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Pointless Music Awards Predictions!

MTV's Video Music Awards are tonight... so if you're like me, this is a good night to purchase a case of beer and get pissed at the TV for 3 hours.

Personal Favorite

I know... I know... this is never going to get any airtime on MTV... but if you haven't checked it out yet, this video is my favorite of 2011. So watch it, if you will

Let's make some predictions!

Video of the Year:

Who should win: Beastie Boys. No music video this year stands out more than the "Make Some Noise". Yes, the celebrities make the video, but not just because they're celebrities, they all seem like they are huge fans of the Beastie Boys. Elijah Woods is the star of the video, but everyone else does a great job also. I've probably watched the video over 20 times, and each time I feel there's something new that I pick up on, which is what makes a great music video.

Who will win: Katy Perry. Because it's fucking MTV and they love this cheesy ass song.

Wildcard: Tyler, the Creator. No, Tyler will not win... hell, I don't think MTV gave him a performance slot for tonight(Beastie Boys didn't get one either), but it's great that his video was acknowledged by MTV seeing that I don't think it was ever played on the channel(or could be played on the channel). I think Tyler is young and a bit over-rated right now, but he could be a good talent down the road.

Best Male Video

Who should win: yawn....

Who will win: Cee-Lo Green. Fuck You.

Wildcard: Kanye West. He won't win, and I feel that his video for "Power" is miles above his video for "All of the Lights"... but I guess you get a lot of Rihanna side-boob in the latter... so there's that.

Best Female Video

Who should win: Lady Gaga. How was Born This Way not nominated for VotY? I'm not a huge defendant of Gaga, but her shit is much more interesting than Katy Perry's shtick.

Who will win: Katy Perry.

Wildcard: Adele. Good song, boring video.

Best New Artist

Who should win: Tyler, the Creator. Great video, true "new artist".

Who will win: Wiz Khalifa. MTV does understand what "new" means, right?

Wildcard: Kreayshawn. Giant Bomb's favorite gets a chance... somehow...

Other Predictions

  • At least three people accepting awards will beg MTV to promote more music
  • Tony Bennett has been brought in to pay tribute to Amy Winehouse... you know... because Tony Bennet is the most interesting choice that could have been made.
  • Kanye West and Jay-z will be the most interesting performance, Pitbull will have the worst performance(seriously... Pitbull is still around?).
  • Tribute to Brittney Spears will be a stupid waste of time.
  • OFWGKTA is presenting an award... so that'll be interesting
  • Seth Rogen will be high
  • In the past, the "House Band" was the highlight of every show (deadmau5, Travis Barker, The Raconteurs, etc) this year they got Jessie J... I don't know who that is either.
  • DJ Sway will think this years awards will be crazy
  • At least 4 Kanye West jokes will be attempted