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Jeff's Thoughts On Those Spike TV Awards

In which I am negative about all of television but also negative about people complaining about television even though I am complaining about television and... OK, it's a complicated issue. I still think that parts of Spike's broadcast absolutely work as intended.

Please allow me a moment to convince you that I, too, love the video games. No, seriously.
Please allow me a moment to convince you that I, too, love the video games. No, seriously.

I don't watch a lot of television. Oh, I certainly spend quite a bit of time staring at TVs, but the standard offering that comes in through my DirecTV dish doesn't really hold a lot of sway over my life. It used to not be this way, of course, but then, our choices for entertainment used to be a lot narrower. These days, I tend to spend that entertainment time in front of a computer screen, and the rise of Netflix's streaming service and DVRs means that I can afford to let people sort of "beta test" actual television and pick the best of it to watch later. Or, at least, that's the basic idea. In reality, I never actually get around to watching most of the shows that get recommended to me unless it's comedy written in a very specific style. I still haven't watched The Wire, for example, despite buying DVDs full of episodes. But after seeing one episode of it, I sought out, recorded, and watched as much Jon Benjamin Has a Van as the law would allow.

I suppose you could take that to mean that I have pretty specific tastes, but I'm really just taking the long way around to tell you that I don't have an especially high opinion of television programming. It's hard to describe that without sounding like I'm some sort of elitist snob, but I don't take too kindly to the way much of it is presented. If you'll allow me to further generalize, television feels like it's being presented to the lowest common denominator, with much of it being written by people who seem to have absolutely no respect for the people who might later go on to watch these shows. Parts of Spike TV Video Game Awards broadcast sort of reinforce my feelings on the medium, which is too bad, but ultimately I didn't really expect it to go much differently. The restrictions in place when producing a show like this almost ensure that, as one of those Internet-loving assholes who inherently distrusts marketing and finds most TV to be ironically enjoyable at best, the deck for liking such a show is sort of stacked against me.

Or to put it yet another way, did you really think that a show put together by the production company that brought you shit like Survivor, The Apprentice, and Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? was going to offer you a quiet, introspective look at video games and the creative minds behind them? Did you really think that a show built in that way would ever air on Spike TV?

Did that guy buy that baby from that lady? I forget why this is here. Oh, right! The production company behind the awards worked on
Did that guy buy that baby from that lady? I forget why this is here. Oh, right! The production company behind the awards worked on "hits" like The Apprentice!

Maybe I should add a bit more to that list of obvious questions. Like how about... do you really think that award shows are great to begin with? Because the quiet, respectful show that people seem to be begging for across the Internet this morning usually comes across as two things: BO and RIIIIIING. Back when I was living with a crew of college girls, I was induced into going to an Oscars Party. It was insane! They were dressing up all nice specifically to hang out in our living room and watch the Academy Awards! Afterwards we made it out to a bar and I think the night ended with a couple of us trying to eat a cake that had fallen on the floor. That's beside the point. My point is that traditional awards shows are unfuckingwatchable. The only awards broadcast I ever really connected with was MTV's Video Music Awards, which was fascinating when I was a kid, mostly because it was a weird chance to see modern pop stars of the 1980s mingling together, but really because it was a live broadcast and I was always interested in seeing people swear on live TV. Did the awards themselves matter back then? Not really. I mean, yes, they almost certainly mattered to the people winning them and, to some extent, the industry behind those people. But as a viewer, I was tuning in to see an entertaining show. This, as far as I can tell, is the blueprint that the VGAs are operating under. They probably want to produce an entertaining show that people will watch, and if they can celebrate games along the way, then great! Right?

The problem is that I just don't think they're executing well enough on the entertainment side.

I think most of the blame for that falls squarely in the laps of the people responsible for writing the show. The gags, some of which tried to trade off of standard gaming tropes like health meters and such, fell flat. It had a recurring bit about teabagging that wasn't funny the first time around, making all of the callbacks spread throughout the show almost painful. Some cursey YouTube guy got brought into the fold and turned into another lame bit where he sat next to some Spike executive. Am I supposed to know or care about who either one of those guys are? An award winner got teabagged. So irreverent, right? From a comedy perspective, the closest the entire production got to being on the pulse of gaming was when Daniel Kayser spit out the whole "arrow to the knee" thing before talking to Todd Howard during the preshow. Sadly, that whole thing seemed to have set some sort of record for fastest time from "this is funny" to "this is tired," so the reference ended up being like two days too late or something insane like that. Then again, the Internet continually proves that it's mostly good at complaining about things, so I guess that shouldn't be used as a barometer.

Kojima's finale would have worked a lot better if the Metal Gear Rising trailer didn't leak ahead of time. But the Fortnite announcement remained a surprise.
Kojima's finale would have worked a lot better if the Metal Gear Rising trailer didn't leak ahead of time. But the Fortnite announcement remained a surprise.

The "talent" side of things didn't really help, either. You know... I'm sure getting Charlie Sheen to show up seemed like a really fun idea six months ago. But wow, could there have been a more miscalculated choice? At least his obligatory "games are awesome" bit wasn't as embarrassing as's, who sounded like he was trying to justify his presence with every word out of his mouth. Here's a tip on that front: games are huge. Billion-dollar huge. Going out of your way to talk about how much you play them--and this extends to the host being consistently billed as a "huge gamer," too--makes you look like you've never played one in your life. Or, at best, it makes you look like one of those "well, I really like the Call of Duty and the Madden" types, which is probably worse if you're trying to get actual game aficionados on-board. Obviously, this is a pretty hard problem to fix because finding an array of people that actually connect with the gaming audience is tough, especially when said people need to be big enough stars to hopefully draw in a wide enough viewing audience to make the whole show worth doing to begin with.

With better writing, I think the rest of the show absolutely falls in line, though I tend to agree that not enough time was given to the awards themselves. That's probably a pretty tough thing to balance out. Also, this is probably the part where I should state that I'm one of the judges that helps pick nominees and winners for many of the award categories, so perhaps I have some sort of hidden interest in seeing my contributions get more airtime or something. But if you're going to put "Video Game Awards" right in the title, burning through the bulk of them in a quick montage seems completely disingenuous. But I suppose it's harder to get people on-board if you were to title the show "World Exclusive Mania: Game Trailers You Ain't Seen Before: The TV Show." It's telling that the online-only pre-show did much better at giving out awards and letting developers speak for a bit than the entire two-hour TV broadcast.

Super-glad this is finally getting made.
Super-glad this is finally getting made.

That leaves the exclusive trailers, weirdly enough, as the part of this show that absolutely shines. Say what you will about the advertising-like nature of releasing a bunch of trailers and giving them better placement than the actual awards, but it gives the VGA broadcast some actual content--some actual news is made at the show every year. That doesn't happen at other awards shows. As someone who professionally talks about the video games, it's nice to actually have something new to discuss in December, which is usually pretty dead. Without this award show, that wouldn't happen, and games like Command & Conquer: Generals 2 would probably go on to get lost amid a sea of bigger announcements at E3. And Tony Hawk HD would get announced in a press release, at best. This show is a good platform for those announcements. It just needs to be better balanced with the actual awards.

It's the morning after the live broadcast, and I'm sure that the people that watched last night's show are full of wide-eyed, unrealistic ideas about how they would "fix" the show. I've offered mine, and I think the people behind the scenes really do get closer to finding the right balance every year. But maybe the right approach for those of you who seem to get filled with total outrage over all this is to stop treating this awards show like it's the only game in town and remember that this is an industry where every individual publication offers their own version of the year's best games and the industry itself has places like GDC and DICE where the speeches run wonderfully long and the jokes are 100% inside. There's room for all of it. Hell, if anything, there are probably too many different sets of awards out there! But I guess my point is that you shouldn't expect an increasingly dated medium like television and its desire to speak to the wide, mainstream audience that is slowly blinking out of existence to provide a good home for this idyllic awards show you've cooked up in your head. Because they've got soft drinks (FOR MEN ONLY) to sell.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Only bit I laughed at was when will almost fell down the stairs. Everything else just made me sad

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Edited By deathbyyeti

so many valid arguments

what is going on here internet

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Edited By JasonR86

I've only watched the VGAs a few times and I get the same feeling from it that I get from the slightly more 'nerdy' kids trying to fit in with the 'popular' kids in high school. What the VGAs and the 'nerdy' kids don't realize is that the popular kids are popular because they don't try to impress anyone. They are what they are and everyone else can either take it or leave it. The VGAs are trying so hard to be that popular kid that it turns everyone off to the show.

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Edited By gbrading

If you want a reputable video game awards ceremony, watch the BAFTAs. They are easily head and shoulders above the VGAs. I see them as video game's Oscars, but then again I see the film BAFTAs as the real Oscars. It's sad that their presence isn't more well known.

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Edited By Zarackus

Had the show on in the back ground last night and only really turned around to watch the new trailers. So I didn't see even half of the show.Yay for me I guess.
Also I like how this article is only attached to

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Edited By Patman99

In actuality the host (Zachary Levi) does play a lot of games. I've seen multiple interviews with him digressing about his "adventures" playing games. Does this mean he plays more than everybody here? No, not at all but as a celebrity who plays games he is up at the top.

I think half the problem is that most think that these celebrities are supposed to represent an upper crust of humanity an d of course those elites would not entertain themselves with childish computer games. I think this presumption plays in lots of our minds whether we are conscious of it or not. I, for one, always have this shade of doubt in my mind when a celebrity mentions they play video games. This doubt was present the first time I heard Levi brag about his video game playing but it soon vanished after see tons of interviews with him talking about playing video games even when that was not the goal of the interview.

I mean, yeah they really pour it on sometimes but I think that Levi is completely genuine when he says he plays video games and was really good pick for host. If he was just given some better material, it would have been way more believable.

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Edited By Nux

Everything about that show was really bad. I don't know what was worse the commercials or the VGAs itself.

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Edited By christilton

I agree with Jeff that the only real parts of the show that shine are the exclusive trailers that they show. However, I find it utterly bizarre that the best part of the show are advertisements that they air during the actual show, instead of during the normal slotted commercial breaks. I guess if they didn't do that, it would be more obvious that the VGAs are completely devoid of any kind of substance, other than the industry embarrassing juvenile skits and jokes.

Jeff is also right that most award shows are unwatchable, but they at least attempt to show a little bit of class and genuine appreciation for the artists they are honoring. The VGAs seem to be almost aggressively spiteful of games and their creators.

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Edited By cyraxible

I dislike all of the complacency I'm hearing towards the VGAs. Following Alex along on twitter while watching the show was the only way it was tolerable.

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Edited By Procyon27

Perfectly summarized Jeff.

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Edited By EisforExtinction

I just watched all the new trailers this morning and that's all I wanted out of it.

  • BioShock is unsurprisingly rad
  • I'm excited for Rainbox Six when it comes out in 2013
  • Generals 2 is going to be weird
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Edited By mbr2

I feel like the only reason why this gets so much attention and spite is because it's on TV which is wierd since streaming has become such a novelty over the last few years. So why don't everyone just watch and enjoy the GDC awards which are actually good and has a lot of prizes for indie devs also.

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Edited By bricewgilbert

It wasn't funny or entertaining in the least. It's the exact type of entertainment that the Giantbomb staff makes fun of off hand in every conversation about pop culture ever. Any attempt at criticism of the VGA's is as valid as any other criticism. From Roger Ebert reviewing films to your buddy telling you over a bear how terrible the finale of Lost was. I watched it and I hated it. What else can be said? I should expect to be shit? Maybe, but that has no bearing on my opinion that it is.

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Edited By eloj

> the industry itself has places like GDC and DICE where the speeches run wonderfully long and the jokes are 100% inside
 True, but we're not invited there. Sure, there's GDCVault where most of it is paywalled. DICE is even more closed up unless my googlefu failed me totally. Saw only the odd video of talks out there.
 Granted, not really the same genre, but why can't one of these conferences step up and live stream and have complete archives on youtube and so on?

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Edited By MildMolasses

To me, this is a show about trailers. Awards are not the focus at all, so I in no way am going to complain about the lack of time handing out awards. If thats all they were doing, I wouldn't watch it as I never watch any sort of other awards show. They just seem like a flimsy excuse to get publishers to make deals to reveal games, thus give something interesting and new to watch. I think anyone who actually wants to watch the awards get handed out is deluding themselves into thinking that would actually be interesting to watch. I'm not saying that the devs shouldn't be celebrated for their work, far from it, but the way the VGA's are handled is not at all the arena to do that. If they were serious about the awards, and not the spectacle, it wouldnt be on tv

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Edited By Ares42

Hmm, who was the "youtube guy" ?

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Edited By CLinendoll

@Fattony12000 said:

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I love that this photo pops up every couple months.

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Edited By Procyon27
No Caption Provided

Also, this made the whole night worth while.

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Edited By UnrealDP

I'm not saying I expected anything better, this years awards were exactly what I expected, but that doesn't mean I had to like them or cut them slack because of that expectedness. I know what to expect from cancer or Aids, but that doesn't mean I should just put up with them and try to enjoy them. Okay, maybe that was a tad bit hyperbolic...

I understand that this was a Spike joint and that your average enthusiast wasn't the target demo here, but who the hell is the target demo anyway? It's not your average high school gamer who only plays mainstream games and makes fun of games that are different and nonaction oriented, it's not the people who normally watch spike since they're definitively not enthusiasts or people who would care about the announcements, and it's definitively not for enthusiasts, obviously.

The VGAs are aimed at such a scattershot audience that I don't see how the Spike VGAs could ever be positively received. To put things into perspective, Half my dorm last night was bitching about the Spike parts while playing WoW, the other halve was bitching about how stupid Fortnite looked, laughing at the tea bagging, and talking about how hot Harley Quinn looked.

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Edited By buzz_killington

Agree with every single point. This has reminded me why I liked the Gertz Man in the first place.

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The show has always been painfully bad so I just waited for the trailers to show up on Game Trailers. No need to torture myself.

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Edited By thornie_delete

@Procyon27 said:

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Also, this made the whole night worth while.


(don't give a shit about the VGAs, I've actually never seen a single one)

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Edited By VincentVendetta

I have an idea to fix the show: KILL IT!

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Edited By delta_ass

@CLinendoll said:

@Fattony12000 said:

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I love that this photo pops up every couple months.

The Giantbomb crew needs to reenact this photo in the office.

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Edited By spazmaster666

I probably could have saved myself some pain and annoyance had I just waited until the show was over and just watched all the trailers at Gametrailers but I was vaguely interested in what game would win GOTY and I was playing Skyrim during most of it so I didn't have to pay much attention to the nonsense surrounding the "big" announcements. Unfortunately some of the trailers were a little disappointing, especially the Bioshock Infinite trailer which didn't seem to show anything new that we haven't already seen in previous trailers or gameplay footage.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic

Very good read, you know what you're talking about, Jeff. 
I mean it!

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Edited By Deiterbomber

Spike TV and G4TV (if that's even still a thing) are both the worst things to happen to television, given that they pretty much took the place of one of my favorite channels, TechTV. It's a shame that any programming that isn't reality television, snarky "meta" humor, or some sort of low-attention-span how-to show or sitcom is never presented anymore.

I can't speak for much of the show, but the few parts I saw consisted of two hosts (who are probably important somewhere, I don't keep up with pop culture very often) asking canned useless questions to lead developers and voice actors. They hit the big issues, such as "Do you think you're going to win?", "Dude aren't those graphics sweet?", and the most important one, "What was it like working on such a highly acclaimed game?".

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Edited By Liquidus

The VGAs are a joke and Jeff nailed when he said they're really only about the exclusive trailers which that in and of itself is kinda sad to say.

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Edited By bulldog300

Every time I see an award show like this, I imagine someone trying to sell people of this era snake-skin oil (and we happen to be the snakes). We're a market, they're an industry trying to grow the market, and 13 year old CoD fans and hipsters are the results of several attempts (everyone loves Mario and GTA, but where's the love for the other dozens of games no casual can name). The problem is, unlike the urban market, the grunge market and even the anime market, we don't want to grow. Gamers want a monopoly on the consumption of games because THAT will lead to leverage over developers, a steady and familiar pattern of gaming trends, and the continuation of those old rivalries we love to hate. From a business perspective diversity in fandom will lead to more creative (albeit easier) games, a surplus in every popular genre and technological growth (the Wii just attempted to perfect ideas birthed from older Nintendo consoles). From a cultural perspective, we will will lose our say in gaming development, become sewn into the fabric of other interest groups and, well, basically end up like humanity in Mass Effect.

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Edited By Muerthoz

It seems like the way they decide who appears on the show is Geoff Keighley sits on his bed with an Us Weekly magazine and looks for who hasn't signed his autograph book yet.

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Edited By Nugget

Jeff dude... Stop complaining about Charlie Sheen, his jokes was killing it!

Cut him some slacks...

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Edited By PrivateIronTFU

If there's one thing I will never understand about gamers, it's their obsession with Felicia Day.

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Edited By Czarpyotr

This is a really well written article. Thanks Jeff.

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Edited By zanzibarbreeze

Keighley just noted on Twitter that the show struck a "balance."

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He's trolling at this point, yes? And he has This is Why I'm Hot playing in the background.

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Edited By cikame

Internet jokes are funny on the internet.

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Edited By ez123

Do the MTV awards pretend to be serious by having a panel of judges?

Do they have a humanoid that says it's going to be more respectable every year?

The first one is an actual question.

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Edited By SomeJerk

I threw out my television out a few years ago.
The VGAs remind me why I did it.
Television makes you stupid.

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Edited By OppressiveStink

You know, to be honest, I think it's probably exactly what it needs to be(horrible writing aside). Take a close look at what our hobby was and what it is now.

A decade ago video games did not have award shows, but they did have the Oscars. The Oscars is an award show for the laymen, "here's the best picture, we're not going to tell you why it's the best picture but here it is."

That is what the VGA awards are for video games. A place for the laymen to come and enjoy a bit of the stuff that makes their hobby enjoyable.

To put it in more exact terms, the people who really love movies and know a lot about their inner workings, know about the producers and production, they don't watch The Oscars the same way a casual movie goer does. The casual movie goer just doesn't understand all the inside baseball and can't be assed to find out about it.

This is the same for the VGAs, this is for those people who play their xbox360s and PS3s and Wiis and enjoy only the mainstream titles they see on TV, who never look at places like Giant Bomb, never heard of the humble indie bundle.

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Edited By ProfessorEss
@Jeff said:

    I think the people behind the scenes really do get closer to finding the right balance every year.

I agree.  I also agree that some sort of hyper-reverent, Oscar-style circle-jerk is the wrong way to go with it, but at the same time, I can't help but ask myself the same thing every year: 
How did they start so far off the mark, and how is it that there is no one at Spike or GT who can get it closer faster? 
I'm not even talking about making it "what I want", I'm just talking about making it more entertaining regardless of the direction they take.
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Edited By coakroach

If they could match an E3 press conference in terms reveals and tone down the shittiness it could become a totally watchable event.

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@PrivateIronTFU said:

If there's one thing I will never understand about gamers, it's their obsession with Felicia Day.

Because she's pasty and awkward just like us guys!

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Edited By warxsnake

whiskey media should be in charge of the VGAs

Ryan is host, whitta and jeff are the djs, Sara is award-giver, Alex complains about everything going in the show on twitter as a comedy bit, brad is i'll sleep in the corner guy, vinny and dave award a 1993 PC game of 2012.

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Edited By tsigo

Re: The Wire, funny you should mention the lowest common denominator, because it's one of the only shows that says "Nah, fuck those guys. We're not slowing down for them to get what we're doing here."

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Edited By Liquidus

@warxsnake:I'm into that.

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Edited By TadThuggish

It's a terrible show. We don't have to justify it. Just don't watch, and view the trailers online the next morning.

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Edited By BitterAlmond

Well said, Jeff. I can't help but feel that Spike's awards are aimed at that guy we all know, the one who plays nothing but the Madden and the Call of Duty and gets his yuks from other Spike programs. People who actually follow the industry (or, even better, work in it) don't much care for it, but we all understand that it's an important thing in order to keep video games going as strongly as they are. I don't watch the Spike VGAs, and I don't like them, but I am very glad they exist.

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Edited By JohnB

@warxsnake said:

brad is i'll sleep in the corner guy.


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Edited By phrosnite

I'm glad I didn't watch it :)

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Edited By sopranosfan

The VGAs are about the only award show I watch anymore. I watch them mainly because of the first look at video games and on that front they rarely disappoint. For some reason the teabagging bit ended up being kind of funny to me but mainly because when it was popular I often thought how funny it would be to actually go around and teabag people and now I know.

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Edited By ejm

There is a strange, misguided sentiment that all award shows are bad, so should we really expect anything better?

Come on now. Jeff, do you know why you didn't connect with the Academy Awards? Because you don't like movies or TV shows that much. And do you know why your female roommates absolutely nerded out over it? Because they like movies and TV shows.

So, take that logic to the next plausible step: people who like things want to see an award show about things they like. That's it! That's why people are demanding a better VGA, because god damn, we gamers might not like the Academy Awards or the Grammys or anything else out there, but we fucking LOVE video games, so we want to see a decent award show.

There's another, far more dangerous argument out there that we should just ignore it if we don't like it. You know, like if you shut your eyes you become invisible.

The VGAs sucked, the VGAs have always sucked, and Spike TV is awful. But...the VGAs are what we have. There are lots of internet-based award shows and developer-focused award shows, but they are small fish compared to the VGAs (which is a molecular fish when compared to the other award shows, but whatever). They are the most wide-reaching and well known award show for our medium, and until that changes, they need to be the target of our arguments.

Everything this guy says is what I think, too.

People watch these shows because they want the stuff they love to be given recognition on the highest plain possible. People who support X movie want it to win X amount of awards it's up for and so on.

So if you're not dedicating the show for people to see those games win thosle prizes, you're not really designing a good award show. Hell, the MTV Movie Awards does this better and noone in the film industry cares about getting those. At least compared to an Emmy or Oscar, anyway.