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Giant Bomb Guess that Video: Hybrid US Beta Code Giveaway

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Hello there! As the title suggests I currently have ten beta codes for the XBLA game Hybrid to give to you all and I'm holding a bit of a contest in order to determine who gets them! All you have to do is name the video that any of these quotes (one per person) that I have provided appear in. The first user to comment where a quote comes from wins. Simple right? Guess as many times as you like until you get a code, but when you guess correctly once please do not give away anymore answers! I've also made things easier for you all by including the names of those who said the quotes. Here we go and good luck:

Quotes (Warning Some May Be Paraphrased)

  1. "I don't own a Vita, this is the kind of dumb thing, kinda' stupid application I require from the Vita. It really is a game changer." - Ryan
  2. "Maybe now you'll remember to UPGRADE Ryan! Your other Ryan can remind you to upgrade" - Patrick
  3. "I want to go to space! To this crazy moon! Look at this FUCKING INSANE MOON!" - Vinny
  5. "Is this game broken? You can tell me ya' know, if you know anything." - Jeff
  6. "Uhh Jeff don't look over your shoulder, bu there's a dude staring at you like he knows who you are." - Vinny
  7. "That all you got...Giant Bomb?" - ???
  8. "This is dog soup" - Drew
  9. "I like clobbering, so...pickin this dude. Go clobber." - Jeff
  10. "It said I could cut some guy's head...I wonder if I can cut off that guy's head" - Patrick