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LBP Delay - The Flip Side

On monday I wrote a long blog about The Little Big Planet delay as a result of some holy text from the Qur'an being used as backing music. This topic has recently been discussed by people all over the internet, in podcasts forums and blogs - and its a popular discussion point for many not only because of the Little Big Planet delay, but because its a wake-up call to everyone just how fragile our relationships with the Muslim community really is, and how far its political reach extends.

However what really opened my eyes was the response of M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D., president of the non-profit American Islamic Forum for Democracy. This is a direct quote and can be found here.

Sorry, I cant seem to upload new images at the moment...?
Sorry, I cant seem to upload new images at the moment...?
Muslims cannot benefit from freedom of expression and religion and then turn around and ask that anytime their sensibilities are offended that the freedom of others be restricted.
“The free market allows for expression of disfavour by simply not purchasing a game that may be offensive
Jasser, who has also appeared on CNN, in the Washington Times and National Review, said that not only does the First Amendment support freedom of expression, but Mohammed also “defended the rights of his enemies to critique him in any way even if it was offensive to his own Islamic sensibilities or respect for Koranic scripture.

Apart from having a lot of respect for this man effectively placing himself in the crosshairs, it demonstrates that the Muslim community is obviously very divided - and we have consequently only been dealing with the group that has kicked up the biggest storm.

After reading Brukaoru's blog it got me thinking. I spent such a lot of time preaching on my blog about tolerance that I didnt really consider the fact that we are allowing this mentality to interfere with our own cultures notions of freedom. We should not have to live in fear of retribution after an honest mistake, and as has been mentioned there are sections of extremist Muslim communities looking for excuses to attack non Islamic civilizations. We should not have to retreat so dramatically as a knee jerk reaction. Arguably it is Islams intolerance to the rest of the world which has caused them the greatest political problems, not the worlds intolerance towards Islam.

It's hard to strike a balance. There will be Muslims arguing amongst themselves as to the stand they should have taken. They will all agree that they dont LIKE whats happening, but there will be disagreements about the level of retribution. Whilst a corporation such as Sony should obviously refrain from offending such a large group of people, this should be done on principle and not as a response to a threat. The product was obviously not designed to offend, so do these people really have the right to impose these regulations upon us?

Before I continue please note that this post is, again, not an invitation for racial intolerance. Everything I write here has been thought about and I am trying to remain fair. I am considering the alternative side to an interesting topic after receiving alternative information from a reliable source. If anyone doubts this or has arrived at a different impression please read my blog from monday which dealt with the initial response to the delay.

I wrote about tolerance and effectively having a base level of respect for your fellow man. This is all still true. But this mistake on behalf of Sony was really not an act of malice. It was not designed to be provocative or cause a war. It was, effectively, harmless. It therefore seems unreasonable for the Islamic community to react on such a large scale by "Demanding" that the game be changed.

Its a tough one. On the one hand, a religious group just wants people to pay their religion the respect they believe it deserves. On the other hand there are people on the same religion saying that the first hand Muslims are over-reacting and that we should not have to censor our own culture to appease them, even if they dont approve of our actions. And on the third hand, we dont want to be bullied by the section of a culture which has no direct involvement with our own, we want to be able to express ourselves freely. Thats a lot of hands.

“…To demand that [the game] be withdrawn is predicated on a society which gives theocrats who wish to control speech far more value than the central principle of freedom of expression upon which the very practice and freedom of religion is based.
Jasser added, “The fact that the music writer is a devout Muslim should highlight that at the core of this issue is not about offending ‘all Muslims,’ but only about freedom of expression and the free market.”
He still said that he does not endorse the use of Koranic versus in non-educational videogames, calling the literaturethe words of God.”
AIFD stands against any form of censorship in the marketplace of ideas whether imposed by government or by corporations intimidated by the response of militants or those with an inappropriately sensitive level of political correctness,” Jasser said.

So from this perspective the argument is now centered beyond the involvement of the Qur'an text within the game, and has come to rest on the principles of expression and where sociaty draws the line. We want freedom of expression without causing riots in the streets. It shouldnt happen. We shouldnt allow it to happen. But unfortunately, it does happen. So we have to work around it. If you dont believe me look what happened to Salman Rushdie, who faced death threats from Islamic groups after publishing his book The Satanic Verses.

Its a complex issue and there is no real solution or compromise. The debate will continue long after Little Big Planet has hit the shelves, because it really is an important world issue at the moment. The catalyst for this entire conundrum is, of course, the internet.

/pours oil on flames.

This post is probably not what you were expecting. I may even have contradicted myself. But its another form of perspective - and its arguably a much more realistic way of looking at the LBP situation. Thats allowed. People can change their minds and think about things from a different point of view. Blindly continuing down the first path you chose may not be the best route towards understanding the various elements to the equation.

Let me know what you think guys. Was I closer to home with Mondays blog post, or do you agree with this one? I have tried to present both sides of the argument in a fair way, one about tolerance and the other about weakness to political pressure. Please let me know which you agree with more. After reading this do you still think sony did the right move in buckling under pressure and removing the content?

Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep


Stuff for me is pretty messed up right now. I have a lot of family shit to deal with, and I really should be spending more time working on my university course, which I am enjoying but finding hard. Also I have a date with a hottie on wednesday which I really want to go well. So I'm going to take a break from the land of GiantBomb and the IRC, for a few days. I just think I need some perspective.

 I may see you around on XBL (feel free to add me) but for the most part I'm going to be keeping my head down for a bit.

But before I fuck off I wanted to leave you guys something to think about.

The concept of the "Supergame".

Game reviewing, as I have said before, is about history. Look at any review and there will be many comparisons to other existing titles. A game can only be given a review as a way of relating it to other games. So if taken out of context, what happens to the game? If you aren't comparing it to an alternative, what the hell does "4 stars" or "8.6" mean? Does the standard of quality with which we hold it become abstracted? Is the only reason Pong was so awesome is because at the time there was nothing to compare it to?

People expect too much from their games. People dont want a "jack of all trades", they want a "Master of all trades". This is, essentially, the Supergame. It's the game which every gamer aspires to play - the perfect combination of cross genre elements packaged into a game that appeals to everyone everywhere. And because of this, we will never be satisfied. Games which excell in one way will usually disappoint in another. Someone who enjoys real time strategy will usually be disappointedly by realistic racing games, and someone who enjoys shooting will probably be bored by RPGs. There is no perfect game in general, only games that are perfect for certain people.

Which brings me to a subject I wanted to talk about, despite how shitty and cliché it is.

Are Games Art?

Or more importantly

What the fuck is ART anyway?

In my opinion, Art is all subjective. Art can be anything which you can derive meaning from. Something may be meaningful to one person, but meaningless to another. This is why some people can walk through an art gallery and admire all the beautiful sculptures, and another may wonder who left all this crap lying around!? This is also why some people may play Braid and really think about it and admire its artistic fluency and structure, whilst another may just find it completely pretentious. And it isn't just about Braid. This argument can be applied to any computer game. Gears of war? Sure. What I consider Art may be Vandalism to someone else. Just look at the whole Graffiti debate....

The artist Damien Hirst ("Shark in a tank")  was once asked what made his sculptures art. He replied "I'm an artist and I made these. Therefore they are art". The point, apart from the fact that Damien Hirst is a smug prick, is that there is a lot of conflict over what people should think in terms of art, fashion, everything.

I like going to art galleries. I find it interesting watching the people there. Some people walk around and read all the signs and take ages just wondering from place to place. They arent admiring the art as "Art", for them it's more like a history lesson. Art is designed to be aesthetic. If it doesn't move you in the way which it was intended then that shouldnt be a problem, but you can't force it. You might not ever be able to appreciate the struggle faced by the impressionists when trying to develop an alternative aesthetic to photography unless you yourself have struggled for hours to draw something with the utmost realism. But then again, maybe you like it because you can just look at it and it appeals to you on a subconscious level. You don't need to explain why you like something. Sometimes it just happens.

And so it goes with computer games.

This isn't fact. This is my opinion. A lot of people would probably disagree.  Especially my art teachers. But I don't care, because I have figured out my own understanding and it works for me. I can like art which other people don't, and disregard things which other people hold with such reverence.

And so it goes with computer games.

So take a look back at the games you played when you were growing up. They were, every one of them, flawed. But the memories you have will undoubtedly be happy ones. So when you play a game and find that a specific gameplay mechanic doesn't quite stand up to the high quality of the rest of the game, dont dismiss the game as a whole. Arguably the flaws are what will stay with you long after you have completed the game, and are truly what give the game character. (Strafe mechanic in Resident Evil anyone?) Stick with it, and remember that nothing is ever going to be perfect.

Have a great week guys.

Thanks for reading.
Love Sweep

Keeping It Simple #6

I missed my chance to keep things simple last friday, so I'm going to take it easy tonight and just play it cool...


  • Podcasts - I now listen to more podcasts than I watch shows on TV. I'm a pod-head.
  • Cartoons - I found some Street Fighter II V series which is getting me super pumped for Street Fighter IV
  • XBLA Headsets - hearing Matt_Bodega yell "Goodnight mom!" reminded me he is, in fact, human.


  • Cluster Fuck - Too many games, not enough cash.
  • Gaming Stereotypes - Fuck that. Welcome to the next generation of gamers...
  • Inconvenient Podcast Recording Times - 1am? On a SATURDAY?? What the hell is THAT about?!?

Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep

LBP delayed due to offensive content

This news has been buzzing round the IRC today, and I'm sure ps3 owners everywhere are fairly miffed.

However its quite an important issue as it actually reflects the current social and political state of the western relationship with the middle east.

An Extract from the Qur'an
An Extract from the Qur'an
For those who haven’t figured it out by now, this blog is going to be pretty heavy stuff - if you are going to take the piss or post insensitive comments then I suggest you click somewhere else. Go and look at SuperMoosemans blog. Also, vote for us.

Ok so LBP features a soundtrack that contains several lines taken from the Qur’an, the central religious text of Islam. To some Muslims this has caused great offence, and a representative has requested/demanded that the content be removed. I doubt Sony intended to cause offence to anyone, but now the problems have arisen they have to be dealt with. You can read all about it here.

This has caused outcry on many levels. Most importantly it has roused up despondency towards Muslims - as gamers everywhere blame the Islamic faith for this delay as oppose to Sony - who are the ones at fault. This is just stupid, although entirely predictable.

Several points have been raised in the IRC as a result of Sony's response. I'm going to try not to mention any names, so we can be subjective in our opinions.

A large group of people believe this Islamic interference is unjustified. Someone pointed out that people should be allowed to say what they want without fear of persecution - essentially presenting the notion of "Freedom Of Speech". Fine, you can say whatever the hell you want and you don’t have to care what people think about you. But you DO have to deal with the consequences. If what you are doing is fundamentally insulting to a culture or religion, then that’s just wrong. Sony seems to have realised it's mistake and is obviously trying to remedy it - hence the 1 week delay. There should be a level of respect for people everywhere, and that involves a level of tolerance. This is about what they think is important, not what you think is important.
I would like to point out to everyone that Freedom Of Speech is a western luxury, and that many cultures have strict social restrictions. We do as well, we just dont realise it because they are intergrated into our culture. Using this freedom to insult people just because they are so far away in another country is both cruel and unfair. I appreciate that no individial has been directly targeted, but supporting the "Who gives a fuck what Islam thinks!" ideology just proves how ignorant you really are. (Nobody said this, but it reflects the mentality).

The idea that we have become restricted by Political Correctness was also presented - and that people now live in fear of offending alternative cultures. Political correctness is there exactly for this reason - to avoid insulting people. I will agree that some aspects of political correctness are unnecessary but this is one of the cases where you should be paying attention because you are going to fuck off a lot of people if you screw this up, as Sony has just discovered. Criticising the concept of Political Correctness is understandable in terms of saying "Trial and improvement" over "trial and error", but if Sony had been more politically correct then this entire issue would have been avoided and their game would be released on time. Do you really think they care if a ten second cut of their soundtrack has the Qur'an in it? Of course not, they will have no issues with removing it - its just unfortunate that the problem was only spotted so close to release.

People are going to disagree with me. Well, let me know what you think. I would consequently like to recommend travelling the world, to everyone. It really does broaden the mind. If you believe that Islam is wrong on this issue then I suggest you travel a long way away, immerse yourself in a different culture and get some perspective. 3 years ago I travelled to Thailand, a country where they have infinite respect and loyalty to their royal family - to the extent that even saying insulting things about them is considered almost blasphemous. So you don’t walk into Bangkok and start shouting shit just because you are from somewhere else and you think these rules don’t apply to you. You shut the fuck up, nod, smile, and eat your fucking rice just like everyone else. You dont have to do it when you are at home but at least it would teach you respect for other peoples cultures.

(Thailand is awesome by the way, I would recommend it to anyone)

So that’s my blog for today. Its a bit more serious than I have been posting recently but hopefully there is room to accommodate these issues within the GiantBomb community. Please let me know your opinion - but keep comments and replies clean. This is not a opening for you to start banging on about how "Muslims are all terrorists" or suggesting we nuke every country that doesn’t speak English.

Thanks For Reading

Age Of Booty Impressions

Shiver me timbers, this game is fuckin' addictive!

I don't usually blog reviews or impressions or anything like that, but I feel this game deserves my over-valued attention. So here we go, enjoy.

Last night I downloaded the Age Of Booty trial - which gives you full access to the multiplayer madness (minus the user created maps). Having played for a couple of hours, I am very impressed with this neat little team based action strategy game.

After booting up the game I hopped straight into a 4vs4 multiplayer match (there was 1vs1 and 2vs2 options also available). Finding a group was painless. Thankfully there was no "Ranked or Player?" decisions to be made (the option to choose didn't feature on the menu) so there will be no messing about with finding decent ranked games for achievements. In the pre-match screen players could leave and join seamlessly - none of this Castle Crasher nonsense of random D/C's and freeze screens. I didnt have any connection issues or problems getting into a group. The online mode doesn't feature a lobby system, it just walks you off the plank and into a random game. However once in a game groups are carried over, which means if you form a decent little team you will be kept together from one game to the next.

Land Ahoy!
Land Ahoy!
The gameplay is initially a little confusing. I didnt try out the single player stuff so I didnt do any tutorials (Manuals are for girls!) - but fortunately the gameplay is easy enough to grasp and I was rushing about like a pro by the end of my first game. The game is split into a hexagonal grid and each hexagon can only contain one ship at a time. There is no turn based system, so players can sail about as they see fit by clicking on the section they want to go to with the A button.
The battle system is also very simple. Ships each start out with one cannon. The number of cannons a ship or town has is represented by a dot shown underneath the name. The max cannons a ship has is 4. The more cannons you have, the faster your ship will fire. To attack something, you must position your ship on the hexagon adjacent to it. Your ship will then fire upon it automatically - no button tapping required. If your ship is adjacent to 2 enemies, for example a ship and a town - your cannon fire will alternate between the two.

There is a basic upgrade system in place which allows you to upgrade the Speed, Armour and Cannons of your ship (each can be upgraded 3 times). Towns, once captured, can also be upgraded with extra cannons and defensive walls - making them harder for the enemies to destroy. To upgrade stuff you need resources Lumber, Gold and Rum. Capturing a town will give you a steady income of a certain resource, but single units can also be found floating in boxes in the sea, on neutral ships or in the small villages alongside the coast (which disappear once they have been destroyed). Killing an enemy ship will cause them to drop a box - which will either contain booty or a curse. Curses are special weapons - like the Ghost Ship curse which turns you briefly invisible. Once you have gained enough resources you can sail back to your home town and upgrade your ship, or upgrade another town from anywhere on the map. Clicking LT will cycle through towns, whilst RT will center the camera on your ship. You can use the right stick to zoom the camera closer to the action, but you cannot rotate the camera around at all, which can be a little annoying - although because of the elevated viewpoint you aren't going to miss anything.

Te depth of the battle system extends to the location of your ship in relation to an enemy. If a ship is next to a town occupied by its own team then the ship will receive a slow health regeneration - meaning attacking ships will have a much harder time destroying them. It sounds simple but it can get really intense when you have all 8 ships at various stages of being upgraded fighting over the only consistent source of wood on the map.

4 player local split-screen as well!
4 player local split-screen as well!
One of the main issues I have with Age Of Booty is the fact that resources are shared. When you get some loot it goes into the pot which anyone on the team can access. This means if you have spent ages racking up enough Rum to upgrade your ship, if someone else gets back to the base before you they can upgrade first, using up your hard earned loot. Some people on Xbox live didnt even bother to leave the base, they just sat there while everyone else did all the work and hogged all the upgrades - which lost us the game because we were just getting killed by the opposition who shared their upgrades and were much more effective. However, if you can find 3 other players who are willing to work as a team then this game becomes a lot of fun, and the strategy involved is great. Assigning upgrades to weaker team players and deciding which towns and ships to target with your mini fleet is great and feels really rewarding.

Victory is dependant on holding a certain amount of Towns depending on the size of the map. If you hold the maximum amount of towns then you will win (usually about 5 or 6). Alternatively the countdown timer will run down and whichever team has the most Towns at the end of the game will win.

The graphics in Age Of Booty are great for an XBLA game - bright and colourful - very similar to Civilization Revolution. The hex grid really isn't as restrictive as you think its going to be and actually works really well. I'm very impressed with the sound as well, which has managed to get some great pirate lines recorded - "Get to work, ye handsome devils!" was particularly inspiring.

The single player is composed of several challenges which I couldn't really be bothered to mess around with. There is also a map maker - and due to the simplistic design of the maps it has a lot of potential. User created maps can be saved and then shared and played online - although this feature was not available in the trial.

The framerate is perfect - my Xbox can be very laggy online sometimes but I didn't have any problems with Age Of Booty, even in a match full of Americans.The only real problem is if someone drops out of the game halfway through a match - people cannot rejoin if a match is already in progress, and a team with only 3 ships is usually destined to lose. However I will need more time to experiment - it may be possible to pull of some stunning feats of piracy.

I had a ton of fun with this demo - so much so that 2 hours passed without me even knowing what was happening. I wasn't even drunk or anything!? Weird...

Anyways, I am buying this game. I had a lot of fun last night and Age Of Booty more that deserves it's share of the treasure. For anyone else who needs a game to keep them ticking over while they wait for Dead Space or Fable II, Age Of Booty is captivating enough to fill in the gap. It is worth all your pieces of eight.

/end pirate metaphors

Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep

*EDIT* I am now rank 130 on the Age OF Booty leaderboards. WOOP!



I am literally counting down the days till I can get my hands on some sexy new games

Dead Space and Fable II are so close I can taste them. With my mouth.

So there is still a week and a half to go (for us here in the UK anyway, USA kids get their hands on the magic a little earlier I think?). The reason i'm so excited is partly because of the content I have already seen. I am, of course, talking about the numerous interviews and dev commentaries floating around the worldwide webbage.

For anyone that hasn’t already seen them, I would like to recommend the Dead Space dev diaries especially - available free to download on Xbox Live. The guys in the videos really seem to know what they are talking about. It's clear that a lot of thought has gone into the construction and essence of the game, and the enthusiasm of the guys talking about it is really exciting. Apart from anything it is really interesting being able to follow the design process and the ideas and concepts that the developers are hoping to achieve. These game mechanics of a Survival Horror game seem so obvious, but its wonderful to hear them explained whilst being shown glimpses of the terror you are soon to experience.

It's a weird human quality, the desire to scare the fuck out of yourself.

It's a trait that doesn’t exist in any other life form we know of. I guess its a cheap shot of adrenaline, a quick burst of excitement and fear. I play horror games because I enjoy my ability to cope well under pressure. Being in a tricky spot and working your way out is a great feeling - even more so if you are disadvantaged and are required to use a heightened sense of skill to continue successfully. Hearing developers discuss these concepts and then demonstrate how they have been implemented into the structure of the game is really exciting, and implies such a great understanding of both  the genre and computer games as a whole. I have a lot of respect for the guys over at EA Redwood Shores right now.

I am also really impressed with the way Dead Space has handled itself in the build up. Instead of bursting onto the scene with an impromptu splash at a ridiculously early point in the development cycle, Dead Space seems to have built up fan-based momentum at a steady pace leading up to it's launch - meaning peoples interest is peaking at just the right time. I imagine it also helps tremendously that this is a Survival Horror game being released at Halloween. Everything about this title resonates professionalism and skill, both in terms of design and marketing.

Well, as you can tell I’m pretty stoked for Dead Space. I'm not going to go on about it any more because I don’t want to overstate the point (I probably already have done) but if you get a chance be sure to check out some of the Dev Videos on XBL. This is how a game should manage itself in the build up to launch, as oppose to titles like Gears Of War, which are announced at conception and then peak too early. I needed that game 2 months ago.

Outside that stuff I wanted to try out some of the new blog features that have been introduced to the site. This blog will be going up as a forum topic (or something?) and I am going to post some pictures of stuff like my Street Couch, which I found lying in the street on my way back from being drunk on Saturday night. Also a couple of shots of my room, so you can see where the magic happens.

Also a massive shout out to the GiantBomb staff for their great coverage of TGS! You guys are awesome!

 Lastly there is a new picture on my profile. Yes. That is me. Aren’t I sexy.

Anyways, Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep

Bungie Plays It Safe?


There has been a lot of buzzing on the internet grapevine over this whole Halo 3 Recon thing. Apparently people are excited. However, upon hearing the news of a new Halo title, Excitement was not the feeling that hit me. It was, in fact, dissapointment.

Just what we needed. Another Halo game...
Just what we needed. Another Halo game...
Last year, after releasing the excellent Halo 3, bungie turned gaming heads everywhere by demanding and recieving independance from the shadow of Microsoft. Bungie, had in a sense, earnt their freedom. I am therefore disspointed to see that instead of flaunting their newfound freedom as developers and choosing to create a new IP which would broaden their portfolio and demonstrate a range of potential skills, Bungie has chosen to play it safe and create another Halo game.

There is probably a good reason for this - apart from anything, Microsoft are sure to be paying them handsomely. There is also the loyalty to the franchise which Bungie has created and catered for these past years. Lastly there is the comfort zone of knowing that any Halo title they make will sell well and, because it will be designed using a level of familiarity, will be constructed to a high quality. Halo 3 recon will undoubtably be a great game.

But after making such a huge fuss over getting their indepandance I would have expected Bungie to emphasise their newfound independance by moving into exciting adventurous and unknown territory. If they were just going to create another Halo game, what was the point?

What dissapoints me most is the scale of their unadventurousness. Another FPS game against the same enemies, set in the same universe - but minus the Microsoft mascot Master Chief - which is no great loss. Master Chief could never have been described as a character with notable depth, at least in his presentation during the games - and as a consequence his affiliation is purely aesthetic. If bungie were going to at least experiment with some form of new mechanic - A Halo 3rd person squad based shooter? A Halo RPG? A Halo vehicular combat game. The franchise seems suitable for so many different mediums, and yet Bungie has chosen to stick to their guns, choosing reliability over ingenuity.

The kids in the IRC were quick to remind me that Bungie are apparently working on other projects. This is all well and good - but the fact remains that the first title they announced after gaining their independence was a Halo title - laying a firm precedent for future projects work as well.

Bungie is Microsofts bitch.

Anyways thats how I feel. I will probably end up playing and maybe even buying because I acknowledge the understanding and skill Bungie has of the First Person Shooter genre, but I'm still dissapointed. Oh well. Maybe next time.

A couple of other things I wanted to mention before I sign off

Massive thanks to everyone in the Bombing run on friday night

You guys kept me up till 4:30am, I was enjoying myself so much I didnt even see the time passing. Respect goes out to everyone who rode in Sweeps Fun Bus and the Whambulance.

In Real Life

  I am ridiculously broke because my university cocked up my student loan application, so all the money I have spent over the last few weeks has been putting me into minus money. I think the last count was -£260. Hopefully I will have that sorted out in time for Fable II.

Last night

I went out to a drum & bass night in bournemouth and saw Sub Focus, Dillinja, Mampi Swift, Rusco, Hatcha, Fearless - for those that dont know that is a HEAVY drum and bass lineup and I had a fuckin' amazing time. I didnt get home till 6am. Love it...

I found a sofa lying in the street

So I carried it back to my house and it's now in my room. Imagine that scene from Blue Harvest. It happened just like that. I had to smash it through my door as it wouldnt fit, but I am pleased with the result. I can now play COD4 in style.


I was having some more problems signing into Xbox Live (somtimes I think microsoft hates me). When I tried to sign in I was given the message "Your account has been suspended due to a problem with your payment options" and then there was a button to press to change them - but pressing it resulted in a "You must be signed into xbox live to do that!" message which is completely predictable and made me curse Microsoft technicians everywhere. It wouldnt even let me sign into silver. I managed to sort out the problem by going onto and changing my payment options there (my credit card has expired). So if anyone has a similar problem, thats what you have to do to get round it. Massive thanks to crunchUK who laughed at me and tried to convince me my account had been banned. You bastard.

(love you really crunch)

As you can see, I have been a Busy Bunny.

Anyways, thanks for reading guys - hope you all had an awesome weekend. I'm tired and I cant be bothered to correct my spelling so SORRY but tough shit.
Love Sweep

Keeping It Simple #05

I love fridays, because they let me keep things simple.


  • Futurama - Beats a hard kick in the face...
  • Xbox Live Arcade - Space Invaders Extreme! Fucking YES!!
  • Vinny - And his fucking freaky video editing skills. It's quite possible that Japanese girl will haunt my dreams...


  • The Word "noob" - I dont think I need to explain why calling people "noobs" is a twat thing to do
  • Halo3 Vs Cod4 - At the end of the day we are all losers...
  • Computer Game Figurines - I really can't afford these Gears Of War figurines, no matter how awesome they would look sitting above my TV

Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep