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The Source Of GiantBomb's Awesomeness

Videogaming is a culture that relies on History like no other. Previously great games are not disgarded as primitive, but are increasingly held with reverance and respect. You may laugh at your Dad for listening to Elvis, but you respect a man who can get the high score on Space Invaders. Gamers look back with fond memories over the titles which they have played, for better or for worse, which is why older titles continue to sell well, and why remakes of great games are criticised with such high expectations. This is also why the majority of games you see are sequels for existing franchises. Gaming is all about history.

The contextual knowledge of the average gamer is fairly astute. There are certain games which fall into the category of "games everyone played whilst growing up" and can consequently be mentioned safe in the knowledge that the reader will understand and appreciate the link. Street Fighter 2 anyone?

Is there anyone who DIDNT play this game?
Is there anyone who DIDNT play this game?
As a result game Journalists have a comfort barrier of being able to fall back on previous games in their explanations. This is not a completely bad thing. For example relating a games aesthetic to Gears Of War (it seems to happen quite a lot doesnt it?)
Easy To Explain?
Easy To Explain?
provides me with an insightful preview of the environment - or alternatively the control scheme, which can be very hard to describe articulately in type. (Too Human would be a good example of a complicated description). This saves the reviewer from having to repeatedly type out monotonous explanations of delapidated environments. But what does that mean for gamers who, for one reason or another, have never played Gears Of War? They are left with an increased sense of confusion and detatchment. There is only so much information you can get from screenshots and videos. What if they are completely new to computer gaming cultere, for example having just bought a Nintendo Wii. Even experianced players such as myself can be easily confused over games which people consider to be vital to the furtherment of the industry but that may never have gained my full attention. Bionic Commando remains a complete mystery to me, even though everyone seems to expect me to already know everything about it.

And so, the video game community has arrived at Giantbomb. A way to easily link ideas, games, concepts, making it easy to explain and contextualise the games which the other user talk about with such fantastic enthusiasm. There are other places on the internet where the information could have been found, but GiantBomb remains the best and most authorative culmination of gaming information in the world. That is why GiantBomb is awesome, and thats why I am here.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for being a part of the Giant Bomb.