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#1  Edited By Xeridae
@RsistncE said:
@Xeridae: How is the EULA specific when even you admit that the EULA says "other services". And no I'm not afraid, I just know how EULA's have been bent and used in the past and know of the legal history surrounding them; software companies have used EULA's in the past to do as they please, usually masking such activity under the ambiguous language that they used in their EULA. But hey, if you're fine with this then go ahead: many people, including myself, are not, largely because EA isn't a trustworthy company as evidenced in it's past with customer relationship management.
Even though it says other services, It also says "other services to you". What is there to be concerned about? This information is not being used to create super aids that is delivered to your door. That's my point. I know you say you're not afraid but your comments seem to portray something to the contrary and I am merely trying to reassure you and others that this is inconsequential. I can't speak to what EA has or hasn't done. I can only tell you that based on what this EULA says, the information they obtain is used purely for products and services, whatever they may be, and not to destroy your life.
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#2  Edited By Xeridae
@RsistncE said:
@Napalm said:
@Xeridae said:
People are making a huge deal out of this right now so hopefully my comments will put this into perspective.

The section in question:

You agree that EA may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer (including the Internet Protocol Address), operating system, Application usage (including but not limited to successful installation and/or removal), software, software usage and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online services. 

All this means is that they can use the information they obtain to provide software updates, dynamic content, product support and online services like Battlefield 3 multiplayer for example. BFD.

EA may also use this information combined with personal information for marketing purposes and to improve our products and services. We may also share that data with our third party service providers in a form that does not personally identify you. IF YOU DO NOT WANT EA TO COLLECT, USE, STORE, TRANSMIT OR DISPLAY THE DATA DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE APPLICATION.

This just means that they can  also use this information to help market their products and SHARE it with third party service providers like DICE without identifying your personal information so that means they can't give out your IP or your computer name or username or anything else that would identify you. It says absolutely nothing about selling this information.
This needs to be put into the proper perspective. Did we all lose our reading comprehension overnight? EA can look at whatever the hell they want on my computer as far as I am concerned as long as it is used in the above context. If it is not then they will be in breach of their own EULA and I'll sue their asses. Until then though, this is completely harmless and I would not encourage any of my fellow gamers to give into this fear mongering BS.
Case closed?
Not at all. This guy reads EULA's like they're classic legal contracts written in black and white; I'd argue anyone with decent reading comprehension skills can easily pick up on the ambiguities and generalities in this EULA. For example: this guy points out that collected information could be used in the context of BF3, however, he completely fails to point out that the EULA says "other services". Other services is a pretty wide umbrella. The second point he makes suffers from the same inability to understand what the EULA is saying implicitly: that although the information may not be sold in a transaction where the information is sold for money, the information "shared" could be part of a sharing agreement set up prior to the EULA where money was exchanged for such a service. And as for "third party service providers", if I was to list all of EA's third party partners, no one here would recognized even half of the names on the list (including me). It boils down to this: EA has a bad history when it comes to customer relationship management and no rational person should be saying, "Hey, this sounds alright to me because Company X does it!"
Completely irrelevant argument for the simple fact that as I said, they can only use the information in specific ways. Anything outside of the context of the agreement is a breach of this EULA. In other words, as I've already said, there is absolutely nothing in this agreement to be worried about. In fact, it can be read in black and white terms because of the fact that they specifically say in what context they are using this information. "other services" is ambiguous but it does not benefit them to use such terminology because it leaves it open to interpretation by both parties and, most importantly, a judge. You sir, reek of fear.
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#3  Edited By Xeridae

People are making a huge deal out of this right now so hopefully my comments will put this into perspective.

The section in question:

You agree that EA may collect, use, store and transmit technical and related information that identifies your computer (including the Internet Protocol Address), operating system, Application usage (including but not limited to successful installation and/or removal), software, software usage and peripheral hardware, that may be gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, dynamically served content, product support and other services to you, including online services. 

All this means is that they can use the information they obtain to provide software updates, dynamic content, product support and online services like Battlefield 3 multiplayer for example. BFD.

EA may also use this information combined with personal information for marketing purposes and to improve our products and services. We may also share that data with our third party service providers in a form that does not personally identify you. IF YOU DO NOT WANT EA TO COLLECT, USE, STORE, TRANSMIT OR DISPLAY THE DATA DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE APPLICATION.

This just means that they can  also use this information to help market their products and SHARE it with third party service providers like DICE without identifying your personal information so that means they can't give out your IP or your computer name or username or anything else that would identify you. It says absolutely nothing about selling this information.
This needs to be put into the proper perspective. Did we all lose our reading comprehension overnight? EA can look at whatever the hell they want on my computer as far as I am concerned as long as it is used in the above context. If it is not then they will be in breach of their own EULA and I'll sue their asses. Until then though, this is completely harmless and I would not encourage any of my fellow gamers to give into this fear mongering BS.
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#4  Edited By Xeridae

This seems pretty clear to me. EA is betting heavily on Origin and in order to make Origin a success they need to but out the middle man aka Steam. Why exactly EA wants to do this though is completely unclear from what I can see.

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#5  Edited By Xeridae

Unfortunately it seems that the j-pop kids love this kind of shit though, so the bloated corpse of Square - Enix continues to writhe in  rejected androgynous anime and the crushed hopes and dreams of a man who really wanted to be a movie director. I wish that Square - Enix would just shut down at this point. Squaresoft was their golden age. Everything since then has been so fucking bad that the title "Final Fantasy" makes me cringe.

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#6  Edited By Xeridae
@Tetsuo said:
A lot of people here are being all "oh Nintendo would never do something like that to me!"  Wait until one of these companies do start using your shit, see how non-chalant you are then. Companies don't exist to be nice to you, and if they see it as being in their best interest, they'll fuck you raw. Just because it may not have happened yet doesn't mean it'll never happen.
You must be joking. The second they start abusing consumer info like this that's the moment they've decided to commit corporate suicide because no one will trust them again. As someone else pointed out this is more to cover and protect themselves.
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#7  Edited By Xeridae

As someone who grew up with Nintendo and had a NES as soon as they became available in the US, I feel that Defective by Design are not only being completely ridiculous but ungrateful as well. Nintendo has NEVER misused my personal information or tried to use anything I have created using their products without my consent (to my knowledge which really that is all that matters because if they put my mii or something else I made on a billboard I would know and quit frankly they never would, this is definitely CYA terminology). As far as I am concerned, I don't even want to think about what the state of the video game industry would be like without Nintendo so for any of these Defective by Design assholes to suggest that Nintendo is "awful" is just hyperbole especially if any of them are gamers. I am not absolving Nintendo of any wrong doing in their history I am just simply saying that they are not "awful" and they were the true pioneers that championed great games we all love/loved. Atari gets my respect but the NES made Atari look like a complete joke.

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#8  Edited By Xeridae

Hilarious that he thinks that because the info was leaked it's going to impact sales of the game at all.

Basically all that was revealed was that yes, there will be a MW3 (shocking) and what locations the game will take place in.

I can just picture his reaction, "Gentlemen, stop everything and rebuild the game from scratch".

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#9  Edited By Xeridae

I can appreciate this interview for the simple fact that he just wanted to make an entertaining game. I especially enjoyed the comments about not turning it into a work of art that only students of art could enjoy. At the end of the day he just keeps it real lol.

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#10  Edited By Xeridae
@Andorski said:
" @Dandy said:
" I just got my ps3 too ;( "
While I hate the shit that I have to go through due to some company's incompetence, I still have to say that getting the PS3 around now is probably the best thing you can do.  Sony, fearing the possibility of having this happen to them again, will probably beef up their security.  I view it like a shuttle launch: When is it the best time to go into space?  Right after a huge catastrophe, because everyone will be on guard to ensure that it won't happen again. "
Normally I would agree with you but NASA just blew up their past two attempts at launching a new satellite...