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No PAX for vidiot :(

Yeah, it bites. I'm in the process of moving into a new home that's currently being remodeled. Sadly the "badges" associated with PAX have been sold out for a few days now. Totally screwed that one up, this is what happens when your schedule just becomes filled to the top with crap. 
I remember I saw both Gabe and Tycho at a Halo tournament in Bellevue years ago. How long ago? Well Bungie came over and they were demoed their E3 demo of...........................
.........................Halo 2. Remember that demo? When everyone freaked out when Master Chief did his very first Ghost hijack? Or gasped when he did dual wielding (Something that I never understood why it was so amazing, considering I could dual wield shotguns in Marathon 2 and....bah.)
So congrats for those who get to go.  *grumble*
I'm getting the feeling that my life is about to go into overdrive in the next few months. 
Oh, and it's not all doom and gloom: I beat Batman. It kicks ass. That was a mass generalization. Regardless, you should go play it.


The Fan Future of Final Fantasy VII

I’ve had awesome track record with blog posts.

So let’s all calm down, and do something fun that wont indirectly incite factions of people wishing to destroy each other.

I mean what painful ludicrous and polarizing arguments and anger could be possibly be unleashed by talking about a game like Final Fantasy VII?



I’ve wanted to do a post like this for a while. Waiting for the stars to align in terms of certain events, and perhaps my own personal psyche and experience? I've been a bit inspired to finally post this due to the recent fan english release of Policenauts. Regardless, I believe it might be a good time to have a bit of a brain dump. Just an attempt to try and dump all my thoughts and ramblings out on a certain subject.

I believe the terminology of having a “brain dump” deserves it’s own logo…

It's time for Vidiot to take a giant dump.
It's time for Vidiot to take a giant dump.

That, is going places.

For those interested in the Final Fantasy VII modding scene. Check Qhimm. 

Final Fantasy VII is a game that fascinates me. There are only a handful of games so polarizing in internet social circles as Final Fantasy VII. The conflict between the two opposite ends of the internet spectrum; sometime override my personal interest in the game.

But while this little blog post is about the games future and evolution, it IS required (just for a moment) to look at the games past.

Stupid logical conundrums.

My personal opinions of Final Fantasy VII are, what I consider: practical.

It’s a great game, not THE BEST of the series (I find comparing certain titles directly amongst a 20 year old history…a bit….dumb, even with common elements among each title of the series.) I don’t consider one title in the franchise to be the best-of-the-best. I do see it as a game that helped the Playstation library, at the time considerably. I do find it the game showed that RPG’s in general were a commercially viable risk on a console, and we should be appreciative over what it accomplished.

And that’s about it. Let’s move on. (I scratched the surface with that. I would love to talk about the game ad-nauseum, more specifically how the game changed how JRPG's mechanically over time for better or worse.)

The popularity of the game was understandable. At this time however, something absolutely fantastic happened.

It only took us almost a decade to figure it out.

Eidos was tasked with releasing a PC port of the game, and boy was it terrible.

I remember years ago trying to get it to…function…on a friends machine. Grimacing as I heard Uematsu’s original score downgraded. The video during the cutscense were more compressed for some reason or another. It was all sorts of bad. My friend looks at me, wondering why the heck I was suggesting this game to him, as the cutscene of the reactor exploded…upside-down

I didn’t give it a second thought after that. Final Fantasy VIII had a PC port as well, and it was even worse received that the first Final Fantasy PC port effort. Square did not allow Eidos to give Final Fantasy IX a PC port treatment.

Years pass, and Square changes. My opinions on Square have become more volatile in nature over the years. It’s difficult because I was, and still am, very much so a fan. But recently I can’t avoid what they have obviously become. I view them as monolithic in nature, and from a public relations standpoint, act like spoiled uninformed children. My impression is that there are high levels of their corporate structure, living ten years in the past, while at the same time expecting the gaming world to revolve around them.

Its arrogance, but more importantly a serious case of being completely out of tough with their audience, at least concerning their western audience.  
It’s understandable
Overtime the company has become increasing bloated and rightfully successful. With constant success and expansion the likelihood of a bubble situation makes sense. Concerning their games, their track record has become increasingly…varied…With excellent games juxtaposed with moments of more awkward mediocrity. Success comes with a price, and that price can come into play when following thorough with success.

I’m talking about The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.

The last few years Final Fantasy VII has gotten a strong resurgence. Years ago I remember Square considering a re-release of their Playstation titles for the PS2. Ports specifically. (They were port happy back then.) I think people forget that the clamor for a Final Fantasy VII remake, or a re-release of some form, is not necessarily something new. This has been a pipedream for many fans going back for multiple years.

Instead we got the Compilation, or as I affectionately call it: “Everything but a remake.”

The two prequels (Before Crisis / Crisis Core) and Final Fantasy VII’s subsequent sequels (Advent Children / Dirge of Cerberus.) have understandably been met with mixed reactions. It also, with the combination of an E3 technical demo, raised our collective basic expectations as fans. Why wouldn’t it?

Square’s PR claims regarding the reasons to not do a remake have been difficult to swallow, especially from a company more than eager to milk it’s franchises for all their worth. I found debate on online forums and from game commentators more enlightening than: “were too busy doing stuff.” Basic logistical problems regarding adapting gameplay mechanics have been brought up. Looking at Square’s track record, the fact that they have suggested that if a project of this magnitude would be undertaken, (Final Fantasy VII remake.) the possibility of something more than just a graphical overhaul being done is quite high.

As you can imagine: While Square struggles to make its yearly Final Fantasy spinoff quota, and struggles even worse regarding releasing main entries into the series, the possibility of a remake in our immediate future looks a bit bleak.

On second thoughts, perhaps the “too busy doing stuff” is legit?

Final Fantasy XII I believe still holds the Guinness world record holding of longest time a game took to be released. (2001-2006) For those of you who are wondering, yes, I do believe XIII   is expected to beat that record.  
That, or they have terrible management somewhere in that bloated company. Regardless, I'm getting off base into more reiterating speculation.

Remember that crappy PC port I was talking about?

At first it was simple: A few minor character swaps, change a few weapons, and some necessary basic software upgrades.

Watching the modding scene of Final Fantasy VII has been over the last few years: Deeply entertaining.

Modding is nothing new. But it’s a rare situation where a Japanese game can get fair modding treatment, as from what you can imagine is an amazingly talented community.

Character replacement is still going strong, and it has developed quite a bit. At first it was a simple swap of large battle characters for their SD field brethren. Now we have custom models, featuring a game that now has custom resolutions. 

The lineup.
Why, hello there updated Cloud model.
But that’s not all. Remember those terrible downgraded cutscenes I was talking about? Or how about the downgraded music? Guess what’s also been updated? 
Want to play the game with the opening clip from the Final Fantasy VII tech demo, while storming the reactor with an orchestral version of “Bombing Run”?


In fact, one of my favorite gaming soundtracks this year was done by a fan named Final FanTim. For Final Fantasy VII specifically he re-mastered every track in the soundtrack with high quality instrument samples. The end result is something simply glorious, that’s will give even a novice fan something to smile about.

This ingenuity is not uncommon among fans of Square. In fact no matter how phenomenally large, bloated and awkward Square becomes, their fan base seems to always go the extra step.  

So much so, that they have done more to the Chrono Trigger franchise that Square has done in the past decade.

Square didn’t like that.

The infamous Chrono Resurrection project.

A lot of people have strong opinions regarding the amount of fan service projects Square has shut down, for a game that until recently had been out of print for years. Legal conundrums aside, the legality of the Final Fantasy VII mods are devoid of any headaches. Although, as you can imagine, the amount of people who perhaps own a copy of Final Fantasy VII PC versus the amount that have torrented it is questionable. It’s not a very difficult, or controversial statement, to think that the ratio is not in Square’s favor.

For those of you who are wondering why bring up Final Fantasy VII modding now: Or why the hell have I decided to write down a bunch of stuff that you already probably know, the reasons are as follow: There is still a considerable amount of people who have no idea that such a scene exists, and, perhaps more importantly the big next thing that is on the horizon.

I recently went on a trip and took Final Fantasy VII on my PSP with me. I was blown away at how well Final Fantasy VII worked as a portable game, but slowly began to get bummed out. Why you might ask? Well, for one, because of this:

Not as much as you are.
Final Fantasy VII still has a terrible translation. The PSP release made me remember this fact due to it being a direct copy of the original Playstation version. One of the few pros of the original PC version was that the script had been at least looked at and touched up, but not nearly enough. For many, Final Fantasy VII’s inaccuracies with its translation were overlooked. People were pretty stunned to learn in Advent Children that Tseng had lived, and not perished to Sephiroth, which was a direct cause to a poor translation in the original game.

Well guess what’s currently being done about that?
As of writing a retranslation has begun from what I can tell. Text editors for the game have been created.

No matter how, or when an official update to Final Fantasy VII will be like if it is ever released, fans might be able to make their definite version in the near future. One can argue that they can already.

I remember an interview with Gabe Newell from Valve talking about the possibility of fans making a mod of a remake of the original Halflife. He simply agreed that of course it would eventually happen.

While everyone jumps up and down screaming for a remake, clinging to all matter of information released by Square. Or, for those whole simply wish to see any form of update of any kind to one of the most pinnacle games of all time. Take the time to remember during these times of upset and disappointment regarding Square’s bizarre suggestions and announcements, that fans might have your complaints covered.  



I hate the sun.

There was a time period in my early life where I used to live in the great state of California. Perhaps that should have built some bizarre immunity to the current state of my...state....of Washington.

According to a local news affiliate we hit 101 degrees.

Practically no one in this state has air conditioning in their homes.
It's fricken Washington for crying out loud.

I positioned a bunch of fans in a bizarre pattern in an effort to pump air into my home, but for the most part it's a bit cooler inside than outside. Regardless, my concern on my 360 and how it would be affected by the recent change in weather forced my paranoia to creep up. (Granted: I've gone through two consoles, I'm on my third.) Trying to play through Dead Space and Pixel Junkies first game The Maw currently, but my fear that my 360 might abruptly explode in a torrent of flames made me resort to sporadic console power usage.

I'm also preparing to leave the state tomorrow and go on a trip with family, so between trying to survive and trying game, it's been a bit difficult.

In the mean time, I'm getting my PSP ready.
While a majority of time will be socializing with family, if there is any down time at all, I sure as hell will be ready.
I picked up Star Ocean: First Departure. I've been highly surprised of the quality of the remake so far. I played the original Star Ocean emulated with a translation patch, so it's interesting to see how they updated the game. I also got Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles as well as Final Fantasy VII loaded up, if ever I have the urge to play through a game that I have already played through to the umpteenth time.

But most importantly, I think I'll divert my attention to finally play through Beneath a Steel Sky.

You see, my PSP is happily running custom firmware, which means I can do stuff like run SCUMM engine emulators that let me play games like the original Monkey Island and in this case...*ahem*....BASS (worst acronym ever?) I have a love for old school adventure games, I'm looking forward to playing one that has been recommended to me for so long, but never have had the opportunity to really play. This trip might actually give me reason to check it out a bit.

You can download the whole game legally here.

So that's it.
I'm still working on my Monkey Island walkthrough in my spare time. For a good portion of this week I'll be off, hopefully to colder temperatures.


Monkey Island review

I haven't done a review in a while. I actually have only done two others so far, I've always wanted to branch out and write more. For my 20th #S rank game I decided to review Secret of Monkey Island, a game that I personally consider one of the greatest games ever made.

You should read it.

If you don't I will hunt you down...and by cynical and sarcastic.

And if you don't...well...err...I'll probably still be cynical and sarcastic, but in a less insulting manner...



I'm making a secret of monkey island guide

Go 600th post!

Boy is this harder than I thought. Hopefully I'll finish it.

I've been making periodical posts, but nothing too extreme for the last few months. I got a lot of stuff planned for the end of this month personally, (I get to attend one of my friends weddings for godsake.) but for the next few weeks: Nothing. Summer is pretty exciting, and by exciting: I mean it's sorta not really exciting. Unless removing malicious adware is exciting...which it is not.

So in the mean time, I've been planning and sorta creating a guide for The Secret Of Monkey Island. Just in time for the HD remake. And yeah, that picture is what I'm going for in terms of the finished product.


Without the internets...FOR THREE DAYS!!!!

Tomorrow, I will embark into the great unknown to a mystical land called: "The Gorge".
There I will enjoy what is called: "The Sasquatch Music Festival", where I will listen to what many consider to be: "awesome music".

I will also not have the internet with me for three days (till monday.), probably not have television either due to the fact that I'm camping.

What if I miss something cool that happens here? What if an awesome game is announced and I don't know about it?! What if the Mayans were wrong and the world doesn't end in 2012, but on this Saturday?! I would like to know something like that!

If anyone is kind enough to just post random news that I might miss here while I'm gone, I would greatly appreciate it.
That, or you can send links to me to internet addiction clinics / anti-paranoid behavior techniques and appropriate medication.

Out of curiosity: How long have any of you gone without internet or television?


New Mistwalker concept art, looks really neat.

"Hi. I am awesome."

A lot of people are speculating what exactly this is for, with some saying that it was from MistWalkers canceled Cry On. Although I'm not exactly convinced. To be quite honest his armor screams more "Lost Odyssey 2" for me personally. Not exactly sure whats with the dragons, more importantly, why is the only color on this

...Could the sequel to Blue Dragon be darker? I know....a crazy claim right. When was the last time a game got a sequel that was more darker than it's previous entry?

Regardless, it's a nice piece of artwork. Far better than anything Sonic Team can consider concept art.

I meet Jun Takeuchi. I flip out.

Pictured: Jun Takeuchi is amused by fan. Wants brains.
My local GameStop apparently housed Resident Evil producer Jun Takeuchi today.

I tried to meet him with a level head, maybe ask him some questions regarding RE5's controls or things pertaining to RE5. The only thing that I could say after meeting him was:

"I'm sorry sir. I'm flipping out right now."

Suffice to say. I failed. But he totally got it and was laughing as the fans continued, one after another, to devolve infront of him into collections of noises.

It was pretty awesome.

Major Nelson appeared as well. He introduced himself to Takeuchi literally with:

"Hello, I'm Major Nelson."

Suffice to say. He failed. He awkwardly stood back as the fans one by one got their copies signed, I assume waiting to meet him after everything was done.

I took some cell phone pictures, sorry for the quality...they are cell phone pictures.

Major Nelson introduces himself
Major Nelson introduces himself
Signed copy will go next to my signed Master Chief helmet.
Signed copy will go next to my signed Master Chief helmet.


"Go kill that guy!" KillZone 2 Impressions

Everyone is dropping their own early opinions of Killzone 2, so I thought I might add my own two cents over this insane game.

Jeez where do I begin. I guess I should start out by being critical, this game is getting heaps of praise, which it most certainly deserves, but I've had a few moments of head scratching.

In the future. Soldiers are delivered to hostile war zones via floating shopping carts.
In the future. Soldiers are delivered to hostile war zones via floating shopping carts.
Like I said I'm only a few levels in and do you know what I know about what's going on? Not much. Granted I know that this is a sequel but for those of you, like me, who have never touched the first Killzone or it's PSP side game, too bad.

The Hellghast are bad. I know this because they have British accents and have red eyes.

I'm a good guy. People call me Sev. I'm with some other people. They tell me what to do. They also swear.

I'm on the Hellghan planet. The Hellghast don't like that.

I looked in the game's manual in order to catch myself up to what's going on. There's not a single page in it that says anything about the context of the game.

They were kind enough to stick a giant piece of paper advertising PSP games though.

I'm not asking for Killzone 2 to have deep psychological undertones ala Bioshock. But in comparison, so far I've found more affinity for the storyline in the first Gears game. I don't care about any of the characters I'm with so far. They seem entirely interchangeable, at least Gears gave their characters personality...shallow personality, but personality nonetheless. At least I remember them. To be fair I'm only in the early portion of the game, who knows perhaps things will eventually get better. Not counting on it.

Aside from that, Killzone 2 is straight up amazing. Easily trumping every game on the market in terms of graphical fidelity this game is something else to just look at. I haven't stopped to just take in the scenery of a game in a long time, everything from back alleys to beaches are just gorgeous.

Even though the plot takes a back seat, the amount of trigger happy events so far have been so consistent that I have yet to really care too much. When your on a beach and thirty red-eyed Hellghan marines are sprinting toward you, the tendency to think of the game's context is thrown out the window. In the last few hours I've easily experienced some of the best FPS moments I've ever had in years. The weapons are great, the set god...

I think Killzone finally found it's place in the FPS community. It's able to exist on it's own, it has a good cover system that surprising works in first person, and a great variety of weapons.

Killzone 2 is a graphical benchmark game. Similar to Doom 3, for better or worse, one of the major aspects associated with it with be it's visuals. It's one of those games you look at and remind yourself: "One day, most games will hit this quality." And for that alone this game is worth checking out.


Sonic Unleashed Concept art. Has Ghetto Sonic.

The general consensus is that Sonic Team has become a shallow decrepit version of it's former self. Filled with incompetent designers who have entirely lost touch with what Sonic is, while fans cower in the sidelines.

I have no idea why Sega has yet to axe these baffons, because it seems like the general consensus is right. No, I'm not pointing at the laundry list of unbelievably bad Sonic games, I'm pointing my finger of shame right at the designers themselves. If your pumping out terrible idea's from the start of a project, something tells me that this unchecked rampant void of creativity continues further on into the final product. It's been absolutely shameful to watch my childhood memory wether and die infront of me, while the likes of Mario can still appeal to new and old gamers alike with fresh new ideas and genuinly fun experiences.

Recently some real concept art from Sonic Unleashed made it out on the internet. And while these are just ideas, some of these (especially the last one.) are so bad they deserve examination and ridicule.

Round #1: Sonic The Were-Yeti-Thing

"Sonic angry! Sonic take rock and hit head!"

It looks bored. Like a mentally handicapped child starring out into space. I'm sorry if you found that offensive, but seriously. Look at it.

My first thought was that classic scene in Star Wars with Han Solo and princess Leia regarding getting the "Walking carpet out of my way".
Upon further examination, I realized I have seen this creature before:


Round #2: Sonic the ...flame...tiger...guy...were...thing

His arms are on fire? Yeah that makes sense.

....or not....

For those of you who want the God Or War comparison in a more litteral light the pretty up thier. You can see that Sonic is more edgy, which is exactly what us western gamers want right? More edgy Sonic... I'll move on, I think something has died inside me. Wait, false alarm, no, not yet...

Which brings us to the main event.

Sonic needs to get back on track with what Sonic is all about. Running at fast speeds and having fun. Not trying to branch out into other genres, or appealing to another demographic, and in this case, a demographic that doesnt exsist. The sheer concept that someone drew this down on paper with the attempt of having it in the final game is terrifying. For those of you who have any bit of faith regarding Sonic Team being on the pulse of the games criticism from any of it's fans, get ready to have that faith tossed out the window and beaten to death. Ladies and gentlemen. I give you:


"OH SNAP! FOR SHIZZLE! MY BLING KEEPS THE RAGE IN!...seriously, I'm wearing a fucking lock."

While you take a good hard look at this masterpiece of Sonic wearing a creepy lock and chain wrapped around him like some creepy metal bondage gear. (Check his skull tattoo.) I want to say a few words.

I'm sad watching what Sonic Team has done with Sonic. But at least with these pieces of concept art I have an understanding that the faliures regarding Sonic Team are spread through out. This gives me a bit more piece of mind, and more justifies the idea of Sonic either axing Sonic Team entirely, and or giving the rights for another company to take a jab at. I've read articles about thier incopatance but these pieces of work really give me a better perspective.

So what do you think?
Would you buy GTA: SONIC?

Original link: