'd recommend looking me up on Twitter - linked elsewhere on my profile, I believe.

And no, I will never, ever stop telling Zeep that his taste in everything is complete and utter bullshit. Some things are just never going to change.