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Wanna Wrestle? #4 - The Art of Hitting Someone with a Microphone.

I'm doing these on all the whiskey sites until they make a Wrestling Site.


I'm going to make a good long blog post before ROH and WWE's two PPV's this weekend, but I just felt like pointing out a pattern of something CM Punk has done every once in a while, and I'm thrilled that he continues to do it today. If you happened to have caught the tail end of Raw last night, then you might have witnessed a magical little nugget of promo making. Of course, someone might have silenced the microphones to shut off the "voice of the voiceless", but it seemed like it could be some technical issues. If it was the latter, then CM Punk and HHH perfectly improved around it.

Speaking of CM Punk hitting someone in the face with a microphone, lets go back to CM Punk's first ever heel turn. Ah, the memories... (Skip to 2:20)

And who can forget CM Punk's classic Royal Rumble moment, where he cuts promos during the Royal Rumble match... Zach Ryder gets the microphone bash towards the end...