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    The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

    Game » consists of 10 releases. Released Nov 22, 2013

    The first original The Legend of Zelda game on the Nintendo 3DS and also a direct sequel to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past set six generations after.

    thefridgegc's The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Limited Edition 3DS XL (Nintendo 3DS) review

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    • 1 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Crossing Over: The Hero I Needed

    To preface this review I must state this fact. Before playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds I had never owned a Nintendo handheld, nor had I ever played a Zelda game. EVER. So this isn't necessarily a review for everyone.

    As an "outsider", Zelda games had always been "the thing" I never got; but was always interested in, a bit of a black spot on my gaming history. I've owned a Super Nintendo Entertainment System but played Donkey Kong Country. Owned a Nintendo 64 but never rented or borrowed The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I have friends who swear by the franchise and the internet has always had a love for Ocarina, saying it is one of the "best games of all time".
    What is it? What is it about Zelda? Well after finishing this latest in the franchise, I only have one word. Flawless.

    Coming in to this adventure I knew the basics. Triforce, Master Sword, Water Dungeon, Ganondorf, Hookshot, Cut the grass for money. The stuff that you pick up over time and can piece together slowly in to a functional game.
    But seeing all these pieces assembled for the first time in their natural state started blowing my mind. Step by step the story. The characters. The items and locations all fell in to place and made sense for the first time. I'm not going to go out and say this game is revolutionary, far from it, taking most of its game design from a 20 year old game. For me, a first timer; this WAS a revolution. I've played games that took inspiration from this or tried to be this, but never were this. The past 15 years of gaming for me were being filled in. The moments and mechanics I thought were from one place were now here, in Zelda.

    A Link Between Worlds [ALBW] was quick to give me what I needed and send me on my way. In 20 minutes I had been given the story, given my quest and sent to my first dungeon. No messing around. No dawdling. Not what I expected after hearing so much about Skyward Sword. I was also left to do my own thing. Tackle the game my way. No hand holding. Choose a location, work it out and go. This is executed perfectly.
    ALBW is built for the pick up and play style of the 3DS and looks good doing it. The 3D is something I cranked the whole time. It not only visually looked stunning but gave much needed depth to some of the tighter platforming areas of some dungeons. The dungeons themselves weren't hard or challenging but required thought to get through. The main mechanic of ALBW sees Link being able to merge in to the wall as a painting, something you will be doing constantly. Many a times if I couldn't figure out a puzzle or what to do, it was because I wasn't merging in to the wall. When in doubt, merge.

    I came in to ALBW scared. Scared that I wouldn't like Zelda games. Scared that the reason I hadn't played one yet was because it wasn't my type of game. That. Was. Wrong.
    ALBW has been one of the most rewarding and enriching gaming experiences I have had for a while. So much so I actually want to go back in and collect the 100 damn collectables scattered throughout Hy and Lorule. I can't say much for other people as not many people can see this game through the same eyes, but if you have never played a Zelda game. If you own a 3DS. Then what are you waiting for!

    The ultimate question is, has this game made me want to go play other Zelda games?
    Well, I currently have Ocarina 3D in my 3DS as I type this, so yes, Zelda has done its job.
    My Xbox One and PS4 will be gathering dust for a little while longer as my 3DS gathers the grime from my sweaty hands.

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