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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Nintendo Fan Scorned

We don't have all the details on Nintendo's circle pad add-on for the 3DS, but fans are already enraged. There's a very specific reason why.

When this image leaked from the latest issue of Famitsu, Twitter exploded with negative reactions and snark.
When this image leaked from the latest issue of Famitsu, Twitter exploded with negative reactions and snark.

People are pissed at Nintendo today. You'd think the company contaminated the local water supply, based on the response to news that Nintendo's preparing a circle pad add-on for the 3DS to launch alongside Capcom's Monster Hunter Tri G. I added to the pile last night with a hyperbolic headline.

"That Horrible 3D Analog Rumor is Coming True."

I don't regret writing that headline; it was a knee-jerk emotional response to the moment, underscoring the collective feeling after learning this crazy rumor was true. I'd dismissed the idea of an analog accessory that sounded ripped from the mid-90s Sega playbook, and being confronted with this monstrosity featured had me glancing over at my 3DS with contempt.

The response is ironic, too, given how many called for Sony to release a PSP revision with a second analog stick. In the PSP's case, however, a good portion of its premiere games were handheld console games that would have benefited from the analog.

The 3DS as it is now. What it will look like next year, when a revision might drop, isn't known.
The 3DS as it is now. What it will look like next year, when a revision might drop, isn't known.

Sony never pulled the trigger, pushing the feature onto the next handheld--Vita has two sticks. The biggest reason fans have heavily scrutinized the 3DS since launch has little to do with a lacking analog stick and everything to do with a lacking set of even halfway decent games to play.

At this point, Nintendo's been forced to admit 3DS was overpriced, slashing the handheld from $249 to $169 roughly six months after launch--six months in Japan, five months everywhere else. The company mitigated most of the ill will with its 3DS Ambassador program, promising a dose of gaming nostalgia worth more than the price difference. It wasn't a perfect solution, but we were asking for games, after all.

There's precedent for Nintendo to cater towards the whims of Monster Hunter, easily one of the most powerful franchises in Japan. Nintendo worked alongside Capcom to tweak the layout of the Classic Controller Pro to ensure it would best compliment Monster Hunter Tri. That sort of collaboration with another company on a piece of Nintendo-produced hardware was basically unprecedented.

"Someone within Nintendo said, 'What? You're going to ask the development staff of another company?' said Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. "But since we were going to make a new controller so that people who had played Monster Hunter before could play comfortably, I thought we should at least get the seal of approval from the game developers."

It's hard for us to understand why Nintendo would be so keen to bend over backwards for Monster Hunter, as the franchise hasn't gained much traction outside Japan. Monster Hunter is largely credited with saving the PSP over there. It's a big reason the machine's been viable, and for Nintendo to make sure Monster Hunter's core players are satisfied would be a smart move.

Monster Hunter is a huge
Monster Hunter is a huge "get" for Nintendo, even if you're like me and don't "get" it at all.

Herein lies the rub: there are so many details about this add-on we don't know about.

  • Will Nintendo charge for it, or will it be bundled?
  • Has this been exclusively designed for Monster Hunter 3G?
  • Will Nintendo's first-party games get behind this add-on?
  • Does this indicate the biggest addition to the inevitable 3DS revision?

The rollout of this announcement has been extremely poor. It's clear the full details will come next week, where Nintendo will be holding an event just prior to Tokyo Game Show devoted to talking about the 3DS. Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe are only acknowledging the add-on exists without divulging anything more. Lack of information leads to speculation, speculation leads to imagining worst case scenarios, speculation about worst case scenarios leads to a bunch of bitter fans.

There were new features in DS evolutions, like the eShop, but nothing like another set of buttons.
There were new features in DS evolutions, like the eShop, but nothing like another set of buttons.

The last question is where the ire comes from. The price drop prompted a host of people to buy a 3DS, and just weeks after taking the plunge, there are indications Nintendo's set to fundamentally modify the hardware. When we took the leap from DS to DSi and original DS customers were unable to hop into the eShop, it was understandable. Application marketplaces weren't standard when Nintendo's revolutionary handheld launched, so the idea of the DS being incapable was acceptable.

If we assume this will be part of a 3DS revision, what's confusing is how it runs counter to how Nintendo's traditional mindset. Nintendo goes against the grain not to be different but believing reactionary development is doomed to mediocrity. Rather than trying to cobble together better versions of what your competitors are creating, strike out on your own. This arrogance has lead Nintendo towards is greatest successes and failures. It's never a sure thing, but when an idea clicks, everyone around you is left in the dust, struggling to catch up. You might not like Nintendo's output, as many hardcore Nintendo fans would say about the Wii, but it's unique.

Maybe it's an add-on only Monster Hunter will use. Maybe Nintendo and some other developers will add token support, as was the case with many Wii accessories, making this mostly a niche product. Maybe it's our first hint at an updated 3DS.

It's easy to respond to all of this "well, I told you so" and blame early adopter syndrome, but adding a second circle pad can substantially impact gameplay. It's where the PSP criticisms came from. If a game maps the camera to the other circle pad, that's huge. When I purchased a 3DS, I knew full well the battery life was terrible. I swallowed that pill. This is different.

If Iwata steps on stage next week and shows a tweaked handheld with a second circle pad, he should be prepared to deal with his hardcore base looking for blood. And no amount of free games may make up for the one-two punch of a surprising, drastic price cut and being told your hardware's outdated. How many people are willing to gamble all over again?

Probably more than I care to admit, actually.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By fobwashed

@viiral: I think it's mostly from the people who were early adopters and might be missing out on built in functionality later on. On one hand, it's the price you pay for being an early adopter and getting things earlier, but on the other hand, if it's built into the next iteration, it's not just a sleeker looking system that does what the previous version did better. It's actually got more buttons and sticks -_-;;

I still agree with you on your second point, except I'd like to expand that from "gamers" to "everyone on the internet, myself included".

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Edited By robot4me

Nintendo was great for me until I got a sega genesis for christmas as a teenager. I left nintendo and never bought another nintendo product until the wii. When I bought a wii I got pissed at the lack of great games on a frequent basis. I will never buy another nintendo product and this just makes my decision more permanent. Seems like nintendo is trying to pull a sega and kill their sells. If they pull this bs with the wii-u they will be out of the hardware business extremely fast.

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Edited By dezvous

At least we can look forward to another Splinter Cell CT QuickLook when it gets updated to use this thing!

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Edited By joe1138

Welp, I guess that means I now own a $170 paper weight that plays Wrecking Crew. Beat that, Brookstone.

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Edited By mrtroy
@viiral said:

I dont get why ppl QQ.. nobody forces you to buy it.

todays gamers are lame

Right... people complaining are people who already bought the system.  Those people will have to buy it if it starts becoming a requirement for most games.  A lot of people complaining quite possibly bought the 3ds at launch for $250, and now they are learning that they may have to spend more money for an attachment so that they will be able to use their 3ds for future games.  It's a legitimate thing to complain about.  Had a second circle pad attachment been announced a year or so after the launch that would be understandable.  But this is about six months after, and also only a month after the $80 price drop.
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Edited By ryanwho

Its not like this everywhere. If you only post here, you'd think there's a roaring consensus. But that's only because Pat's been on a tear posting subtly more and more inflammatory nintendo stories then looking at Neogaf, who hate everything, and going "this is how everyone is reacting!" Right out of the Rupert Murdock playbook.

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Edited By TheHBK

I just want to know why Nintendo has to do anything to appease the early buyers when A) they knew a revision was coming anyway, B) there weren't any good games for it and there weren't any coming aside from Zelda and Star Fox, remakes.

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Edited By ravensword

I can see it all now: Tokyo Game Show. Nintendo has their first press conference there in, like, FOREVER! Iwata comes out holding a brand new 3DS model. Sleeker, better Battery life, and with two analog discs. They then say they will be selling the second cricle pad add on to consumers who already own a 3DS so they dont feel left out and they will be charging 19.99 to 29.99 US dollars for it.  
Then theres a bunch of Boo's, and tomatoe gets thrown, then I give Nintendo a kind "Fuck You!" and I trade in my 3DS to Gamestop to put towards buying a PS Vita.
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Edited By afjkidd5

It seems a bit presumptuous to assume that there may be a redesign of the entire system for another slide pad just because of this add-on. There is precedent for these types of peripherals being used sparingly. Nintendo may just be looking to capitalize on a popular series in Japan to help increase some sales and make up for some of these losses from the not-so-stellar sales and subsequent price cut for the 3DS.

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Edited By ryanwho
@TheHBK said:
I just want to know why Nintendo has to do anything to appease the early buyers when A) they knew a revision was coming anyway, B) there weren't any good games for it and there weren't any coming aside from Zelda and Star Fox, remakes.
"You owe me for my rash purchasing decision!" 
Culture of entitlement is all it is. Kids getting everything for free, pirating shit, not leaving mom's house till they're 30, etc. "I made a bad choice and you need to pay for it." 
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Edited By Zithe

@ryanwho said:

"I made a bad choice and you need to pay for it."

Lol, no. It's more like "I made a choice and Nintendo is doing everything in their power to fuck me over and make it a bad one."

I'll wait and see what comes with the revision before actually getting upset, though. This may be totally unfounded.

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Edited By FacestabMan

If they don't redesign that thing properly I think we will have some serious fucking trouble.

Because after all, spending 10 or 20 bucks for an extra accessory just so we can play games that support it in a "comfortable" way isn't much of a deal looking at wiimotion plus, but having that horrible design with the face buttons hardly reachable by the thumb is precisely what is gonna make it a pain in the ass.

Let's not talk about using the 3DS recharging cradle that comes with the console, or any battery expansions out in the market. All gone now thanks to... THIS?!

Like I said in my previous post, the moment they announce a new revision in this next conference, I'm selling my 3DS. I thought the DS was the most splendid portable console I had (counting the PSP, the GB pocket and the GBA), and because of it I bought the 3DS expecting the same quality. Then I saw some similarities with the success the DS had and the 3DS is having, and was patient enough for any lack of success. Then they lower the price and I feel like I've been forced to buy 20 specific games on the eShop, but even then I blame myself for buying the system at launch (must have been the Wii experience, after all I bought the Wii at launch too, and never had problems like these). And now this bullshit. I love Nintendo franchises, but this is a kick in the teeth.

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Edited By fobwashed

@TheHBK said:

I just want to know why Nintendo has to do anything to appease the early buyers when A) they knew a revision was coming anyway, B) there weren't any good games for it and there weren't any coming aside from Zelda and Star Fox, remakes.

They don't really need to do anything. Zilch. Anything they do is to generate good will towards the company and for good publicity. If they do anything, it's to help themselves. It's the same with any large corporation or company. Any type of donations, charity or just community service stuff they do is for tax write offs and to look good so more people buy their products.

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Edited By LumberingOaf

Say what you will about Nintendo. They made me a 3DS Ambassador, and that shit looks good on my résumé.

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Edited By FuzzYLemoN

Nintendo is fucking up pretty much everything they can fuck up right now, holy shit.

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Edited By pandashake

@Fobwashed: If I recall right, I think Sony had to launch without rumble because of some lawsuit. After that was done with, then came the dualshock 3.

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Edited By gamerpigeon

i would believe this is just an Add-On. The 3DS would of had a Second Analog from launch if Nintendo really wanted it to. The fact no one is clammering for one too much means Nintendo have no need to add on to a revision. Also a Second Analog Stick doesnt merit a whole new system and would be better done with an Add On like that ugly piece of plastic they designed for Monster Hunter.

Nintendo are on the ropes with the 3DS and they will be down for a count if they then make all systems currently sold obselete. There might have been a revision sooner rather than later before the 3DS launched. But with all its problems Nintendo will not be revising this system anytime soon. I still don't think Nintendo are a reaction company.

But all in all despite what i believe Nintendo are not the same company they once were imo and who knows what will happen at TGS.

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Edited By Ninja

When do we start handwriting letters? Or is that not a form of protest any more?

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Edited By lizzard2
@Tsoglani said:
Outrage over a thumbstick? Really? WTF, people must be either crazy, or not have better things to do with their time. Seriously.
When you get ript off you don't get pissed off ,,ok noted!
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Edited By RLLink

Is this mostly going to be for Monster Hunter? If so, not caring.

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Edited By krabboss
@niyoko: Unite was just a gathering of content from past games. Tri is basically all new content. Go play MH1 or 2 and you'll see they're about equal in scope.  
Honestly, I'd rather play Tri because a lot of the early MH content isn't so great and because the hitboxes are a lot better in Tri. 
Anyway, disregarding all further games in the series because you found Tri's lack of content disappointing is pretty dumb. Portable 3rd already added a bunch of content to Tri's base and I imagine 3G will add even more.
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Edited By fobwashed

@PandaShake said:

@Fobwashed: If I recall right, I think Sony had to launch without rumble because of some lawsuit. After that was done with, then came the dualshock 3.

I think that's what it was but initially they tried to play it off like it wasn't necessary and like it was interfering with the sixaxis controls. Later on they backpedaled, settled with logitech and released the rumble. I think.

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Edited By krabboss
@robot4me: Wow, you only had Sega consoles growing up? How did all those shoot/beat 'em ups treat you? Haha and you complain about a lack of good games on Nintendo platforms... crazy!
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Edited By huser
@lizzard2: How exactly are you ripped off? If you want this addon, you can buy it, likely bundled with the game that will actually use it. If it's in regards to a new hardware revision separate from a second analog, that was an inevitability. Perhaps earlier this time around, but inevitable. If it's in regards INCLUDING the second analog, again you can buy it, likely bundled with the game that will actually use it.
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Edited By matoya

This is such sensationalistic trash

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Edited By splodge

Why are people so shocked about the release of peripherals? This shit has been going on for years. I remember buying Time Crisis and having to purchase a light gun so I could play it properly. I wasn't pissing my pants and screaming at my television.

Some third party manufacturer will undoubtedly sell a cheaper version of it too, which will probably feel nicer and do the exact same job.

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Edited By WinterSnowblind

@ryanwho: You can't pretend that it's only the minority and "anti-Nintendo" sites that are making a fuss about this, even over on Nintendo-life (which is obviously a hive for Nintendo fanboys) people are outraged. I'll freely admit that I made a bad choice to buy the 3DS early..

But I did expect more games to be available for the things more rapidly and I did not expect them to drop the price and release an upgraded model within 6 months of release. No matter how you cut it, this is a horrible move by Nintendo, and while I'll gladly put some of the blame on myself, I also won't be touching another Nintendo system for a very long time. If enough people feel like this.. It's Nintendo that's going to suffer.

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Edited By Vexxan

Still waiting for the 3DS Lite, shouldn't be too far away...

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Edited By eloj

I'd rather get a Pandora than a 3DS. It has had double analogue nubs since release. Big whoop.

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Edited By jacksukeru

I'm torn about all this.

On the one hand, adding extra buttons and an analog stick is cool. On the other hand, what has so drastically changed that they decided to put a secondary analog stick on there now, instead of, like some people (including me) thought, having one on there from the very beginning?

Was it that rumored strategy of holding some features back for a future revision that backfired once the Vita was detailed, making them realize that they need to pull out all the stops to stay competetive?

I'm confused by all this, going back to bed and hoping it will make more sense come Sep 13.

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There are one of two ways this can pan out. 
1) The second circle pad and extra button is incorporated into the next redesign, encouraging devs to support it, and screwing over everyone who bought the first lot of 3DSes. 
2) It's just another Nintendo peripheral like Wii Motion +, the Wii Zapper, or the Balance Board. It'll be used in one or two games then ignored.

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Edited By lizzard2
@huser said:
@lizzard2: How exactly are you ripped off? If you want this addon, you can buy it, likely bundled with the game that will actually use it. If it's in regards to a new hardware revision separate from a second analog, that was an inevitability. Perhaps earlier this time around, but inevitable. If it's in regards INCLUDING the second analog, again you can buy it, likely bundled with the game that will actually use it.
Well i can't see into the future but for a big play change "addon" like this ,theres not just going to be used by 1 game thats for sure, and if it does yes you have been riped off.
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Edited By Morridin

Personally I don't have much beef with it, depending on how much I'll have to pay for the addition.
My only concern is wether or not it still feels alright in your hands, with the 2nd stick right next to the xyba-buttons.

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Edited By Krrutch

could well theyre releasing it to compete with the vita's dual sticks, whats the bet there will be a new 3ds down the line with an integrated second thumbstick? (not long after everyone buys this addon probably) people will expect more games supporting 2 sticks if theyre going to buy this
that said, i spent alot of money on steel battalion when it came out- and it only ever had one game and an expansion, but goddamn i loved it and dont care if it wasnt used again - its the coolest peripheral ever in my books

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Edited By DarkbeatDK

I feel kind of heart-broken really.

I'm not the biggest Nintendo fan, but loved the DS for the amazing 3rd party catalog. I wasn't really expecting the 3DS to have a steady stream of games right out the gate, but I feel like Nintendo dropped the ball when they reduced the price.

They were too eager to push units and with all these changes it'll end up scaring potential 3rd party developers away with the fear of making games for a system that they kind of have to make wild guesses to try and figure out the final form of the system.

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Edited By AMonkey

Thanks for beta testing the 3DS for me early adopters! *troll face*

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Edited By Zalasta

People act like Nintendo never done this before...they've been ripping off its fans since forever, but everyone continue to put money in Nintendo's pocket.  Too late to voice your complaints now.
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Edited By Tober

I'm looking forward to the vita.

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Edited By lockload

Nintendo cant kick me in the nuts much more im pretty much done. First they shaft me by cutting the price now they realease a retarded addon that fragments the games base even more. 
How badly can nintendo behave at present, im done trading in.

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Edited By apoptosis61

vita won already and it isnt released yet , gj nintendont

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Edited By yagami

No offense Patrick but please, try to correct your grammar. ^.^

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Edited By devilgunman
No Caption Provided
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Edited By WinterSnowblind

@Splodge said:

Why are people so shocked about the release of peripherals? This shit has been going on for years. I remember buying Time Crisis and having to purchase a light gun so I could play it properly. I wasn't pissing my pants and screaming at my television.

Some third party manufacturer will undoubtedly sell a cheaper version of it too, which will probably feel nicer and do the exact same job.

Light guns are a bit different than adding a second analogue stick and extra analogue buttons that will likely be required for certain games. They're obviously doing this as a way for early adopters to upgrade their DS without having to go out and buy a completely new system (which is rumoured to be revealed tomorrow) but instead it's just reinforcing how badly the 3DS launch has been and making us feel like we've wasted our money.

Yes, you can blame it on us for buying it early, but it isn't the loyal supporters who should be punished by Nintendo, we're the ones they should be trying to keep.

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Edited By ARTB

Anybody here thinking this isn't a site where editors give their opinions and have some personality in their articles, where have you been since this site launched?

Also I own a 3ds and this doesn't really bother me, but the reason I love this website is because they give their reactions and opinions on stories and a different opinion doesn't mean bad journalism.

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Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx
@mythrol said:
Thank God I use my phone for handheld games. The dedicated handheld market is ran by Insane people.

You're a terrible person
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Edited By RainVillain

Great read, Patrick.

Though you mean DSiWare, not eShop. The DSi didn't have eShop.

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Edited By chogi

Hope Sony is taking notes.Wasn't really interested in the 3DS but the bevy of good game announcements on the Vita cropping up is making me want to pick it up. It would be cool if they could get it right from the get-go.

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Edited By ImBigInJapan

I can't remotely understand what people are pissed off about. If I were a 3DS owner, I'd save my annoyance for the lack of great games on the system rather than some peripheral that doesn't even have an announcement outside of Japan. I doubt it will even be required to use when playing Monster Hunter, but will instead be available as an alternate control scheme, just like they did with Monster Hunter Tri and the classic controller Pro.

But hey, I have to remember that nobody has ever let the lack of information or facts or anything else associated to reality get in the way of chidish bitching in the past.

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Edited By Atary77

I'm sorry, but I just can't stop laughing at this! Fucking Hilarious!

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Edited By WinterSnowblind

@ImBigInJapan said:

I can't remotely understand what people are pissed off about. If I were a 3DS owner, I'd save my annoyance for the lack of great games on the system rather than some peripheral that doesn't even have an announcement outside of Japan. I doubt it will even be required to use when playing Monster Hunter, but will instead be available as an alternate control scheme, just like they did with Monster Hunter Tri and the classic controller Pro.

But hey, I have to remember that nobody has ever let the lack of information or facts or anything else associated to reality get in the way of chidish bitching in the past.

Nintendo UK were the ones who confirmed the device was real in the first place and again, they're likely releasing this because of a 3DS redesign being announced tomorrow.. which also means that it would almost certainly be a requirement, at least for future games. I'm sure they'll keep it optional for as long as possible, but the thing should have had the extra analogue stick and shoulder buttons to begin with.