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Sony Issues Official Statement About Hacked PS3s

In short: don't hack your PS3. Just don't!

 Don't copy that flopp--er, hack that PlayStation!
 Don't copy that flopp--er, hack that PlayStation!
If you’ve been reading the tech side of the web since CES, then you already know about the PS3 root key drama. A hacker that goes by the name of “Geohot” exposed the key in early January, basically allowing pirates and homebrew creators to run unsanctioned software on the console, an ability that certainly lends itself to certain nefarious ends. Yesterday, Sony issued an official warning to those who may be fiddling around with rooted consoles, stating that PlayStation Network access will be revoked if the manufacturer spots someone running a hacked console.   

Here’s that statement, which was posted on the PlayStation blog:  

Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.  

== TEASER ==This isn’t really shocking stuff. Microsoft doesn’t allow hacked consoles on its networks either, but this is the first official warning that I’ve seen from Sony, who is currently battling it out in court with Geohot over the key.

If you’ve got a hacked console and don’t want to be banned, Sony says the way to avoid problems is to “remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software” from your PS3. Or you could, simply, stay off PSN--that’d probably do the trick, too.  
Today, Sony is giving hackers a second chance, just in case this warning hasn't reached them. PS3-Hacks reports that users signing on with hacked consoles are immediately receiving this message: 

Important: Access to the PlayStation(R)Network and Access to Qriocity(TM) Services Notice

Unauthorized circumvention devices for PlayStation(R)3 system have been recently released by hackers for the PlayStation(R)3 system. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software.

Use of such devices or software violates the terms of your “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation(R)3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation(R)Network/Qriocity(TM) and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws.

A circumvention device and/or unauthorized or pirated software currently resides on your PlayStation(R)3 system.

Immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from your PlayStation(R)3 system. Failure to do so will result in termination of your access to PlayStation(R) Network and access to Qriocity(TM) services through your PlayStation(R)3 system.    

The question remains if Sony is just banning PSN accounts, or the actual consoles used to sign on. I assume we'll find out in a few days as Sony ramps up its protection of its network's integrity.


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Edited By SpicyRichter
@kratier said:
" @Korolev:  you rant like an idiot  there is a eula for a reason, you dont agree to it, you dont get the service that comes with the hardware "
Did you even read his post?
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Edited By LaszloKovacs

I'm all for legitimate (i.e. non-piracy-related) free use of one's own hardware, but honestly fuck George Hotz. The guy is a total dildo, and was thrown out of my school because of it. I hope he loses his court case.
Also, I'm not sure why this is news. Of course they're going to start console banning people who circumvent copy protection. Why wouldn't they?

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A well worded and level headed response from Sony, well done.

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Edited By raiz265
@LiquidSwords said:
" Hackers = Ginormous basement dwelling virgins "
at least they save the money to spend on hoes! 
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Edited By Afroman269
@SpicyRichter said:
" @outerabiz said:
" @Elusionar said:

" The PC games market died cuz of piracy. Lets not kill the console market too.   "


Despite the millions of console players who would vehemently proclaim that PC gaming is dead, the numbers just don’t support that conclusion. The analyst firm Forecasting and Analyzing Digital Entertainment estimated Steam’s sales for 2010, which they claim for the first time almost topped $1B.

The grand total ended up being $970M with $230M in sales in December alone. These numbers are impressive, but it should be noted that it neither counts other portals of digital distribution for games (though Steam does have about 70% of that market) nor brick and mortar sales of games, meaning that the PC market is even bigger still.
from     forbes web "
I'm soooo happy that the PS3 has been cracked. Now maybe piracy will kill the console market, and PC gaming can return to a new golden age!   It's about that time in the consoles life cycle where even simple business machines can meet or exceed the graphical quality of most consoles. OUR TIME IS NOW!!! bwahaahaaha!! "
Sure, let's have piracy prosper everywhere so developers can go back to the one platform where piracy is the easiest to accomplish. I hope you're being sarcastic because that is some fucking retarded reasoning right there.
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Edited By Yanngc33
Dont hack it's naughty!!
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Edited By Cuuniyevo
@Korolev:  The problem is not that Geohotz modded his console. The problem is that he released his method of hacking it to the world and said, "do with it as you will."
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Edited By LiquidPrince

Once more I say... fucking hackers.

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Edited By Jayzilla

good on sony. break the rules, get banned. seems simple enough. you know what? if you didn't like sony's policies or firmware enough to hack it, then you shouldn't have bought one in the first place.

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Edited By Greevar

Unfortunately, that isn't the correct story. GeoHotz didn't break the master key to enable illegal games and software. He did it to bring back the other OS feature that Sony was so kind to remove from every user's console. If the manufacturer arbitrarily removed the ability for me to use the remote locks on my car, I'd be miffed too.

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Edited By Shaymarx
Last time I checked English law certainly allowed the owner to do what ever they liked to their belongings. After all can you imagine HP trying to sue someone for opening a tower and upgrading the ram? That reminds I was naughty once. I purchased a modified original xbox, filled most of it 200GB hard drive with emulators and games, cataloging almost two thousand, I then donating this digital museum to charity.
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Edited By skinnyman
@Cuuniyevo said:
" @Korolev:  The problem is not that Geohotz modded his console. The problem is that he released his method of hacking it to the world and said, "do with it as you will." "
It's still just information.

I remember when Sony started putting rootkits onto audio CDs that they sold, then tried to sue some kid who made a blog reminding people that holding down the shift key when you insert a disc disables autorun in WinXP (disabling their questionably legal "piracy protection" scheme). Needless to say it didn't hold up in court.
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Edited By MikkaQ
@skinnyman said:
" @Cuuniyevo said:
" @Korolev:  The problem is not that Geohotz modded his console. The problem is that he released his method of hacking it to the world and said, "do with it as you will." "
It's still just information.  
Still, information can be dangerous. And information and data can also be illegal. Look at child porn (Well don't LOOK at it, you sick fucks), that's information, just ones and zeroes and it's illegal in most countries. Just because something is information doesn't mean it's right to distribute. My email name and password are information, for another example. 
Either way, I don't necessarily think what Geohot did was wrong, but maybe spreading it so vehemently was irresponsible of him. I think he knew good and damn well what people would do with the cracked code, and I think it's irresponsible hacking to just release that information to everyone. 
I was actually kinda secretly hoping Sony found a way to remotely brick hacked consoles, just to see the reactions of all the 13 year olds who think copying and pasting other people's code makes them hackers, and l33t pirates. 
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Edited By Dan_CiTi

Eh, people should do what they want. 

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Edited By Renahzor
First off, your porn analogy doesn't fit.  Thats a legally controlled item, having it in your possession is inherently illegal.  

For a better analogy, I have a modified race car.  The car is not street legal, its meant "for offroad use only".  It has no emissions controls, tires unsuitable for street use, is louder than acceptable for normal street driving, and other modifications for more HP that aren't meant for on street use(N20, high stall torque converter, Heads and Cam package, etc etc all for racing only)
It is not illegal for me to modify my car, its mine, and I can do with it as I wish as long as I follow all the rules for not driving it except on closed courses, which are not regulated.  I can tell anyone I want how to do the same thing, i can post it on the internet, I can actively seek more people to tell about how to do it.  It's no concern or liability of mine what people do with that information.   Yes, people will use it to modify street cars and break the law.  That's not my fault.
However, the State (PSN) can tell me I cannot legally drive on their roads (banned from PSN).  The car company (Sony) can tell me they wont do warranty service on the car, and wash their hands of any liability or injury from using modified vehicles in an unsafe manner.  They cannot, however, tell me not to modify my car.  They cannot keep me from telling other people how to do the same thing.  And simply having a modified car does not make me a criminal.   I could easily speed, drive crazy, or simply be driving the car without proper emission controls, all of which are illegal, but I don't.  Having a modified car makes it easier to break the law by driving recklessly. 
Piracy is illegal.  Modding your console that you own for any purpose is not, even if it makes breaking the law easier (or in this case possible).  So long as you're not breaking the law (IE Pirating software) you're not doing anything wrong.  Maybe someone likes to tinker with shit and wants to make a super wicked home media player, Or wants to play around with homebrew applications, or what have you.  Im sure a very large portion of the smartphone community has jail-broken/rooted phones.  This is really no different.  Its your hardware, no one can tell you how to use it, but they can tell you you can't use a modified system on their network.  
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Edited By MachoFantastico

Have absolutely no wish to so don't worry about that Sony. 

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Edited By paulwade1984

God i fucking hate hackers. Unbelievably they are usually massively succesful due to the esteem they gain doing this shit. My life savings on microsoft hiring geohot to do copyright protection on the 360 sequel. He will earn a fortune and probably marry a playboy model. 
Banning psn accounts of detected hackers! This is all well and good. However... 
The actual hack allows a user to run any piece of code or modded firmware as if it's signed by sony. Therefore you just remove everything that sony put into the newest firmware relating to modification detection and run the modded firmware as signed code.  
There is nothing sony can do. Nothing at all. They can ban the people running USB keys with hacked firmware to run pirated games. However guess what you have to do in order to use playstation network.... thats right, take the USB key out of the USB port.

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Edited By Majinken

I only hate what this means for translation projects and cool homebrew applications. The average person isn't going to buy two PS3s or permanently stay off PSN to play Super Cool JRPG VII in English. Sure, there haven't been as many (if any) Seiken Densetsu 3 quality Japan-only releases on PS3, but it sucks that the option has become incredibly tedious.

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Edited By MechaDestroyer
Looks like the same old, same old talking points and issues whenever a device gets cracked.  The manufacturer goes after the pirate to stem the problem at it's source and warns the consumers that they will loose warranty and online features if they crack themselves.  Sony will argue the PS3 key is Intellectual Property which the courts will have to decide if that is true.  I believe the consumer has the right to mod or alter their property but I do not believe that should done for piracy.  It just seems to undermine the discovery and motivation we get from tinkering around with a device to see how it works.  Sony does have the right to deny warranty services and cut off online services...but that's a small sacrifice one has to make.
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Edited By JaediMaster

Hacking consoles is stupid...end of story...

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Edited By Aaron_G

It's about time Sony did this. It is the smart thing to do for all involved. It will allow the network to be more safe and keep the PlayStation experience topnotch.
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Edited By quirkwood

There was a lawsuit in here Australia a few years ago about PS2 mod chips the courts here found they were entirely legal because they didn't actually allow the copying of a "significant portion" of game code onto the PS2.  However the fact that the PS3 has a built in hard disk means people can now copy entire game disks to the system which is a shame because an entire disk is most definitely a "significant portion".

I completely understand Sony's stance on this. It just sucks that people who would have used this for legitimate purposes are now unable to (unless they stay off PSN). Once again a case of one bad apple ruining the whole barrel.     
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Edited By MordeaniisChaos
@MechaDestroyer said:
" Looks like the same old, same old talking points and issues whenever a device gets cracked.  The manufacturer goes after the pirate to stem the problem at it's source and warns the consumers that they will loose warranty and online features if they crack themselves.  Sony will argue the PS3 key is Intellectual Property which the courts will have to decide if that is true.  I believe the consumer has the right to mod or alter their property but I do not believe that should done for piracy.  It just seems to undermine the discovery and motivation we get from tinkering around with a device to see how it works.  Sony does have the right to deny warranty services and cut off online services...but that's a small sacrifice one has to make. "
The problem is that VERY few people are just tinkering, and the people who did it just to check out the system are going to keep doing it. 98% of people who want to do this kind of shit are doing it to hack online games and pirate software, neither of which should be allowed. If you want to tinker with cool technology, why don't you get a job developing that kind of technology? Or do it offline, without compromising security of a system like this. And don't throw it to the masses so that the other 98% of users will use it in inappropriate ways. 
I really hope they ban the Console. These people spreading this shit are just big attention seeking babies. Go buy yourself a fucking computer if you want a linux machine. Or even better, get a PC with W7 on it. Stop bitching when a company closes up a security hole in their system.
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Edited By ajamafalous
@Renahzor said:
" I have a modified race car.  The car is not street legal, its meant "for offroad use only".  It has no emissions controls, tires unsuitable for street use, is louder than acceptable for normal street driving, and other modifications for more HP that aren't meant for on street use(N20, high stall torque converter, Heads and Cam package, etc etc all for racing only)   It is not illegal for me to modify my car, its mine, and I can do with it as I wish as long as I follow all the rules for not driving it except on closed courses, which are not regulated.  I can tell anyone I want how to do the same thing, i can post it on the internet, I can actively seek more people to tell about how to do it.  It's no concern or liability of mine what people do with that information.   Yes, people will use it to modify street cars and break the law.  That's not my fault.   However, the State (PSN) can tell me I cannot legally drive on their roads (banned from PSN).  The car company (Sony) can tell me they wont do warranty service on the car, and wash their hands of any liability or injury from using modified vehicles in an unsafe manner.  They cannot, however, tell me not to modify my car.  They cannot keep me from telling other people how to do the same thing.  And simply having a modified car does not make me a criminal.   I could easily speed, drive crazy, or simply be driving the car without proper emission controls, all of which are illegal, but I don't.  Having a modified car makes it easier to break the law by driving recklessly.    Piracy is illegal.  Modding your console that you own for any purpose is not, even if it makes breaking the law easier (or in this case possible).  So long as you're not breaking the law (IE Pirating software) you're not doing anything wrong.  Maybe someone likes to tinker with shit and wants to make a super wicked home media player, Or wants to play around with homebrew applications, or what have you.  Im sure a very large portion of the smartphone community has jail-broken/rooted phones.  This is really no different.  Its your hardware, no one can tell you how to use it, but they can tell you you can't use a modified system on their network.   "
This is how I feel. I'll be surprised if Sony wins the court case. I'm all for them keeping hacked consoles off of PSN, but they can't prevent people from modding their consoles. It's just like jailbraking your phone, which is legal. It doesn't mean the company you bought it from still has to support your warranty or device service or whatever, but it's legal.
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Edited By doejonathan
@Renahzor: While it's true you may own the hardware you purchased, you do not own the code running inside it. I'm not a law student (and I would really like to hear someone who is on this matter), I believe you're merely licensed to use it. Again, not a law student here, but in my understanding, sabotaging a corporation is illegal. When you release information legally owned by a corporation with the intend to harm it's business operations you might end up getting indicted. And as far as I can tell, that's Sony's problem: proving Geohot's intent was to deliberately disclose industrial secrets to sabotage the corporation. 
Just for shits and giggles, to put a different perspective on the legal matter, let's say hypothetically, Geohot was on Microsoft's payroll. That would make for a pretty spectacular story, but it would also shift people's opinion quite a bit on this subject I think.   
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Edited By tourgen
@alternate said:
" @Elusionar said:
" The PC games market died cuz of piracy. Lets not kill the console market too.   "
The 360 and wii have been hacked almost since launch.  I am not advocating piracy but it hasn't killed those two consoles.  I think piracy damaged the PC and PSP - but it was also like, not releasing good games. "
I don't think it did much damage to the PC market, that's just a line publishers and corps. are pushing hard to rationalize selling games at a markup on a locked down piece of hardware.  PC games are doing great.  Despite console manufacturers and publisher lies.
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Edited By LiquidSwords
@guypussy said:
" @LiquidSwords: How rich. A guy from one phylum of dweebdom condescending a guy from another. Like you're a regular feature in your hometown's society pages, yeah? "
Look who just found out how to use big words
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Edited By ahriman22
@LiquidPrince: They're definitely smarter than we are.
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Edited By Xeridae

I think that for Sony this is more a point of pride. They thought their system was hack proof. They learned that nothing is. Like others have said, the PC gaming industry is booming and it's way more vulnerable to piracy than consoles.

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Edited By Advertisement
@LiquidSwords: Lulz
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Edited By SpicyRichter
@Afroman269 said:
" @SpicyRichter said:
" @outerabiz said:
" @Elusionar said:

" The PC games market died cuz of piracy. Lets not kill the console market too.   "


Despite the millions of console players who would vehemently proclaim that PC gaming is dead, the numbers just don’t support that conclusion. The analyst firm Forecasting and Analyzing Digital Entertainment estimated Steam’s sales for 2010, which they claim for the first time almost topped $1B.

The grand total ended up being $970M with $230M in sales in December alone. These numbers are impressive, but it should be noted that it neither counts other portals of digital distribution for games (though Steam does have about 70% of that market) nor brick and mortar sales of games, meaning that the PC market is even bigger still.
from     forbes web "
I'm soooo happy that the PS3 has been cracked. Now maybe piracy will kill the console market, and PC gaming can return to a new golden age!   It's about that time in the consoles life cycle where even simple business machines can meet or exceed the graphical quality of most consoles. OUR TIME IS NOW!!! bwahaahaaha!! "
Sure, let's have piracy prosper everywhere so developers can go back to the one platform where piracy is the easiest to accomplish. I hope you're being sarcastic because that is some fucking retarded reasoning right there. "
Bob Ross, you done got trolled, son!
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Edited By beach
@S0ndor: @S0ndor said:
" @Underachiever007 said:
" @Arker101 said:
" @MooseyMcMan said:
" @benpicko said:
" @Alpha1 said:
" Dont hack it's naughty!! "
Yes "
Indeed! "
For reals!! "
Absolutely. "
Word. "
Most def
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Edited By lordofultima
@Xeridae said:
" I think that for Sony this is more a point of pride. They thought their system was hack proof. They learned that nothing is. Like others have said, the PC gaming industry is booming and it's way more vulnerable to piracy than consoles. "
I wouldn't really call the PC game industry "booming." Maybe the Blizzard market is booming, but that's about all.
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Edited By BasketSnake

Damn you hackers!!

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Edited By Xeridae
@lordofultima said:

" @Xeridae said:

" I think that for Sony this is more a point of pride. They thought their system was hack proof. They learned that nothing is. Like others have said, the PC gaming industry is booming and it's way more vulnerable to piracy than consoles. "
I wouldn't really call the PC game industry "booming." Maybe the Blizzard market is booming, but that's about all. "
Yeah, maybe not booming but definitely healthy. I've read that Black Ops sold 200k units on PC in the first day. I guess my point is that hackers don't affect game sales enough for it to matter.
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This wouldn't be such a hot topic if GeoHot wasn't such an attention whore.

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Edited By elephantjewls


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Edited By G24S

The hackers could as easy have some kind of stealth-thing to avoid being banned...

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Edited By shinali

This stance is completely understandable and it's something Sony probably should do in this situation. I'm all for having complete access to my own hardware, and while I would like to mess with my PS3 and play my games online, PSN belongs to Sony and they can do what they want with it. 
However, everything else they're doing is sickening, even more so with some of the regular consumers supporting their actions. As much as I dislike Geohot for taking credit much of fail overfl0w's work, him losing the case would mean decreased rights for all consumers. You're not renting the hardware, you're owning it. It should not matter what it was created for, if someone wants to do something else with it, it should be well within their right to do so. 
Piracy is a terrible thing and if there was a way to avoid it as well as having complete access to the system, I would gladly follow it. Regardless, I will always take the side of the consumer to do what they want with the hardware. I deplore the hacking scene for the 360 as there were only one exploit to gain access to the system and it's been closed quite quickly. The only "hack" they have is forcing the DVD firmware to recognize burned discs as official; this has no capacity for running software developed by homebrew developers. I absolutely do not support this scene and will not until there is unrestricted access to the system.

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Edited By Loopah

Just say no?

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Edited By Raikoh_oni

PS3 rife with hackers good luck Sony, good luck
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Edited By ch13696

I don't think Sony is really understanding what the modders are trying to do with their console. Yeah theirs cheaters on the online games, but that's why we have server admins to take care of that problem. So, I don't see a serious issue with using a CFW. I say everyone should do it. Throw on that CFW, backup those legit games, and play the hell out of that SNES or arcade emulator. HACKERS 4 LIFE SON (I've always wanted to say that =p)

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@Beach said:
" @S0ndor: @S0ndor said:
" @Underachiever007 said:
" @Arker101 said:
" @MooseyMcMan said:
" @benpicko said:
" @Alpha1 said:
" Dont hack it's naughty!! "
Yes "
Indeed! "
For reals!! "
Absolutely. "
Word. "
Most def "
no doubt about it senor chang
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Edited By Diachron

If Sony wants to take a hard line on this (and it needs to), then it needs to stop pussyfooting with warnings and start banning.

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Edited By Cubical

I find it hilarious

I told you sony if you took out Linux you would just piss hackers off and they would pown all your security   with ease since it sucked to start with and you underestimated hackers on the very first day you took linux out.

Lets use the same “Random” key for all apps on the ps3.. 

Nice job sony they did not try that hard to get deep into the ps3 and hypervisior until you took away linux, you should have just left it alone the more    of a loser  and obvious athoryity figure telling the world how to use stuff we buy that your company is the bigger target you are and they just want to pown your restrictions more.

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Edited By LordAssinhiemr
@Renahzor said:
"However, the State (PSN) can tell me I cannot legally drive on their roads (banned from PSN).  The car company (Sony) can tell me they wont do warranty service on the car, and wash their hands of any liability or injury from using modified vehicles in an unsafe manner.  They cannot, however, tell me not to modify my car. "
That is all.
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Edited By harinosho

doesn't hacked PS3's give people more incentive to buy a PS3 now? meaning more sales to SONY..

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Edited By Xaviersx

Hack the PS3 if you own it and want to, just stay off Sony's network. . . . Sony's.  If you paid for it, do with it as you please, you can even burn it.  This just clearly define the same ole lines Sony's always had with mods and hacks.
Now, on the resale side, please  don't sell your hacked box to someone who doesn't want to buy something that'll get them banned and/or just something that without their knowledge is by Sony's definition defective and/or immediately bannable.

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Edited By Example1013

I don't mind homebrew code, and I don't mind hacked consoles. I also don't mind the release of this. 
What I do mind is that the hacker released this to the public purely out of spite, allowing hackers to get online and fuck up some cool games. This could've easily been settled by the hacker (not using his name, he's an attention whore and it gets said enough) and Sony getting together and figuring out how to keep people offline, and then the release of the info for anyone who wants to kill their online access and warranty. 
All the hacker has gotten is a few weeks of chaos on PSN and maybe 6 months' worth of attention. By this time next year I have no doubt that the issue will be solved, the homebrewers will have their offline-only hacked PS3s, and online games will return to safety and stability. And the hacker will disappear, after his 15 minutes of fame, just like the WikiLeaks guy largely has by now (again, attention whore, not saying his name).