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Top 5 people who died on screen

I like movies. Usually in a theatrical and unrealistic fashion, someone dies. I feel these (as in for me) are the best on-screen deaths in movies. These aren't in a particular order. I left out Robocop because I can't be bothered typing anymore but just imagine Murphy being shot and that guy blowing up like a melon when the car hits him is 6.

1. Star Trek (2009)

First of all, I do not like this movie. It is better than most of the TNG movies and some of the OS movies. However as a startrek movie, I feel it is very poor. More interested in appealing to dude bro's than people who like sci-fi. I like the scene when Nero dies because unlike other villains who run around acting petty shouting and acting like fools, he sits and dies with honor knowing his fate. The black hole thing scene is very well done and regardless of the movie being weak as a whole, I like this scene, it also has probably the best startrek soundtrack out of all the movies. That JJ person still sucks though.

2. Total Recall

I like this scene because of the one liner in regards to our hero having his memory wiped and working for the bad guys. Aside from that, he holds onto his torn off arms for an extended period of time before saying the one liner. Why? Comedy timing. If he had simply dropped the arms rather than hold off to throw them down specifically aimed at his dead corpse, the line would be less effective. This is an excellent movie with many excellent death or explicitly violent scenes. Another great scene is when Arnold stabs a fellow in the eye with part of the chair he was strapped too.

3. Kagemusha

This is very deep and meaningful. The story is about a thief who looks very much like a clan leader. He reluctantly takes his place to give the illusion he is still alive. As he takes his place he eventually starts to understand the clan values "a mountain does not move" and starts to actually become the person he is intimidating. When he is revealed as a fake, he is dimissed. The new rulers betray his former clan leaders values and attack rather than sit still. They are destroyed by guns. The last scene is kagemusha "the shadow warrior" running though the dead bodies making a futile charge to die with his adopted clan. The very very last shot is him stumbling towards the sea seeing the clan flag submerged and floating away. As he reaches out, he falls over dead. Both he and the clan destroyed. Overall this is a clever movie designed for sophisticated minds.

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4. Blade Runner

I like this movie because it is also clever. No one is really bad in this movie. Rutger Hauers character is not bad. The supposed bad guy is simply trying to comprehend and cope with death. In the end, the only thing he can do is pass on his experience. To which he does so to the very person hunting him in a very beautiful moment in an otherwise boring movie.

5. Commando

This is the most fun movie ever made. The bad guy is a chubby man who is so campy it hurts. The final battle like total recall involves a one liner "let off some steam bennett". Many, many people in this movie die. In once scene Arnold walks along with a machine gun and no shirt on with a small 2 foot high hedge shooting down a dozen men while they all miss him. The directors cut is the best version, alot of scenes got cut out at the time because they could currupt young adult minds. Now we are in this age, you can pick up the directors cut but for some reason the cencored version is still being sold.


My thoughts on racism and gay slur

Using racism is very bad. If you do it, you are bad. Also using slurs directed at gay people are bad. If you do that as well, you are bad. In real life if you done this many people would be upset because it is bad. Likewise on the internet, it is bad. People may not be able to physically be with you and you may be hidden behind a computer screen but this isn't a Texas walker ranger badge to go around saying racism or anti-gay words. Or bad people words in general. Part of the reason people say these bad things isn't because they actually hate black people or gay people for being gay in nature but because they feel in a safe zone, free of any real repercussions. Even the threat of moderation is seen as trivial. With the internet hackers use new IP's to get back on internet websites.

Another problem is the nature of the gaming community I feel. It is almost always negative full of hipster nihilism. The young adults aspire to be like the 4chan. It is cool to mean. And weak to be good. In order to appear like a cool dude to other people on the internet, gamers typically hate everything and act like everything "sucks". By doing this they think they will be cool dudes. Any and everything sucks. And if you like something, then you must be attacked.

When you have a plant you give it water. Water helps a plant retain life. It is very good. When you give a plant too much water, it drowns. The people on gaming forums would probably like that idea and boast about killing the plant. Rather than cultivate a climate of respect and happiness. Gamers are very poor people I feel. It is partly why games aim so low. They know the target audience just want to shoot people in the face and shout profanity in call of duty.

A good example of this was the Call Of Duty "F" word advert. Activision know this word is commonly used in Call Of Duty rampantly full of hipster nihilism. Rather than stamp it out and be good, they want to cultivate it in order to appear "down with the kids".

Overall I feel in order to make the world a better place, parents need to be better. I feel most do a very poor job of raising children. Our vision of the world is formed as a child and if you strickly dictate what a child experiences they wont grow up to be racist or use the F word and generally be nice people.

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Total Recall was an unintended commentary on gaming

Everytime I watch "Total Recall" I cant help but think about gaming. In it, the man from robocop withholds air from ugly mutants. The Robocop man can give them air at any point it outright has a big "press here" button build by aliens. In order to make money the Robocop man withholds air and attempts to hide the air making factorys existence. To me the ugly mutants are gamers. They are treated badly and do nothing about it other than little rebel attacks that have no real significance. They also live in slum like areas. The man from Robocop (Ronny Cox) seems to represent the likes of Ubisoft. A company with a freindly front but cynically greedy with a hatred for the mutants. The Quaid seems to be like an indie developer.. Both working but simultaneously railing against the Robocops man authoritarian grip. Sharon Stones character attempting to seduce and convince him everything is ok seems to represent the gaming media, acting as PR for the robocop man. At the end of the movie Quaid presses the alien button to give air.. The sky changes and everyone looks up in wonder. This seems to represent Valve.

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Overall this is a very good movie that demonstrates greed in the video game industry. I understand alot of gamers are very young now and probably havent seen it. So I would recomend going back and watching it. Totally ignoring the terrible reboot which itself, is a cynical cash in like the movie depicts. While young hipsters have been praising the dark knight. Total Recall is a far better more socially relevant movie in which greed reaches the point that publishers are unwilling to give you air unless you pay.


Hideo Kojima, gamer and the media and in general... the universe

Of course this happens with many games. Anything that existed before hand quickly devolved into mudslinging thanks to users acting almost instantly like a pack of wolfs. Suddenly the venomous nature spreads. Hipster nihilism heats up, the flames become brighter ever focused on destroying the obscenity, the audacity. Ignoring the issue at hand and purely focused on destroying you while attempting to look "cool" among the other nihilistic wolfs thirsting for blood attempting to reach self perceived yet uniformly shared gratification among those within the pack.

Several times across several boards for multiple years I have spoken of the problems regarding the attitude Hideo Kojima games have. I have suggested he actually have someone else who can actually write take the reins to improve a very good series (namely Metal Gear Solid). The response as one might expect is typical "troll" responses or people implying you are an "idiot" or "his games as so highly rated" as if these are valid arguments.

The motivation is less to do with the game itself. Rather, based on a self inflated importance. The user is so self absorbed they are unwilling to be objective viewing any opinion differing as one that should be attacked and destroyed. The young adult views this as a defense, a reassurance. Vindication that the cherished memory and philosophical god they worship is beyond approach. To do so is to unleash wrath.

Indeed the response of spamming a metacritic score for a game is a sign of just how intellectually corrupt gaming has become. Huge summary scores and a cumulative mass as a single entity outright kills individual expression and gives what should be a vague indication as something the masses eat up without any questions asked. Indeed it's dangerous. Publishers have been well documented attempting to manipulate the duplicitous gaming media whom acts as a forefront...publicity For the young adult minds tainted into trusting a designer brand. A bubblegum wrap over the true motive. Attractive young ladies, presenters and reviewers the young adults are suppose to indentity with. Fluff articles designed to garner attention to whatever generates money. Yes a designer brand is what the gaming media has become.

I personally believe this is why Metal Gear Solid 4 ganered such critical praise. The venomous youth of today constantly seek vindication. That vindication equals sales. It equals website hits on both a short term and long term basis. The young adults blissfully unaware of the farmer directing them into the pen. If you tell a lie enough times people will believe it. This doesn't actually have to be through words in a literal sense . Simply spamming images, articles (check gametrailers with Call Of Duty) enough times ingrained into the mind of the sheep like userbase "buy me". A psychosis like buzz manufactured like coke cans in a factory through fake anticipation boomed through IGN's spammed articles polluting unintelligible younglings

It's not only a problem with promoting games games, the user is also deliberately bled dry of games that do not appeal to the target audience. These do not appeal to the wider masses. Pc users are perceived as pirates, scum simply waiting to jump on a torrent. Strategy games for basement dwellers. Something to be pushed aside, an obligatory African American in a TV show to abide by political correctness.

Gamers themselves with the attitude mentioned above are actively accepting and outright barking "woof woof" for this type of climate. The good news, compared to other media gaming is still very much in a primordial stage. However hard the juvenile nature of the gaming masses and the corrupt media attempt to direct it or indeed insidious attempts to enforce SOPA type laws in order to govern the media, I remain hopeful.

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Parsnips are fantastic

This looks like a carrot but it isn't
This looks like a carrot but it isn't

You know, I find it odd here how parsnip is almost like a rare vegetable here. It's very hard to pick up in the shops and only seems to be eaten during Christmas. It's related to the carrot and have been eaten for centuries. Yet in the UK we choose to eat chips (or fries if you American) or carrots instead. With the parsnip only appearing during times such as the Christmas period.

The parsnip is much larger and chunkyer than a fry (or chip) and it is much sweeters in taste. I really think Mcdonalds and Burger KIng are missing out in this regard. Aside from introducting people to the parsnip through the mainstream burger in a bad nature they could also help popularize. Even when not used in a complicated recipe a parsnip mixed with honey and mustard is wonderful. Even when eating a delicious lamb chop or turky (and it's 500 over food fodder) at Christmas it's usually the parsnip that remainds memorable. In general, I regard the parsnip as a far superior plate siding than chips (or fries if you American). If you for some reason have been parsnip shy because it's some weird vegatable I would highly recomend at least trying it. They come ready chopped and roasted just like chips (or fries if you an American) and in most cases, already covered with honey to increase the sweetness.

These look like chopped and cooked potatoes but they arent
These look like chopped and cooked potatoes but they arent

Top 5 games that are basically ripped off movies

Top 5 games that are basically movies without an official License

Most movie tie in games are not very good. A cheap buck on the side for low quility websites like gametrailers to advertise and win a spike dude bro award at the currupt awards presented by the extreamly odious Geoff Knightley. However, most video games do take "inspiration" from movies. By that I mean they totally rip them off. Here (imo) are the top 5 video games that are "inspired" by movies. With 1 being the best.

1. Shogun II

The extreamly talented and wonderful developers at creative assembly have outright admitted Total War wouldn't exist without Akira Kurosawa. If you have ever watched any of his Samurai movies such as the wonderful "Kagemusha" or the epic "Ran" it should be pretty clear that Shogun 2 primarily takes cinematic inspiration from these movies. Much like Akira Kurosawa movies, this is a sophisticated peice of art well above the derivative pap of other supposed AAA games on 2011.

2. Stalker

Stalker is a movie, based on a book that was loosely (the word being very loosely) made into a game. Even though stalker is a buggy riddled mess. With terrible localization, horrendous animations and other problems, it has an atmosphere and sense of place no other game can touch. When you die in stalker you get a feeling that the gameworld is apathetic to your existence with the wheel still turning regardless of you playing it or not. While many first person shooters have been dumbed down for consoles with checkpoints every 5 feet, regenerating health, stupid AI that lacks any challange and over scripting, stalker is relentless. It's a harcore pc gamers dream and a true "survival" game far more than any supposed resident evil or Fallout title. While it's sad to see stalker 2 die, i'd much rather that than a bastardized console version. The loose plot similar to the movie revolves around making your way deep into the zone to confront a wish granter. In the game, this leaves several endings depending on how you play.

3. Halflife 2

This one should be rather obvious "1984" and "war of the worlds". Halflife 2 is considered by many the greatest FPS ever and far superior to Call Of Duty and other pretenders. Personally I still prefer the first game, it's my fav FPS. However Halflife 2 is also very good.

4. Warcraft III

The interest thing about this game is, it's basically the story of Darth Vader before the "Revenge Of The Sith" . The actual scene when the fellow becomes the "Lich King" is surprisingly similar that of Anakin becoming Darth Vader in revenge of sith.

Likewise when the character dies, he also has a moment similar to Darth Vader in Return Of The Jedi.

5. Amazingly amazing in nature, like above, Homeworld was made before Battlestar Galatica (2003). Aside from the story, the outlandish soundtrack is also extreamly reminiscent of that used in the tv/movie by "Bear McCreary". The story involves a race using a hyper-drive and returning to find the planet "Kharak" completely destroyed. They must now find there "Homeworld" which was prophesied through relics. While getting there they are hunted down by the race who destroyed there planet. Basically, it's Battlestar Galatica.

Homeworld is still the best story-telling and most cinimatic strategy game made. Hell, it's one of the best, full stop. While many games sacrifice gameplay to get that narrative in, Homeworld doesn't. It enhances it by giving it much needed emotionally engaging context most strategy games lack. While kids on the console jumped claiming metal gear solid was cinematic this was better. The gameplay was better. The soundtrack was better. Everything was better. Homeworld was an incredible game that sorely needs a sequel. While I enjoy the Company Of Heroes and Dawn Of War series... they aint no homeworld.


Underrated movies 1 "THE MAN WITHOUT A FACE"

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I really like the man without the face. To sum up, Mel Gibson has a burnt face. He looks like two face. And he is a loner. He befriends a little kid who insults him him but eventually (being a loner himself) he hangs around him around and Mel teaches him stuff. The friendship they form enriches both characters lifes. Up until he is accused of being a pedophile and is banished. This movie is kind of odd. It's like a conventional "innocent" inspiration movie if you applied it to real world values. In the end regardless of the characters genuine friendship, the world being the way it is, he is banished as a pedophile. This is partly because of his burnt face but also his loner behavior. He was convicted of killing a child with a car (gave him burnt face). The end of the movie is very touching. Even though Mel Gibson has been told to keep away from him, the final scene is him secretly watching him graduation from military thing.

This movie was directed by Mel Gibson. He is a very good director. I like most of his movies barring Bravehart with is basically one long historically incorrect racist hate incitement to kill English people. I always found it odd how no one overly complained. If he replaced "England" with "Africans" people would rage. This is a much better, simpler and humbler movie. It's also interesting that Mel changed the movie from the book to something more positive (read wiki). Overall I give this movie 8/10.

This is very conventional but I like that the burnt face man he plays doesn't overcome his problem and the peoples ignorance isn't overcome. People do not work like that and it elevates it above standard fodder. It is a fairly old movie now (1993) and it doesn't seem to get many re-runs here.



My Avenger movie thoughts (minor spoilers)

The best character
The best character

This is an ok film but no Batman Begins or Dark Knight.

Here are a list of the things I liked about it.

1. The Hulk

In this movie the fellow playing him (since that other fellow gave up) is better than the other two fellows that played him. He should get his own spinoff. Also the Hulk is both menacing and great

comic relief. He ended up probably being my favorite of the heroes even though I was expecting it to be Iron man

2. Jackson

I like this character, as usual it's basically Samuel L Jackson acting like a very cool African American person. When he was a Jedi he played an authority person. But in that movie he was

very boring. He is more like an autheory person from "Pulp Fiction". He is not boring like the starwars version of him but a bad ass person.

3. The Bad Guy

Even though the movie turns into Transformers 3 at the end with 45 minutes of mindless explosions. I like that the bad guy is talky talky. He barely gets into any fights and seems more like a James Bond villain than some ninja fighting alien. He does fight now and again and has super human powers. But for the most part he stands around talking crap at people and plotting.

4. It was stupid fun

The problem I have with the Dark Knight is while it's a very clever movie, it is boring and really, really up itself. This movie is more self aware that it has people who want to have fun.

Things I didn't like

1. Tony Stark

I like this character. But the movie has the same problem the Xmen movies have with Wolverine. It's WOLVERINE! and the Xmen. In this movie he gets far too much attention. The arrow fellow (can't remember) is kinda like a guy just moving around. He has no character development. Likewise the Hulk (the best character imo) is kinda just picked up, stands around and thats that. Overall, too much focus on Stark to the point that he saves the city, he destroys everyone and he is the last shot. I can understand why, he is now one of the most popular. Still, uneven.

2. The CGI

One of the things I like about batman begins is it's use of CGI. It's very sparse. Like when batman first meets the scarecrow, it's mild cgi of worms and crap on top of his mask. In this it basically turns into Tranformers 3 at the end. The first half is better than the second half.

3. Why was he attacking and who was the army?

??? Something about a cube of power or some crap. Or his staff that opens up a whole or something. I don't know. It explains poorly. Also green goblin guys and a gears of wars monster.

4. So Thor could come to earth?

In the Thor movie he is horny for Natalie Portman. He says "one day I will come back" (or something along those lines). Here, he just drops of a plane like a Taxi service. Then returns. other than a very mild reference, those whole plot line is moot. He uses some "black magic crap". Or something. Either way it just seemed like total lazyness the way he was just plopped into this movie.

5. Scarlett Johansson cant act and dresses like a hooker

I really dislike (this was a major problem with Tranformers) when movies designed with children in mind have woman dressed like pornstars. Through out this movie Scarlett Johansson wears some strange BDSM gear and most of the worlds makeup on her face. She doesn't look like she is wearing cloths to fight people but to titillate. Her powers (along with the arrow man) seem really inferior and crappy compared to the others. The movie tries to make them appear useful but aside from looking like a hooker, her inferior nature compared to Thor, Hulk and Iron Man was always at the back of my mind.

Overall what I got from this movie was a hankering for a new hulk movie, with the fellow from this movie in it and not the two other people. I enjoyed this but I don't think it has enough to it to rewatch over and over again like Batman Begins or the Dark Knight. These movies also have problems but substance isn't one of them. This is a good waste of time and very interesting seeing how they attempted to link all the movies up. Hopefully this will inspire warn bros to make live action Justice League.



Peter Molyneux has said something

@ Peter M said: "I think that controllers are more and more - we have discovered the genres that work well are first-person shooters, and that's all. It's true, where have the real-time strategy games gone? The simulation games? Controllers are brilliant for doing first-person shooters. That's it."

"I think that controllers are more and more - we have discovered the genres that work well are first-person shooters, and that's all. It's true, where have the real-time strategy games gone? The simulation games? Controllers are brilliant for doing first-person shooters. That's it."

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Not only is this insulting to pc users. Pc developers. It's also manages to be insulting to console developers as well!

The first problem here is that he implies first person shooters are brilliant on controllers. This is false, they are "serviceable". A mouse and keyboard is still far superior. Secondly, he askes "Where have the real time strategy titles gone". This is so obvious is doesn't even need answered. Also "total war" is still better than anything you have put out mate and continues to be the case. But it's pc. They are on the pc. Simulation games? Pc. Always been the pc.

Hell, lets be kind, even if we just take into account consoles... this generation (as far as strategy games go) is far, far superior compared to the last generation of consoles. Hell, the console had several specifically built console strategy games (even though the pc is the superior platform). Endwar, Halo Wars, Stormrise. The handheld devices are a breeding ground for interesting titles, many of of them strategy games (pc still better). In fact even now creative assembly is making a console centric aliens strategy game.

I really do not understand if this man is trying to troll users. I mean, fable (1) was decent. I'll give it that, I enjoyed it. It was no Baldurs Gate landmark type game... but I did enjoy it. But can we honestly say he has produced any amazing titles since he left the pc? No, it's sequel after sequel after sequel. Exactly what he has been complaining about. He is part of the problem in that regard (if you even consider it a problem).

Peter Molyneux has said alot of questionable stuff but come on.... come on..... Peter Molyneux seems to be an eccentric Willy Wonka type character. Except in Willy Wonkas factory, he made chocalate, not crap.

Perhaps his next game (like he claimed) really will change the world. Perhaps his perceived genius will rock the foundations of gaming and change everything? Forever. Or (this might, might just happen) it could be a letdown and maybe he will blame it on something, promising better next time?

His comments are outrageous.


Top 5 games that had awsome trailers but actually crap

Trailers are very important for video games. Since mainstream gaming is mostly a shallow vacuous money driven image of asthetics, it's what sells them. Along with currupt media lying. This is my list of games that had awsome trailers with the game itself actually being really crappy. Big turds. 1 is the best trailer. 5 the least best (but still the best).

1. Assassin's Creed Revelations

This has a cool trailer. Full of emotion and all that crap. Ubisoft is very good at promos. Most games they make look awsome. But in reality, most are garbage. This game is garbage. A re-hash of an already overrated game that doesn't deserve million of sales. Also drm. Matrix ripoff. Waste of time.

2. Metal Gear Solid 2

This is actually the intro of the game but it was a teaser used. It makes it look like you play as cool dude macho man. In reality, you play as Leonardo Dicaprio man boy. I was very hyped for this game and ran out and got it on day release. Even imported it but the thing wouldn't work. Sadly, I didn't realize the entire thing was a movie. Well, not a movie, like a badly written anime episode stretched out to about 30 hours. The trailer is cool because it short. After hours, it just becomes annoying. Overall, terrible game, good trailer. Metal Gear Solid 3/4 also suck but this has a good intro/trailer.

3. Mass Effect 2

This launch trailer stole music from Titanic. I played the original game. It seemed average at best. Like a fool, I gave into the hype. All this talk about "it fixed the problems". "It's amazing best game ever". No, it is terrible. You go round collecting people like pokemon and keep them in your pokemon area (like all Bioware games ever). It's suppose to be this amazingly emotionally engaging experience. Bioware themselves claim they are attempting to make "the most emotionally engaging games ever". Sadly, every character sounds like a Vulcan or Data from startrek. Characters who have no emotion. Overall, this is gears of war if it was in space more and even worse.

4. Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 4 sold millions and millions. It was gods gift to man. Critics fapped like mad until they had a face like a light bulb that had taken LSD. Or so it appeared. The game is like Grand Theft Auto 3 without the fun. Thats all you need to say really.... short but accurate description. The trailer is great. But thats because it is a total ripoff of "Koyaanisqatsi". Overall, boring game.

5. Dead Island

Much like GTA4, this trailer is a ripoff of "The Scientist" from Coldplay. Coldplay probably ripped it off as well. Either way, this is ripoff. This game is best described as "stalker" without the scares, tension, or fun. It is really crappy. It is mostly melee based but still very boring. At the point of release, I was already sick of zombie games. But this is probably the crappest zombie game I have played (outside of Resident Evil).

Feel free to suggest your own.

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